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About Ely

  • Birthday 09/16/1970

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    Bedford, UK

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Chopper Commander

Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. Oct 1994. A 486-66 PC with 8Mb Memory, 15" SVGA Monitor, 420Gb HDD in a full tower case. It cost me £1600 (or $2000) and didn't even include a sound card or a CD ROM drive. Mental.
  2. I’m surprised how little interest this has had on here.
  3. I was just coming here to post about this. Truly amazing that neither of these got picked up and released!
  4. This seems an odd way of doing it to me. It'd make more sense to show the password of the level when your game ends, who is thinking about pressing space and writing down the password when in the middle of playing? I'm curious what the original does. It's a great game though.
  5. I'd imagine this thing will be light though and USB-C charging works fine with laptops.
  6. How do you do that? I've got a wired Xbox 360 controller and would like to set it like this.
  7. EDIT: Forget this, seems to be okay now, not sure what I did. This is crashing for me when using it with Altirra and FujiNet PC, seems to boot okay and then I get this screen and it freezes. Are they any specific settings I need to check?
  8. Yeah I'm still listening to Ep 99 myself, conbgrats on the 10 year anniversary, love my monthly check-in with you guys. Never missed an episode.
  9. Okay, but does it identify a disk as it copies it or does it show you want it is when the the disk is inserted?
  10. I'm curious, is there a program that can detect what format a floppy is? I've got quite a few disks were I'm not sure what they are.
  11. I used my Dad's Citizen 120D (pic below, it was Epson compatible although ours had a Centronics interface not a Serial one that one has) with a SIO to Parallel interface my mate gave me (an MPP Micro Print, from 1984, which seemed to come out in Nov 84 according to Antic, link to ad at the bottom of this post) when he upgraded to an ST. I wrote and printed all my college assignments on it for 3 years until I got an ST myself for my final year. https://archive.org/details/1984-11-anticmagazine/page/n95/mode/2up
  12. That seems an odd comment given every A8 release from UK software houses came out on Cassette in that period from 87-90. I had F1 Simulator on cassette which is one of their games!
  13. As others have already stated, I highly recommend Transdisk IV. I used it a lot in the mid/late 80s in the UK to put budget games onto floppies.
  14. Thanks for the info. I can get to level 5 most of the time. But then it just gets silly hard!
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