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Hydro Thunder

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Everything posted by Hydro Thunder

  1. Notable Birthday missed (just like the actual original date ba dum bum!), 5/11/95 was the US Sur prize launch of the Saturn. I got mine that day because I was not aware of the comeuppance of credit card debt Got the VF pack in launch model of course, and Panzer Dragoon. Just loved it, still do. Going to Saturn it up a bit this weekend in celebration of one of the less well heralded great consoles. Thinking...Die Hard Arcade, NightWarriors, Virtua Cop (though my 13" tv doesn't do it justice, at least it's CRT!), Guardian Heroes.
  2. Bump for added items, removed A1up Atari cab sold. Probably add more soon (5200 Retro GameBoyz controllers, A couple of SNES CIB games, who knows what else lol)
  3. Here you go! I wouldn't call the box "relatively mint" by a stretch, but here's the pics. Thanks for asking! Edit: Sold, pics removed
  4. Bump for added 5200 & 2600 CIB systems. Also going to add pics soon for the extra 5200 controller from RetroGameBoyz, and probably add some items like a PS1 Classic TrueBlue Mini Fighter Pack stick...and probably a 7800 Pro Arcade Stick, possibly an Arcade 1up Tron machine, and whatever else I feel it's time to sell
  5. Egads I love Kingdom Rush.  So, so, so much.

  6. Had a surprisingly engaging experience playing the original Halo on the original Xbox last night.  Roped me in for a few hours - still incredible fun.  Such perfect music, controls, dramatics.

  7. This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace.

    1. GoldLeader


      Sometimes I wonder,  if Adventure Time has a higher viewership in states where it's legal.   (heh, ...  higher)

  8. Pointless mental gymnastics... Which is truly better, Streets of Rage 4 or Streets of Rage Remake?  Leaning towards SoRR...but not by much :)  Also recommend against playing a bunch of one, then the other...since SoR4 changed up the button layout to fit new style controllers, vs the old Genesis 6-button arcade pad.

  9. Is it seriously that easy? Not sure why I thought some soldering was involved, must have been thinking about other mods.
  10. Intrigued by this too...seems a lot easier than getting a Fenrir installed. Let us know how it goes!
  11. The recent TMNT Shredder Streets of Rage 2 Genesis hack is INSANE.  Just imagining how our faces would have looked to see a Genesis running animation like this back in the day.  I'm not even a huge TMNT guy, but this is just amazing work.

  12. I know it's almost ten years old now...but Double Dragon Neon is just one of the best brawlers ever made.  It's funny, has great enemies, stages, combat... Clearly a labor of love and full of humor and great action.  And with a killer ending, just terrific.  Oh, and how many brawlers are 3 plus hours long to beat?? Class of its own in that way.


    1. masschamber


      uh, it's over 10 years now, but the rest holds true

    2. wongojack


      All of that is probably true, but I actually found myself thinking that it seemed to bring the Double Dragon gameplay slightly forward while adding in an almost toxic preservation of the worst elements of 80s culture.  Turned it up to "Neon" with runaway sexist stereotypes and problems solved with violence.  I mean, it IS a videogame, so I wasn't expecting anything else, but it just sorta hit me across the face in a weird way, and I didn't want to play it anymore.


      Still, I have it on my list to play later.  Maybe my timing was wrong or something.

    3. Hydro Thunder

      Hydro Thunder

      It's hard to argue against the "worst elements of 80s culture" comments, really.  But it seems to take everything that it does very lightly, at least?  Like, the opening part with the violent attack on Marian is clearly a throwback to the original game.  Which is laughably (??), horrifically sexist and violent.  Like a lot of "street fightin'" movies and such from the time.  And agreed, nearly all brawlers / beat 'em ups are exactly this, solve everything with a roundhouse kick.  But yes, it's a video game - what fun would it be to instead simulate instituting policies that reduce poverty and crime through rehabilitation, funding, education and the like?  

      I guess I didn't note a whole ton of sexism that wasn't already in the original games or common in other brawlers.  And the ending is truly epic (and gives some redemption to Marian, heh heh heh).  I'd say give it a shot due to the humor, stages, and combat mechanics.  And if it slaps you in the face in the ways you mention, let it go.

  13. Final Vendetta is $12.49 now on Switch and Steam, I believe through the end of February. I really enjoy this one - it's not Streets of Rage 4, but then what is? It's got a neat art style, excellent combat mechanics and AI, incredible soundtrack. It's a bit short (half hour or so, only 6 stages), and there are only 3 playable characters. But again, it's a nice brawler diversion that I am really enjoying.
  14. Just want to say how crazy I am for the newest iiRcade release, both because the game is INCREDIBLE, And because it's FREE! Such a great treat for all of us!! If you have an iiRcade, GET THIS. Then thank the developer: https://ko-fi.com/satryn If you have Steam but not an iiRcade, it's like $4 to buy the Deluxe version of the game. You won't regret it, it's intense! Happy day!
  15. Before going the Dell route, might want to look here: https://arcademodup.com/product/arcade1up-19-monitor-upgrade/ It's $190, but looks like an easy swap. All depends on what it's worth to you I guess. And what you paid for the Dell
  16. I just have the feeling that the grand idea in this company buying the Atari property was an interest in selling the name on scarcely functional pieces of plastic to collectors for a bazillion times the cost to manufacture. I'm surprised this one is limited to 100...why not 10,000 while you're making such a massive profit?
  17. Any word on the future direction for A1up? I'm seeing speculation online from the usual YTers... I think the main concern is the downgrade in monitor quality from the BOE ones that were generally getting favorable reactions to the "TN" type which was on....the Centipede, MK1 legacy and possibly others? And the TN type was like a 5:4 instead of 4:3? Anyway, I obviously don't have all my facts together so just asking...is this straightened out? And will they come out with more using Happ controls like on the KI Pro? And if so, what games? I recently grabbed the X-Men cab on sale for $500. Somewhat ridiculously, I got it for the least recognized game on there, Avengers in Galactic Storm, a person Mame favorite and guilty pleasure. I also like Captain America and X-Men. But moreover, I LOVE the bright colors, stick and button colors, and cab art along with the molded coin door, very cool. Just wish the coin doors had the led backlight to them. But it has gotten a LOT of play from me already; the controls while not top shelf are better than acceptable, I am finding. Not too much trouble pulling off Dragon Punch / Fireball moves in Avengers GS. And the buttons feel much improved vs the buttons I tried on a Golden Axe cab or the Atari Tempest legacy cab (but maybe they're the same brand so I'm insane?).
  18. I like the lit Coin doors, as well as the black trim, quite a bit. But not worth buying a new one & selling my original version. Good upgrades, for sure. Their biggest home run so far (the original), good plan to not change it up too much for the re-release.
  19. Kind of a "necrobump" of sorts...but iiRcade is alive and well. I got one around a year ago and just love it. It's a solid entry; I got the Dragon's Lair one with the Sanwa controls. Steady stream of games have arrived, perhaps nothing earthshaking but still a really great library to pick from. They're now released newer "Gold" Cabinets with Bat Top sticks, new art, lit marquees, and a more US style look to them, along with better speakers and most importantly a USB port for light guns and trackball hookups. Personally I love my older version, just like the look better without an "overhang", but that's personal choice. Anyway, just kind of wanted to bump the topic a bit as an owner and fan. I'm a member of several FB communities that talk iiRcade, but I hate FB so...ya know. Trying to get some activity here Currently playing the newest "big" release, Ninja Baseball Bat Man. Also enjoying the unholy hell out of Cabal, Elevator Action, Time Killers, 10 Yard Fight, Congo Bongo, Mayhem Brawler, and Galactic Champions TV.
  20. Glad I'm not the only one completely out of his mind, paying to have a fiftieth version of some games.
  21. Ahh yes. That one's rough on me since I got the Xb1 with Rare Replay...but it doesn't count for GoldenEye unless you have the digital version. They're...being weird about it, that's for sure. But in any case... I just had a VERY unproductive afternoon as I played GoldenEye. Some graphics glitches, occasional framerate dips but you know....doesn't matter. So much fun. Music is a KILLER in this one. Just love it. Holds up to the test of time well. If you're as entertained as I am with the blocky people and faces
  22. Decision ended up being an easy one, GamePass is the only way to get it on Xbox. And since GamePass has several others I really want to try right now (AoE II foremost), worth my $10 for a couple of months. Switch Online seems ok if you want some Genesis, SNES, N64 stuff on there. Probably worth what comes out to be around $4.42/month including tax
  23. Time I think to revive this topic... Anyone aside from me considering the Expansion Pack to play GoldenEye? I was never a big N64 guy so I've not paid for Online as of yet in any way shape or form. But...for GoldenEye, StarFox...IDK. Or do I just buy GoldenEye on Xbox One? IDK
  24. Agree wholeheartedly! This plus a Midway compilation would be amazing. Oh, and a Sega would be great too.
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