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Everything posted by texacala

  1. Hi, I'm new to the forums and had a few questions that maybe someone can help me with. I haven't used my 130 XE or 800 XL for a long time and I'd like to get back in the scene and find out what's new. Last time I was programming, I was using SpartaDos 3.3c with TurboBasic 3.2q (on disk, developed by the CTH site iirc) and looking into Lightspeed C and Action! I'd like to learn assembly and although I have an Assembler Editor cart from Atari, I've heard great things about MAC65 and considered hunting down the cart and docs. Also, I use a 1050 drive. So, should I stick to SD 3.3c and TurboBasic? Should I work with my Assembler cart or seek out a different 6502 assembly package? And finally, is C even worth exploring on the A8, or is there another compiled language that's favored? Thank you very much.
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