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Everything posted by videofx

  1. Thanks! I will print a test cartridge and let you know
  2. The sides is not the issue the sides I think is fine. Its the height of the cartridge, if you can take 3-4mm off the length then it will be good
  3. Here is your cartridge next to an Atari 400/800 cartridge 3-5mm in length (from top to bottom of cart. If you send me some STL.s to try I can make some test prints and try in in all the different model Ataris
  4. I have taken photos of the cartridge port wit it apart so you can see everything/ Can take 2mm or so off the length so it will also fit Atari 400/800?
  5. The lid is in the cart like its supposed to be. If you look closely to can the white Atari lettering
  6. Sure, also th new link to the new PCB points to the old 80x63.5 PCB
  7. OK Ricky, I just printed the v3 cart and it fits the 1200XL Now I need to get the PCB's so I can make sure the PCB goes all the way into the cartridge slot Here you can see your cartridge
  8. Thanks! The new cart v3 fits tightly in 1200xl and 800. But I need the PCB to test, In the 800 the lid doesn't close all the way because the cartridge is few mm's too high
  9. Yes the only thing I have left to build the project is how to create the binary files from XEX to bin so I can make custom flash THanks
  10. Ricky, I am printing the v3 cartridge. I will let you know shortly if the new cartridge works in all models STANDBY
  11. If we can get the case to fit, here is what yours would look like
  12. My Cart is about as big as you can get. It fits snug in every machines cartridge slot Front Width - 60mm Front Length - 65mm Rear Width 60mm Rear Length - 73mm Cart Width - 18mm
  13. Here is my 4-1 cartridge that works in all Atari models
  14. Yes they do, as far as I know the cart I print for my 4-1 cartridge works in any model Atari
  15. I just tried it in my 1200XL, sorry too big PRCoder, any chance this can be made to fit the 1200XL????
  16. As soon as it finishes printing, I see how fits in my 1200XL
  17. If its not available then no problem.
  18. Here it is! First production cartridge shell!
  19. I want to change the color and print my own
  20. White it is! I will show it to you once its done!
  21. Does any have or know where I can find the .STL files so I can print a case for my AVG cart? THanks!
  22. Blue for the cartridge and what color for the Atari logo?
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