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Everything posted by DeLorean

  1. heading into chat for a bit if anyone's as bored as i am :P

    1. Random Terrain

      Random Terrain

      It would be a waste of time. We're all so chubby, we couldn't get our fat fingers to type fast enough in the chat room. And we wouldn't have much to say anyway (unless we Googled it). :P

    2. the.golden.ax


      thumbs up for RT


      signed the fat ass AX

    3. Atari Joe

      Atari Joe

      who are you calling a FAT ASS?

  2. I live! I just hardly have time for anything but school and work lately, what with college graduation in March.

    1. Epyx_Fail


      Longboarding is the stuff. Fastest I've gone is just above 40mph. It was nuts.

  3. Thought I'd post this: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 180559118747
  4. Hey guys. We've recently launched a new YouTube channel called Devious Television that features classic gaming reviews - along with deviously creative cartoons & digital shorts. http://www.youtube.com/DeviousTelevision There's usually a nice little history lesson in the videos, too. I think you'll enjoy them! Some of the very best include: HALO 2600 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfKbR8uVwts ATARI VIDEO SYSTEM X http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0QGMmel1Bg NINTENDO, SUMMER & JOHNNY UNITAS A short film about the NES Toaster vs Top Loader, and all that makes summer great! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjrqvlRgKmU Also, Atari Joe is featured on the channel, so expect to see more of him soon. The channel is new and growing, but I'm really happy with the production quality and how the videos are turning out. Thanks guys. More to come soon! -DeLorean
  5. Meow? What did I do?

  6. I didn't think to put it because he reviews something in every video. Looking back on it though, you're probably right. I should have been more specific.
  7. This video has got to be on of the the most entertaining ones we've come up with. It's definitely my favorite so far. You guys should have have a look-see here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfKbR8uVwts&playnext=1&videos=I5F-ox0Oiv4&feature=sub And don't forget to check out my channel, too. You might as well, since you're going to be on YouTube watching this video as it is (shameless self promotion) http://www.youtube.com/delosilho P.S. Don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe to both channels. Thanks!
  8. Hey guys. We have a great new video up about the Atari Video System X. There's a nice little history lesson in the video, too. I think you'll enjoy it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0QGMmel1Bg -DeLorean
  9. I feel as though the point of the video was completely lost on most of the people participating in this thread, so let me just address a few points before I mention anything else: 1. Trolls be trollin'. Whether your American, North American, European, English, British, Elvish, Orcish, Tallish, Shortish, etc., has absolutely zero to do with what what that person was trying to say. If we're all going to start getting upset about about what sort of "ish" or "can" they are, then I'd be angry all day every day when I get mistaken for a white girl. Honestly, I'm not about to sit down with everyone who trips out about hearing me speak Spanish for the first time and explain my entire genealogy to them, or expect them to refer to me as a Hispanic-American. The bulk of the comments to this post are about how many kinds of races and countries there are. I mean no disrespect by what I've just said, I just think that everyone needs to lighten up a bit and not expect everyone to know exactly what to call other people from other parts of the world that they have probably never been to, and probably never will visit. If I was Chinese, and someone called me Japanese, that's one thing. You can get a little irritated by that. But if they call you Asian, just take it at face value and move on. 2. Whether the NES was a big deal in some countries and not so big of a deal in other countries is also besides the point. The people who participated in, and created, this video are from the United States. If the video doesn't apply to how things went down in your part of the world, it wasn't because anyone was trying to offend anyone. It was because this is what the people who made this video saw when they were growing up. In the U.S., the NES was a huuuuge deal when it came out. 3. If you would have actually taken the time to watch the entire video, you would have known that the whole thing wasn't meant to be about the NES. From what I gathered out of watching it was that it was about summer time. That's what the random picture montage was all about. The person who created this video is obviously reminded of Summer when they think of the NES, and decide to make a video about it. 4. If I came across as bitchy at any time in this post, I just had a long day at work, and my boss is about as close to being a Nazi as it gets (unless you know an actual Nazi, in which case, my boss is a pretty close runner-up). I'm not trying to come across as angry or irritated, but maaan, this job is killing me .
  10. Hey guys. We just created a great new video and I wanted to post it to share with everyone. This is a review of the Nintendo NES Top Loader vs Original oldschool "Toaster" model. This is also a short film about what makes summer so great :] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjrqvlRgKmU We had a lot of fun making this film. It should give you a good taste of what you can expect from us in terms of videos, podcasts, etc. but with Atari-related content. You'll also see me in this this video. Hope you enjoy! Ciao :] DeLorean PS - WARNING: This film contains lots of old games, general cheesiness, and as much summertime as could be crammed into 10 minutes or less. This is all in good fun, so don't take this too seriously. Enjoy! . . . . . . . . . . Anyway thanks again DeLorean I really appreciate it. Hope you are having a great weekend!
  11. You mean 2014, right? hahaha, at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised. Blizzard's notorious for it's release date push-backs.
  12. The reason why I even started playing WoW was to have something to do between Diablos lol. I really hate that there are only four classes for D3. D2 Expansion set had to be the best one.
  13. Atari is owned by a French company now. This video should be of service to you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCHOrpgghX8
  14. I know! I've seen so many videos of North Cali and all their gorgeous hills.

  15. My favorite emulator has to be my Zelda: Ocarina of Time emulator on my laptop. When I was younger, this game was like crack to me. It's so nice to be able to go back to it, whenever I want, and save Hyrule all over again. Also, Ocarina of Time has to be the best Zelda game, at least to me. Major's Mask was also very good.
  16. My dad brought it home one day, and that was pretty much the end of it. I never put that thing down. The games were simple, but completely addictive. I really miss my Jaguar, now that I'm thinking about it.
  17. I guess the internet just gets lucky sometimes :P

    I made a post in the introductions forum if you feel like checking that out. Since you were my first comment, it only seems right to let you know there's more to read :P

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