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Everything posted by voltron

  1. This type of thinking will keep you from getting a complete 125.... Until Cmart reliquishes his vast stockpile of rare games non of us will have a complete collection.... Not just Spiker, SMB, Jetsons, and he has about 2000 Tutorvisions, 1500 playcables and 1789 keyboard components.
  2. The reason you cant get a Spiker is because Cmart has hoarded all of them...... You the Jury must sentence Cmart to absolute Foibidence of buying new games and hardware.
  3. 5000 copies od Spiker! were produce. Cmart was found guilty of hoarding 4980 of them and to date refuse to share. Here is evidence #1 this stack was found on his person hidden in a brown grocery paperbag, while he was pretending to be buying groceries, when in fact he was transporting the Spikers to a new secret location.... Evidence #1:
  4. Who agrees Cmart should be barred from getting games or hardward for two years. Reason: Cmart was found GUILTY of first, second and third degree hoarding.
  5. Crossed finger wont work, your still barred from getting games and or hardware.
  6. NO!!!!!!!!!!!! I better contact US cutsoms and Canada Customs to intercept..... Cmart is barred from getting any games or hardware.... Only sheep for cmart.
  7. too bad there is a global ban on Cmart, he is not allowed to get any new homebrew game or hardware until 2019...
  8. Did it sell! it just says ended by seller. btw where is emilyvision?
  9. Next time tell them the Amish Mafia got your back and they will leave you alone.
  10. Yes, NY Islanders, in Edmonton... . last week of Aug i will be in Toronto wearing a Yankees jersey, at .rogers Stadium....I hope they wont be upset
  11. Yes thats the one... Are there any others? I need to add those to my intv collection The only good games made for Crapleco.
  12. I can buy an extra one to send to the Vancouver Bunker. on a side note, Canadians are suppose to be friendly, they didnt take to kindly to my wearing an Islanders shirt.
  13. Speaking of intv games anyone have the names of the intellivisions ones made for Coleco! I saw one once on ebay but forgot about the auction so i didnt get to bid on it.
  14. True, but they are all still worst than the worst INTV game But then that begs the question are M network games .intv games or how about the one in the pic?
  15. Speaking of cmart, he never did show us his EmilyVision catch.
  16. I had asked him about that, bc i his initial listing he removed LF2 and advertised it as complete. but based o other reveiws from buyers his counter was you get whats in the picture. So since rare games are not in the pict, i asked for clarification. The guy is a joker. The set is incomplete on many levels, many stuff is loose carts, or missing manuals and or overlays. he drop the price 5 dollars it was iver 5k when he did not include spiker and lf2.
  17. .you can always sell it to me?
  18. What I dont get is that its obvious flase advertisement, and you cant really report it. the descritption say everything included is in the pick, it says complete collection, Well they are not all cib o its uncomplete, the fact that he removed some games smb, lf2 and spiker make it incomplete, but i doubt anyone will pay that mich for and intv imcomplete collecrion. I feel like buy something dofferent from him just to give him a spite low rating jajajaj
  19. This guy is a joker too. He is advertiseing it as complete collection but he removed spiker. I asked about SMB and LF2 also not included. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intellivision-INTV-III-3-Complete-Collection-Video-Game-Library-Console-System-/291031588046?pt=Video_Games&hash=item43c2d59cce
  20. oh well he admitted he added the stickers, i did not read that the first time
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