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Everything posted by nanochess

  1. I don't think there is a slot extender. A thing you could do would be to search on Internet for the PCB drawing of a cartridge and modify it with a PCB design program (there are some free programs) Then you simply would send the file for manufacturing, also there are several PCB manufacturers in Europe (check Elektor magazine)
  2. I don't want to disappoint you, but the Apple 1 didn't come in a box.
  3. Instead of getting a cradle full of Air Raid cartridges, I would get two of each Atari cartridge, so I would have two collections. One collection to sell at at a nice price (two extra cartridges of each game would not take prices down) and one collection to keep as my treasure Also I would carry with me the corrected Pacman and E.T. I've seen somewhere here in Atariage to replace in Atari offices the master ROM for cartridge duplication.
  4. Makes one to wonder if he/she simply says "this is old, then $500"
  5. Wait!, I'm sure this is the Cosmic Ark special edition where the PCB is made on gold, it's a shame that you can only see the cartridge case in the picture. :lol: :lol:
  6. Updated with info from latest Team Pixelboy bulletin http://atariage.com/forums/topic/212902-team-pixelboy-news-bulletin-may-31st-2013/ Only remaining 22 copies of Quest for the Golden Chalice and 28 of Princess Quest before being sold-out (no more copies will be made,) Wonder Boy and Mopiranger in BATCH if more copies are requested. All the other games leave the BATCH status and are available now.
  7. Maybe you switched to some blocking IP software. I've had also some difficulties with msx.org, of all the IP that my modem have, only one allows me to access the forum. I don't have virus. But it looks like most people using my Internet provider have virus and obviously the IP are used for thousands of people.
  8. I thought that the fact that it included the comic, guide and manual made it to be reasonable, as I've read here in Atariage it's unplayable without them. And yes I'm very happy!
  9. I translated Ahl's benchmark to Javascript just for curiosity. <script> // Ahl's simple benchmark in Javascript // Public domain by Oscar Toledo G. (nanochess) var a, n, i, r, s, t, m; t = new Date(); m = 0; do { r = 0; s = 0; for (n = 1; n <= 100; n++) { a = n; for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { a = Math.sqrt(a); r = r + Math.random(); } for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { a = Math.pow(a, 2); r = r + Math.random(); } s = s + a; } m++; } while (new Date() - t < 1000) ; document.writeln("Times " + m); document.writeln("Accuracy " + Math.abs(1010-s/5)); document.writeln("Random " + Math.abs(1000-r)); </script> Put it inside a file named benchmark.html and run it with your web browser. As modern machines are too fast, the test runs until a whole second has passed and it shows how many times it ran. If someone noted it, the accuracy value indicates to how many digits is exact the floating point core, so it should be a very low value. (the trick is it takes the value, takes square root ten times and then squares ten times, so the value theorically should be the same but cannot because of floating point implementations)
  10. Oh, I see now why I could not progress in the game . Better I'll go to download the manual.
  11. Hi everyone. I want to share that I've got my first R9 cartridge , a Swordquest: Waterworld with manual, comic and guide. I got it here at Mexico for $94 USD in total, reasonable because the guy delivered personally it to me. The cartridge is in pretty good state except for bottom label that is a little dirt, the comic is in almost mint state, the manual has a break on right side and the guide has a scratch in bottom. I think it's a little pricey but anyway I'M HAPPY Still I've to test it. Anyway, a small doubt, this would be the second cartridge (the other is a Berzerk) that I note that from bottom you can see the springs inside the cartridge. Is it normal? The guy gave me also a badly worn Earthworld as a gift, anyway I've cleaned it and it could serve me to stop the door
  12. It is a shame but Colecovision.dk gives me 503 errors since almost a month: Service Temporarily Unavailable.
  13. Wow, guys! I've learnt at least something of what has been posted here. 1. Don't sell anything that has a sentimental value. 2. Tell clearly to your parents/mom/wife that everything you have is valuable (something like "no, mon, isn't trash") 3. Don't trash anything before putting a message here in Atariage 4. Buy any offer even for platforms you don't know. 5. If you're going to sell check everything for rarity before (at least to get a scan for Atarimania!) In fact sometimes I regret selling my first 15 Atari cartridges, the lot included a Raft Rider cartridge that was in very good state and Crystal Castles that I liked a lot.
  14. I'm very worried, if I had an E.T. cartridge it would drop of value from 0.50 to 0.49 USD by the new availability of cartridges
  15. Thanks a lot, kevtris! I suppose I can leave as it is, I think this modification is a lot better that cutting pin 4 of lockout chip. I can live with the off LED.
  16. Recently I've got a NES for $1 USD without power supply but with the two controls, I've cleaned it and managed to get it working. Apparently it was discarded because the dirt in connector prevented cartridges to work and furthermore the cartridge port was wrongly put together so it didn't accepted cartridges. Only one control works and I've been able to put right the cartridge port. The point is that I've discovered that the power light doesn't work, I've followed the LED traces through the PCB upto the mainboard (NES-PCB-11 from 1987) and I've found a kind of modification that I couldn't discover in Internet. So before undoing any connections, I would like to know if someone knows what is this modification. Note the yellow cable, the resistor and a soldered jumper in the big connector that I'm supposing brings LED voltage to zero so it doesn't turn on.
  17. I use a spreadsheet and when my collection is "stable" I print the sheets as a little catalog. Also I keep rarity, state of game, box/manual/overlay/cartridge checklist, price (in case I need to resell) and origin (in case I need more) Lately I've added some extra details like label variations.
  18. I'm glad it looked fixed at least for a minute Check with a multimeter each pin from VDP to that VRAM chip in special, it's probable one pin is doing false contact. Don't forget to do cleaning with alcohol and a toothbrush around the VRAM and VDP.
  19. I know that I've played some truly awful games. But fortunately I've forgot completely about them
  20. There is a quick and dirty solution for these difficult PCB. Just cut chip pins from over and solder the new memory over that.
  21. It is pin 4 (AD6) from TMS9928 going to pin 2 of a 4116, the Colecovision schematic that I have reads that the corresponding 4116 is U13 Check with a multimeter the connection from TMS9928 to 4116 just to check that is the right VRAM. Where you see TUPL (ASCII 54, 55, 50, 4C) it should read TURN (54, 55, 52, 4E,) in Z80 that is bit 1, but Texas Instruments reversed the bits for its chips, so it is bit 6 of TMS9928.
  22. It sounds like you're trying a PAL Colecovision with a NTSC TV set.
  23. Thanks a lot, J-F! So two scores in a row , a silver Q*Bert and now this one
  24. Hi everybody. While taking the pictures of my Colecovision collection (here http://atariage.com/...ion-collection/) I noted that my cartridge of B.C's Quest for Tires has label reversed vertically with respect to my other blue label cartridges. I've researched this a little more and it's noted in RF generation http://www.rfgenerat...U-024-S-00111-A (the one I have) http://www.rfgenerat...U-024-S-00110-A (the right one I suppose) So my question is: are the two common? or one is rarest than the other? Thanks.
  25. As mint an Activision prototype of a released game could get a price between US$90-US$150, higher if the game is rare, hard thing as Activision titles are pretty extended. I would suggest US$80 for this one. Check this old thread http://atariage.com/forums/topic/200224-activision-prototype-cart-river-raid/
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