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About Judas-Prime

  • Birthday 02/29/1972

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  1. I do, but its sealed and Im never opening it as it was a gift from my wife and I can't bring myself to break teh seal. I will be buying this reprint as my "Daily Driver" Version of Tempest 3000.
  2. I checked seven Jags out of nine total......March 95 is the latest date I have.
  3. This paint color is a near exact match to the Jag's grey plastic. https://www.amazon.com/Afv-Color-Panzer-Grey-Spray/dp/B07MLNTSP4/ref=sr_1_2?crid=U0EFGQMYGZSL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pNFbSWxRJwATdkheNcluMB1ClaaSx20xEbCDWiErMJIW6OE_kEKozH01JHt0zEhHJQHTFTvx7n8-W-AHxNeKiQAP9PWLLWgaM--gqBKS8QLrnJ56KhluECmu4OFlmJHnhpQKF2EiMZxf8jCz4LBHofeopI05TKquwSq944Efx140Izj6uDGqYPIJ-5BobcSMk4uOHn7SM83Hd4e-PO4j2te4VllcwZSyoU1gTjWX3l_vae7ajcZ64t3XybFZHuQu9dtgu-BobP9SvYkFbPJ0aflV3Ui6oSx67O5AVoj6JrA.skFhhFGbQO5efBff3GYwux7uvyLACeb7mzIsQdHcL88&dib_tag=se&keywords=vallejo+paint+panzer+grey&qid=1709070317&sprefix=vallejo+paint+panzer+grey%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-2
  4. It looked exactly like the console shown in these pictures. This is not the same console, but it was exactly the same as this.
  5. There was no contained game. Sadly It was just a copy of Cybermorph.. I think Morphius was a pc game back in the mid 90's... not really sure though.
  6. I don't hold the shop owner in any negative light. He was up front about the dubious nature of the console, allowed me to open it and inspect it. Overall I liked the store, and it was nice to see plenty of physical media in a game store that wasn't all old copies of Madden or Sonic '06. The shop rents the display cases out to local collectors and doesn't take a cut of the sales price. You can't even buy the machine from the store, you have to call/text the collection owner and after that you arrange payment outside of the shop. The shop wont even ship the item to you, its all second party... It would be nice if they vetted things better, but since you aren't technically buying the item from the store its essentially a peer to peer transaction. However, I completely understand the perspective this type of arrangement can imply. Punisher, thanks for deleting the number.
  7. I am fully uneducated on the subject of dev kits and BJL mods and I make no official claims about the machine... but It seemed hella suspect to me thus why I passed it along to 'yall experts. I didn't see a BJL switch so I wasn't sure if that was necessary for a BJL mod or not. Either way, thanks for the information! And yes, there was a cart inside and it was Cybermorph. I told the store owner that I doubted that it was a dev kit, but since its a private collection he just shrugged and said, "Thats between the buyer and the owner. The store makes no claims about the machine, thats why you contact the seller directly." Either way, $2500 was silly expensive. Thanks for clearing this up for me! The mods might want to fully delete this post so no-one pays 2500 for a modded Jag that isn't a "Dev Kit".
  8. I was in LA for a quick trip and walked into an LA game store on Melrose. They have a Jaguar "Dev Kit" with an included game called Morphius. I didn't pick it up cause i didn't have $2500 but I was allowed to remove the console to inspect it. It looks legit with the small ribbon cable coming out of the back (not a BJL mod). I did not see an Alpine board and could not power the console on, but i wanted to pass along in case anyone wanted to investigate it further. Happy Hunting! Cheers
  9. Hello Everyone! I placed an order for some stickers for my nieces B-Day party and couldn't resit ordering a bunch of Jaguar Stickers. If anyone wants some, I have two sizes available. Pictures included to show the scale. The large stickers has a glitter foils look, while the smaller sticker has a prismatic look. Thanks for taking a look! Big Jag Stickers - https://www.ebay.com/itm/134504630500 11" x 4" Small Jag Stickers - https://www.ebay.com/itm/134428742890 5" x 1.9"
  10. I run BIGPEmu on an Atari VCS in Windows/PC mode and its full speed, full compatability and even lets me do all the fun whiz bang overclocking stuff. Surely the VCS is less powerfull than your PC?
  11. It took me literally two minutes, using google, to find a complete set of working Jag CD iso's Including two different ISO;s for World Tour Racing,
  12. Also, funding the development with money from a emulation/port centric company doesn't hurt.
  13. A nice cheap "Windows" box is the Atari VCS. Im running BIGPEMU on a Windows 11 install on my Atari VCS and it gives excellent performance, even all of the overclock modes work great!
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