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Everything posted by nanochess

  1. I also got it free. At start it looks great graphically, but after a while you start feeling that it is amazingly linear and on every interaction with people the screen fades out slowly to change scene (why?!). I like very much Fable The Lost Chapters, but I couldn't get accostumed to Fable 3.
  2. I though that actually an auction has began.
  3. A bidding war for a sealed Swordquest: Waterworld http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2F121126974519%3Fru%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.com%252Fsch%252Fi.html%253F_from%253DR40%2526_sacat%253D0%2526_nkw%253D121126974519%2526_rdc%253D1
  4. Very nice graphics! Although I'm not really a fan of SwordQuest games, I got this complete series just by accident . Besides with the graphics you have you can do a very nice original game
  5. I don't have any plans. J-F ran also his own contest. So probably we can expect to see more contests of this type soon Besides per my calculations, with 45 threads of this type at 250 posts each one, then we will surpass Intellivision forum post count!!!
  6. And finally I'm happy to say that the prize has been sent to RelliK111. Thanks again to everyone for your participation!
  7. I'm afraid that I should follow my own rules, so only post 250 has won. Maybe another time.
  8. Oh, well, I would have put only Donkey Kong carts if them were the rare variety that comes from Taiwan
  9. Well, so it looks like RelliK111 is the winner. So RelliK111 feel free to choose your prize from one of these. The three cartridges at top are working fine and are in excellent state. The Facemaker and Smurf's Paint'n'Play Workshop doesn't work but them look great, maybe you can make them to work. Send me a PM with your choice, name and address, and feel free to publish here what cartridge you choosed and why Thanks to everyone getting into the contest with your posts!
  10. I think there is a contest running, I'm not very sure Edit: just a quick check of posts and it's amazing how many users are online Edit 2: maybe I should go to prepare the bubblewrap envelope
  11. Wow! the post count is very close to #250. Surely tonight or by tomorrow we will know who is the lucky winner
  12. Only 103 102 posts to go. It looks like someone will win soon that cartridge For the records I was going to get a boxed Collecovision when fortunately Luc remembered me that postoffice also takes in account the size for shipping price Besides I don't have space for a box.
  13. In Mexico it is today . I don't think Europe, as far as I know, Spain celebrated two months ago. I want that also!!! You're right, your prize could be double if I cut it by the middle!! Well, I'll conceed a point: there are no double enders in the prize lot.
  14. Of course not!!! Then fill the thread No missing label games BTW, oh, Jim, really I want to keep you in competition!
  15. I want that prize. It would be a nice addition to my collection. Is it a rare collectable Vectrex cartridge, right?
  16. Good news! just I've took the picture of the 5 cartridges from where the winner can select one The picture will be published when we have a winner So if anyone here want to know what cartridges are these then better everyone should write more posts , we are almost half-way.
  17. Thanks for your kind words, J-F! I really hope that you can now find some time to update collectorvision.com And of course this is an extra post to help someone to win that Collectorvision game.
  18. I really hope that you do not say this to the gal in your first date
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