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Everything posted by VicViper

  1. Wait am I dumb? Do I need more than 128K RAM?
  2. Trying to get this running on my COCOSDC, but I'm getting a blank screen. I put the joust.dsk file on the SD, then DIR- to list, shows the file, then DRIVE 0,"JOUST" OK LOAD "JOUST" OK but then EXEC gives me ?FC ERROR So I try RUN, that goes to a black screen, then eventually a garbled pattern of blinking graphics?
  3. 9 pin as though it where compatible with sega or atari.
  4. Any one ever seen a joystick like this? It's analog, with a 9 pin connector.
  5. Sadly he prefers to deal within Europe, understandably.
  6. Thanks this really clears things up, I'll wait for the newer version from Vintage Computer Center.
  7. is there a preferred seller in the community? I've decided to finally take the plunge and start messing around with a net connection for my 800XL.
  8. Yeah, seems like the slow way is the best way. Just ordered some key pullers. Thanks.
  9. Just picked up a couple of dirty 800XLs, I've always cleaned the dust and grime between the keys with a toothbrush, or Q tips. Any one have any special tips or tools they use?
  10. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Texas-Instruments-TI-99-4A-Games-Munch-Man-Car-Wars-Blasto-Wumpus-Lot-/265254938743?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 Some nice manuals in this lot
  11. I've got a puzzle thing, sealed. Gimme a minute I'll post a pic.
  12. Sent an inquiry about 8 Bit Atari carts.
  13. But look what you've done you monster, now I'm spending hundreds on another computer? ..... but thanks again ofcourse.
  14. Dang guess I'm putting more work in, is there a kit? I imagine it involves some soldering.
  15. Here is the computer in question. I've ordered a COCOSDC, a component mod, and a controller converter. Once everything is working I'm thinking about painting the case, it's all streaky from a retrobright attempt by the previous owner.
  16. Are you in Australia? Because I ordered one just like that this morning.
  17. Hey guys just looking for the basic noob stuff, controller options, SD card carts, good web resources, etc.
  18. Does anyone know a good source for some relatively decent quality replacement labels? I've got a copy of Super Cobra that has most of the label torn off. I've found replacements for NES and Genesis carts pretty easily on places like Etsy, but 8 bit Atari is a bit more obscure.
  19. Per Wikipedia.... The first Chromebooks for sale, by Acer Inc. and Samsung, were announced at the Google I/O conference in May 2011, and began shipping on June 15, 2011.[6] Lenovo, Hewlett Packard and Google itself entered the market in early 2013. In December 2013, Samsung launched a Samsung Chromebook specifically for the Indian market that employed the company's Exynos 5 Dual core processor.[10]
  20. Local shop. they just got in a bunch of stuff, lots of 5200 controllers. they also had the Wico, but wanted 30 or 40 bucks for that. clearly didnt quite know what this was.
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