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Everything posted by TheNameOfTheGame

  1. Wow, great work! I like v3 the best as the deep low frequencies have more suspense to me, but v2 is also great also.
  2. Thank you and Happy New Year to you as well!
  3. Great, the issues are scanned and on the website. Thanks David, nice to have these preserved! https://commodore.bombjack.org/atari-st/st-magazines/st-informer/st-informer.htm
  4. Nice, sounds great. I like the U5-Theme.xex the best, with U5-Theme-v3.xex being my second favorite.
  5. Hmm, yeah the speckled pattern on the terminal background makes it hard to read the text I agree. Might be clearer if instead of overlaying the text on the background pattern in a transparent way, the terminal text cleared the space behind each letter or number.
  6. Oh yeah, it would great to find a couple of translators that wouldn't mind reading some of the story plots while translating. Or perhaps @drfloyd already has found someone to help with the translating. Either way would be good.
  7. Well, sure, that could be done. Personally, this is one game I really want to play from the start not knowing anything about it beforehand. So if I was involved in translation if would kind of take some of the fun out the experience if you know what I mean.
  8. Me too! Been following this since the first annoucement. The English version can't come soon enough now that the game is done! 😀
  9. Seems the issue ST Action #70 from Atari ST User #97 had some pages out of order in the original pdf scan. So those have now been rearranged correctly for reading. ST Action 70 (1994-02).pdf.zip
  10. Though the last stand-alone issue of ST Action magazine was #68, it did continue in the pages of ST User then ST Review up to issue #82. I extracted the ST Action sections from those later magazines into stand-alone issues and the link is below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3m2wnomustkz0x/ST Action.zip?dl=1
  11. Getting close! I think we need 3 more requests for an English version before the next release. C'mon guys! 😀
  12. Yes, that last one from @JAC! is very nice.
  13. Really enjoyed Buggy Boy back in the day. Once I got the feel for the controls, I remember playing it quite a bit. Well, my expectations are a little different than some - I just like a good, fun game, eh I know that is subjective but oh well. I have a friend at the local dollar store (younger guy) and he won't play any game less than 60FPS on full settings. I just shake my head the way he talks about games haha.
  14. Sending my prayers for your health and wellness. Please take care of yourself and get help if you need it.
  15. From the Author's release thread https://www.gamopat-forum.com/t109587p1050-cosmos-chronicles-atari-stfstemega-st-ettfalcon-030-windows#3576615. Pour y jouer vraiment à 100%, ouais faut attendre la 1.0 Après la 0.99 je ferai un crash test du jeu en essayant de faire une session complete, pour voir si tout passe de A à Z. Et c'est à partir de la 1.00 que j'envisagerai une traduction en anglais (si au moins 10 demandes via AtariAge/Itch.io) -------------------------------------------------------- To really play it at 100%, yeah you have to wait for 1.0 After 0.99 I will do a crash test of the game trying to do a full session, to see if everything goes from A to Z. And it is from 1.00 that I will consider an English translation (if at least 10 requests via AtariAge/Itch.io) I count 6 requests in this thread for the English translation. Looks like we need at least 4 more requests to reach the threshold!
  16. I think part of the problem is that there is no 5V on the ST video port. The Amiga adapter uses its 5V on the video port to power the buffer chips in the adapter so any Atari solution would require a power source.
  17. Yeah, you may be right. Or perhaps a sale since it is getting around the holidays. In any case, I need to pick up 1 or 2 more while they are so cheap.
  18. I am using the monitor with my Atari 130XE with VBXE. It works well, but does suffer from the "vertical line" issue moreso than the Atari 16-bit computers I have.
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