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  1. Yes that's what i did when i posted my problem 20 days ago. Unfortunately i did not get any info back and i am still unable to update my cart.
  2. So if i understood correctly, since the official drivers only work with newer versions of the cart, and because i have an old version of Harmony cart, i won't be able to upgrade its firmware?
  3. Hi, I am still struggling to install 1.06 on my cart. I am using 1.3 version of programming tool. The cart gets recognized, i get a green light. My Atary is a NTSC heavy sixer, so i chose eeloader_104e_NTSC.bin and hbios_106_NTSC.bin. After hitting Copy HBIOS it says file copied. If i go to the file on my sdcard the date is updated on the bin file. When i put the cart with the sdcard on my machine i see no spinning symbol nor the message saying the bios was successfully updated. If i go to . i still have version 1.05. Can you help out please? Cause i am running out of ideas... Peace, Pedro
  4. LOL@RickR and Nikon Thanks for the siggestions stardust4ever, I've read about the A/V mod but i have no soldering skills and it also worries me a bit modifying an original heavy sixer, I'm worried the original video signal will be modified somehow. I'd like to keep it as faithful to the original as possibel. I'll try passing it through a DVD VCR my Dad has and I'll let you know. Pedro
  5. Hi Nikon, On the TV it only tunes at channel 3 and i don't have any other console that tunes on that same channel to try it out. The console works great on my girlfriend's tv, a Philips LCD. I went to the store today with the console (big hit amongst the sellers). Tried several TV's, Samsung, Sony, LG, etc, one of them with input lag of just 16ms. On the Sony the sound comes up ok but it lags a bit on the response time. I notice it clearly with the game Fast Food. On my girlfriend Philips the movement on that game is smooth as silk. On my Sony Bravia movement smooth as silk too but no sound. Lol i'm becoming desperate. Maybe my next step is to try a Plasma, i've heard the input lag on those is really low compared to LCD's. Or as a final resort a big fat CRT! P.S.: Already tried with 2 RF cables. Pedro
  6. Hi Nikon, Can't... Apparently all or mostly all heavy sixers have no channel switch. I've checked mine it and it has no such switch, so it's locked on channel 3. Pedro
  7. The tv above was my girlfriend's. I tested today on my tv and i get good picture but no sound at all. I already tried fine tuning it like i did with the other tv but i'm still getting no sound at all from the console. Any ideas? Pedro
  8. Well turns out it was only a problem with fine tuning the tv channel. I think this console is a lot more sensitive in the way of finding the sweet spot then the other one i have. Picture is crytal clear now. And i feel dumb. Thanks, Pedro
  9. Hi, I live in Portugal and i recently bought a ntsc heavy sixer. I don't know what's happening.. the console turns on ok, The harmony cartridge menu shows up but when i start a game the image just gets full of interference or static or whatever that is. It's strange because my TV worked just fine with ntsc games running through my PAL console (wrong colors of course but perfect image) so i think it's perfectly capable of handling ntsc signals through RF. I'm using this COAX to RF adapter to connect it to the TV: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=4&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&mpre=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fitm%2F310150474767%3FssPageName%3DSTRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT%26_trksid%3Dp3984.m1439.l2649 I'm also using a power supply adapter from a PAL console (9v polarity center +, outer -). Do you think it's worth a try buying a ntsc power supply adapter and using it with a step-down converter? Maybe replace it with a new rf cord? I've read that switching between channels 2 and 3 might help but i also read that the heavy sixers don't have that swith and are locked to channel 3. Any ideas? Thanks, Pedro
  10. Hi shadow, i gave this a little more thought and decided to go on the hunt for heavy sixers only sorry... I thought... if i'm already paying big for the shipping costs i might as well go all the way for an "heavy sexier" to make it worth it Thanks!
  11. Hi all, I currently have a PAL 6 switch woody but i'm willing to be the proud owner of a NTSC one (preferable heavy sixer but i'll also settle for a light 6 switch woody). I already have joysticks, paddles, harmony cartdridge, etc so i'm only interested in the console itself. Are any of you wanting to "get rid" of one and willing to ship it to Portugal? Can pay by Paypal. Thanks!
  12. Thanks, my TV supports both PAL and NTSC but NTSC only through composite not through RF... I've tried passing the RF signal through a VCR and then through SCART to the TV. The image improves a little but remains rather "jumpy" on NTSC games I can't get a stable image equal to what i get in PAL games.
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