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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. I tested it on my 1200xl, they work as you described.
  2. Yes, works for me too! I would have tried a Side 2 cart but it doesn't fit into my 1200xl without jamming it in.
  3. Are all versions of Zybex stereo? I have Lotharek's simple stereo board and I use Yoomp! to test it. Zybex only plays from one speaker for me.
  4. I have two CF cards with very similar software on them; loaded with xex files; both FAT32. Both work with the side loader in Incognito v1.0.8. Neither work in U1MB side loader 1.08. They both work in U1MB side loader 1.05
  5. If it's helpful 1.05 doesn't have this problem. I don't have any in between versions handy
  6. I have the exact same problem. The SIDE loader on incognito works fine, but not on the SIDE / SIDE2 carts. My directories are full of .xex files. Frank
  7. If you have any left unpaid for I would take one. Frank
  8. uflash did it all with no problems! - 2 U1MB 2 SIDE 1 1 SIDE 2 1 Incognito 1 IDE+ 1 MyIDE
  9. Here is what they look like for me:
  10. Is there a screen shot of other atari's running this?
  11. That's it. I knew I had seen that before.
  12. I have run the DAC demo but it doesn't always show enough to understand the blending of colors. I am using a GBS-8220 upscaler that allows the adjustment of R G B. Three little pots that let me tweak it. Using white is most helpful. Frank
  13. Is there a good program to display a test pattern or something to adjust RGB for the VBXE? Frank
  14. They made the slots so that 35 years later we could plug an Incognito board in there ..
  15. Did you follow this up in another thread? is it in the latest BIOS?
  16. Put me on the list please. Thank you
  17. Mine doesn't do that. 1200 XL, (no rapidus) U1MB+SimpleStereo+VBXE 2.1 VBXE core: FX 1.26a
  18. I have the same board in my 1200xl, with U1MB as well. The problem I have is that the keyclick sounds through the stereo output come and go. After booting up they are fine, then at some point, even in the middle of typing a command, they just stop. Everything else continues working fine. Stereo sounds in Yoomp work correctly. Just no docks. Anyone know how the key clicks are handled?
  19. https://www.ebay.com/itm/301984659278 This works in XL series as well and it looks great.
  20. If you get a Frameister let me know which one and how it works. I have spent enough on other attempts and monitors that supposedly would work but don't.
  21. Shortly after going off to college in 85 my Atari was left for UNIX.
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