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Everything posted by killersquirel

  1. Are these ethernec cards still available? If so, where can I get one. -mike
  2. Have I missed something? Is hangly-man available for the 5200? -mike
  3. Are there any homebrews for the 5200 currently being worked on? I know adventure 2 is still going strong, but how about any others? -mike
  4. Thanks Bryan, I'm going to give it a go. I have been thinking of getting this for awhile. -mike P.S. It doesn't appear to have a page at all in the 5200 section of the store at all anymore. Albert, say it isn't so.
  5. Thanks everybody! When I first tried the cc2, both commando and ball blazer sounded horrible. I started to worry, and then thought it was a bad chip. I tried again to reinsert the pokey chip and pushed it more firmly into place. I then tried a second time and both games sound perfect. I then assembled my cc2 and put the label on the cart (finally!), and so now I have a complete cc2! All I can say is "WooHoo!". Thanks, Mike
  6. I did read the manual when I first got it (I was one of the beta testers). I just found the information in the manual. Thanks Mitch for pointing me in that direction, as I didn't even think to look there. -mike
  7. I just recently purchased a pokey chip and was wondering how to properly put this chip into the cc2. What is the right direction of the chip? Thanks, mike
  8. Am I going crazy or ? I just went to the atariage store and castle crisis is no longer available for the 5200. Was it my imagination that it was there in the first place or was it taken down? Is the atari 8-bit version going to be pulled down also? Also, is the rom for the 5200 going to be publically released? -mike
  9. Yes, please remind me next week after I return from the OKGE. ..Al This is a reminder to add the ROM to the description. -mike
  10. I think this is a great idea. I would like to see what becomes of it. There is a similar product that was just released called the xgamestation. Their website is: http://www.xgamestation.com/ I ordered one, but mine has not yet arrived. I will write a review of the product when it comes. -mike
  11. You are saying "fine something wrong here" instead of "find something wrong here" -mike
  12. I see that nobody else pointed this out. 12pm is noon and not midnight. So if you are home at noon you can watch it. You can tell because it's 12pm et and 9am pt. -mike
  13. I love the idea of the exidy gun. That would be great, but add hit 'n miss to that list and it would be a hands down winner. -mike
  14. No, the XGS is not selling with a case. The system is meant to understand how the hardware works and is left open for modifications. -mike
  15. I actually ordered one. I'm not much of a programmer though, but I am intrigued at this system. I think it's a cool concept, sure there is the 2600 to program on and you have better, stronger systems to program but this is a new piece of hardware to have fun with. The community is small now (and may remain small), but there seams to be some good interest brewing for this. This one person is starting a website kind of like the old computer magazines that will have program listings and tutorials on it. I think that's a great idea and I would like to see something like that for the 2600, colecovision, etc. -mike
  16. I don't think all of the games are the nes on a chip technology. I have the paddle games one and I'm pretty sure that that is emulated not on nes hardware. I also have the taito space invaders legends one, but I'm not sure what hardware that is running on. It's possible that it's nes but I don't think so/ -mike
  17. I think it would be really cool if these joystick offered the option to get another joystick/ paddle/ trackball to plug into the unit for multiplayer madness. I think that alot of these games shine as multiplayer contests. Maybe somebody from Jakks Pacific reads these forums? -mike
  18. With the recent popularity of the TV Games systems (self contained games in a joystick) recently. I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts as to what kind of model they would like to see in the future. Personally, I would love to see a track-ball edition. I would like it to have the option to plug 3 additional trackballs into the unit for some great multiplayer madness. I would love it to have the old atari arcade games football, basketball, soccer, and baseball for all the sports fans and possibly have some newer titles like quantum, marble madness 1 & 2, and rampart. I'm sure I'm missing some great games, so feel free to add your own trackball games to this list. -mike
  19. It might be because I just woke up, but what is the MA2? -mike
  20. Hey, I posted about this last year and the unit is now available for purchase. It is called the xgamestation and is basically a hacker system that teaches the user how hardware and software work. The unit looks interesting and I heard that they will be displaying it at the cge. I just placed my order for one of these. Here is the url. http://www.xgamestation.com/ -mike
  21. They also had the tetris and the genesis package at the Wal-mart. The tetris looked better than I thought it would be. I will probably get that sometime in the future. I heard that they are coming out with a frogger package. I would assume that this is Arcade Legends: Frogger, but I don't know what games are on it yet. -mike
  22. I picked this up at Wal-mart for $25. The casing is good quality and the joystick feels good. Phoenix has the joystick to move left and right and button a for fire and button b for shields. Button a and b are on both sides of the stick for righties and lefties. -mike
  23. I just picked up the Arcade Legends:Space Invaders package by radica. I have to say that this is a nice package with a couple of small problems that keep it back from being an unbelievable product. The games are all great versions of the classics that they are based on. These are not emulated although the graphics are really, really close. The games on this package are Spcae Invaders, Lunar Rescue, Colony 7, Phoenix, and Qix. My biggest problem with this is that when you end a game it will automatically boot you back to the menu screen. A friend and myself were playing qix and after every game we would have to wait a couple fo seconds for the menu to pop up and then select qix again and wait another second for the game to start. This isn't that big of a deal, but it is still annoying. There is even a menu button that will allow you to back out of the game while midgame to get to the menu. I just would have liked it better if after you finish a game that it would go into an attract mode for that game. Phoenix is a little easier than the actual game. Qix is a little harder than the arcade. Space Invaders is all right, as is Lunar Rescue. Colony 7 is a blast to play. Overall I'm happy with my purchase, but after playing the excellent paddle tv games package I have become a little spoiled in wanting these games to be spot on. I would also love to see some kind of high score save in future packages. Whether it be a built in memory card or a little watch battery that would give the unit enough power to keep the scores in memory, I think that would be a most welcome feature. -mike
  24. That is great. I think the voice really adds alot to the game. I can't wait to get one of these!! -mike
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