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Everything posted by killersquirel

  1. The helicopter boss is tough, and it took me awhile to figure it out. The key is that when the helicopter shoots the missiles at you (not the machine gun) you use slow-mo and punch the missiles back at the helicopter. That does good damage to it. Also punch the nose of the helicopter. -mike
  2. I like the first face that you did better. I like the eyes better in the original. That's just my opinion. -mike
  3. I like the atari man. I think it's animated well and you can tell what it is. My vote is for the man and not a fan. -mike
  4. While I agree that Katamari Damacy is a really, really fun game. I think that the flaws with the camera hold it back from being a fantastic game. I think that the game that deserves game of the year (imo) is Alien Hominid. The game is simply brillant in both execution, design, graphics, humour, and fun factor. Everything works amazingly in that game. -mike
  5. I never said the treamcast was portable, or somehow saying that yours is not. Yours looks really cool in fact. I was just answering the question about the treamcast being available. No disrespect intended. -mike
  6. The treamcast was released. You can buy them here: http://www.success-hk.com/ They are temporarily out of stock, but they might get them back soon. -mike
  7. These are being sold exclusively through QVC until next year, so the only way to get one now is to order one through QVC. -mike P.S. The unit is well worth owning one!!
  8. Baby Pacman would rock, but that gamne was created by midway and not namco. Although Ms. Pacman was also created by midway, so anythings possible. -mike
  9. Hey, I picked up alien hominid for the gamecube and I have to pass along this info to others. This game is a must get. It plays like metal slug and contra. It has a great style in graphics, really fun minigames, a level editor (for the minigames). Great multiplayer action, a great sense of humour, cool music, lots of great techniques to use and learn. This game simply rocks! -mike
  10. Splatform is one of the hidden games that is on the c64dtv. It is a hard version of the game, but it is definetly a great addition to an all ready great collection of games! -mike
  11. The wiggle technique adds a lot of cool games that are uncovered. Was the Splatform game for the 2600 inspired by any other game? The mini rpg game is a lot of fun, although I was wondering around for a long time trying to find that last cave before I died. Oh well, there's always next time! -mike
  12. For those of you that like the idea of hacking the c64dtv here is a website with pictures. http://www.jbrain.com/vicug/gallery/c64dtv I tried various button combos. but so far I am unsuccessful in booting to the basic screen. I did find that if you hold the left joystick button when you are booting up the joystick that it skip the 2 splash screens and load much faster to the game selection screen. -mike
  13. I was just on the commodore usenet (comp.sys.cbm) and read that there is also a keyboard overlay, so when you boot into basic you can input your programs via the keyboard overlay using the joystick. Apparently it is not hard to find the button combination to boot into basic according to somebody on the usenet. I'm going to attempt to try different button combinations and see if I can find it. I also heard that there are several easter eggs included with the device. -mike
  14. Like Manual said, the joystick also has 5 extra buttons (the right joystick button and four buttons on the bottom of the stick labeled A - D, along with a reset button). Gateway to Apshai plays very well with the added function keys. The unit is a c64 on a chip and one of the coolest things about this, is that Jeri Ellsworth the engineer of the joystick (also the developer of the c-one) has added the ability to hack the joystick to add a keyboard and a diskdrive. There is a secret button combination (not sure what it is yet) that allows you to boot into basic, so this is a new commodore 64 that can play additional games. This unit is by far the best of the all in one joysticks (this is a great statement as the paddle controllers that Jakks put out are phenominal). The games that are included on this cover a wide selection of genres and for the games that I have played all ready all play great. I really recommend this to everyone. -mike
  15. I got mine today! This unit is unbelievable. I am so happy to play these games again (and some for the first time). If you didn't get one, I would recommend it! -mike
  16. What ever happened to Bob Colbert? -mike
  17. Your out of luck. Target doesn't let anyone get there money back. They are like a dictatorship that way. -mike
  18. I used to love playing that game in the arcades. I play it on mame a lot. The 5200 version isn't bad, but I still dig the arcade game. -mike
  19. The origin of the term "black friday" came from the time when a business would sell alot of product on the day after thanksgiving and will help the business get out of the "red" (loss of profit) and into the "black" (making profit). -mike P.S. I hope I described this well
  20. I think that the link just means that they are releasing an msx computer device next spring and not a colecovision product. This is GREAT news and I'm super excited about this. -mike
  21. Hey, I just wanted to post that my xgamestation arrived today, and I'm very pleased with the quality of this unit. I played the tetris, pac-man, ms-pacman(hack), pong, and raytracer demo so far. Pacman plays a fast version of the game that shows a lot of promise for future games. The Ms. Pacman game is a hack of pacman demo that changed the maze color from blue to red and has a little bow in the pac-man. Tetris is dead on, and plays some good music while playing the game. The A.I. in pong is pretty good and it is a one or two player game. The title screen is really cool for that program. The Raytracer demo is amazing, this is a fully 3-d demo that allows you to wander about through the 3d level of the game. I can't wait for someone to make a full game out of this demo. This is a very, very cool system that has a lot of promise. In case people don't know about this, here is their website www.xgamestation.com I know this might sound like an ad for them, but I'm not affiliated with nurve or the xgamestation. -mike
  22. Is there any updates to Knightmare for the colecovision? Would a conversion of either metal gear or metal gear 2 be possible for the colecovision? -mike
  23. Just out of curiousity, what views do you not like. I have only played the original metal gear on the nes and the original metal gear 2 on the msx. -mike P.S. This is not flame bait, I'm just curious.
  24. Magical Tree ROCKS!!! Is this a straight msx port, or has there been any improvements? -mike
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