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Everything posted by rhcocker

  1. I can only dream of stumbling upon such a treasure trove of goodies like this. You've got yourself a good friend there.
  2. Good find, although sms 3d games don't come with glasses so your copy is complete.
  3. OK, point taken, but they have to also have to take in mind the repercussions on the community of this practice. Goodwill can open its doors everyday because their shelves are fill by the local community. I take a lot of stuff to goodwill and I enjoy shopping for things in Goodwill. If they outsource all the good stuff then that affects the morale of patrons like myself. This seems like a classic case of biting the hand that feeds you.
  4. Anybody else hate goodwill? I recently found out that my local goodwill has an agreement with "Abebooks.com". Basically, Abebooks installs a scanner in the back of goodwill and when new media (video games, books, movies, music, etc.) comes in, the goodwill employees scan each item. There is an indicator that tells the employee to put it on the Abebooks shelf or the standard goodwill shelf. Obviously, they are filtering out the items of value. Then Abebooks periodically brings a truck to pick up all the abebooks item, which they then sell online and give goodwill a percentage of the profit. Ordinarily I wouldn't see a problem with a company doing this to help revenue, but it is f***ing Goodwill! It is a non-profit and they were founded to give back to the same community that gave to them! Unless someone knows something that I don't, this is complete bulls**t! No wonder I haven't been able to find anything anymore. Anyway, thought this might be a good place to rant and to share what your local goodwill may be up to.
  5. I would definitely be in for all of these. Personally, I prefer boxed copies.
  6. Thanks for this list. If possible (and not too much trouble), could you add where these will be available for purchase (i.e. store url or forum post)?
  7. Is there any particular advantage to using a Japanese 3do over a North American 3do? Just curious.
  8. I'd be in for one. Always willing to support future homebrews. Thanks!
  9. Bummer... I am kind of surprised that dubxcube didn't PM you when he got his PM for the game. I imagine it would be hard for neotokeo2001 to remember who has what if it was stated in a post a while back.
  10. I would be happy to take a "PREMIUM VIP MOVIE EDITION" for any one of #04, #08, #10, #16 unpaid....
  11. According to the first post the proto "Assassin - OMC Games" had a release (assuming this is red - I am color blind so is is hard to tell sometimes). Can anyone confirm this? I am having a hard time digging much up on it. BTW - Just reading the titles of these potential games, I'd give my left nut to see a release of them released in some form or another.
  12. Just thinking about this game myself and would also love to hear about any updates.
  13. Bump. Thanks Son of Bitch... Last week one of these popped up on eBay for $79.99 BIN Lucky bastard!
  14. Quite a catch indeed... I wonder how he'd react to find out there is a forum dedicated to his idiotic and childish behavior.
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