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johnnywc last won the day on December 7 2023

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About johnnywc

  • Birthday 03/05/1968

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  1. Yes, unfortunately with the low resolution playfield there is no easy way to indicate that this treasure can't be picked up from the left except by knowing that all treasures can only be picked up by approaching them from the top or bottom. I'm hoping to come up with a better solution by perhaps using the ball if I can find the cycles, but for now we must all rely on the "Tut rules" for these situations.
  2. Hmm, you should always be able to pick up a treasure even when you have a key. Treasures can only be picked up from one direction (either from the top or bottom; there will be a line of the wall above it if you need to pick it up from the bottom, and vice-versa). Keys are always picked up by approaching from the left. That would be great! I haven't tested it yet as it's not in Stella 6.7 either and I don't own a Joy2B+ compatible joystick yet. : Thanks for the feedback! John
  3. Thanks Nathan! I'm learning so many cool posting tips with this topic!
  4. Hello all, Champ Games is happy to announce that the first publicly available ROMs (NTSC and PAL60) for Tutankham Arcade are now available for download at our website! Tutankham Arcade is a port of the arcade game "Tutankham" released in 1982 by Stern/Konami. Tutankham was previously released for the Atari 2600 by Parker Bros. in 1983. Thanks to @Nathan Strum for the amazing graphics and assisting with game design and to Jurgen Oster @Bomberman94 for testing and PAL color validation. Special thanks to James and Darcy over at @ZeroPage Homebrew for taking the time to debuting the game on the ZPH Twitch channel last Friday (full video of the show can be found here). The full versions (both digital ROM and physical cartridge) are planned for release this September. We are searching for an aspiring artist to help with the artwork (Nathan and I will handle the tedious manual text and layout). If interested, please contact me via PM and become part of the Champ Games team! (includes many benefits, too many to list ) Please note that the game does support single joysticks (1, 2 and 3 button configurations) and dual joysticks (like the arcade). Any feedback is appreciated. Have fun! John PS Here are the game instructions with more details (also included in the ROM download):
  5. Thanks for the kind words Ray! I am working on putting the demo together now and hope to post it by the end of the weekend.
  6. Thanks Al! I did the hard part (the "(C) 2024") and Nathan did the other stuff.
  7. Thanks James! One small correction; the full title of the game is "Tutankham Arcade" to distinguish it from the 1982 Parker Bros. release.
  8. You're right James Absolutely it could be done, especially using the ARM and a similar game engine like the one I developed for Qyx. Pepper II is a game I have looked into as I was a fan of the Colecovision version back in the day.
  9. Looking good Fred, thanks for all the hard work! I know people will enjoy getting to play Elevator Agent and Turbo Arcade ROMs on a real 2600!
  10. Hi there! All Champ Games run on all models of the 2600 without any modifications that I've tested it on and have not heard anyone else incompatibilities in the last 10 years, so my guess is that it most likely is an issue with your console. I don't know enough about hardware to speculate what the issue may be; it could be dirty contacts in the cartridge port or lack of power to run the extra hardware inside the cart. I am tagging Fred @batari (the main developer of the Melody board that runs the game) to see if he has any insight into what would cause this sort of issue. I assume you have tried other carts on the system and they work fine? Do you have any games that utilize additional hardware in the cart (Draconian, Lode Runner, etc.) to see if you have the same issue?
  11. Looking great Philip! I played a few games and didn't notice any bugs - plays great! I'll play some more and report any issues. I think the sprite management is pretty good. I'd give it a shot if I hadn't gotten soft the last 10 years using sprite management using the ARM. 🦾 Agreed, this is feeling very close to release. Great job! Savekey support would be a good option. I usually only include it in my released versions as well. Once I'm done playing I'll take the level editor for a spin and let you know how it goes. Thanks for putting that together! It will add a lot of replayability to the game... it was a cool feature I added to Wizard of Wor Arcade. Do you plan on including any extra built-in levels? For WoW I held a contest and picked the top 3 to include in the game (and included credit in the manual for the winners). Great job! BT has always been one of my favorites and being able to play an excellent version on the 2600 is wonderful! (plus you saved me the time of having to make it myself ) Thanks, John
  12. Same here! I'll know for sure in a few weeks. It will be great to see everyone there!
  13. Yup, the one and only! Yes, @Nathan Strum and I have talked about possibly leveraging the 3D engine we developed for Turbo Arcade for a cool 3D golf game. Of course we have about a dozen other projects in the works so this will have to wait, but maybe someday! 🤞
  14. Awesome Steve! Retrogameboyz does a great job with those control pads.
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