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Magic Knight

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Everything posted by Magic Knight

  1. Thanks to you patience and valuable feedback Crossbow, I'm there with balancing up the sound levels as they should. NTSC users will benefit from this on the current versions of the s-video board. :0)
  2. Great transition! Question - (Level 3 at end on the video) I thought should have ended once the last cherry was obtained? A bug in the game? Amazing whats been done :0)
  3. Shame it never continued, I was looking forward to Crocket and Tubs speaking with Sid accents ;0)
  4. Games and a flexible setup to do disk based saves and stuff, Occasional basic programming. Like most, the fact that the A8 can be upgraded so far advanced yet keep its charm is too irresistible.
  5. Is there a link to a 2 or 3 button dropzone mod anywhere?
  6. What's the best way to archive cassette tapes? I've seen Atarimania say the originals are missing. Is there a tape version of ATX? (over cracked ATR)
  7. Theres a large Maplin index of projects out there, might start looking through these for anything related. DH2 - best Xmas film after DH1
  8. Bah, I would have loved to use this on a game such as Kennedy approach where if tweaked - you can plot on screen the altitude and heading instead of the keyboard or worse, the joystick. (think of Die Hard 2 when the terrorist dude used a light pen to re-calibrate the sea level etc...) I think Pre touch screen in the CRT era of the 80's would have made a good go of this with some adjustments and calibration of screen, if supported properly. Do you know of any other projects Maplin did involving the A8?
  9. Found the magazine - heres some extracts and a PDF of the entire instructions at the bottom. Just need to get a CRT to mess about with this... Light pen instructions.pdf
  10. Just saw your post whilst looking up light pens from Maplin... Just 8 years or so later! I bought the kit back in 1992 from Maplin as I needed something to build as part of a project required to pass my electronic engineering module and subsequent qualification. I remember the kit of parts and a A4 page with a very short basic program. As I used the colleges 'Ye Old CRT' Tv the lines drawn was about a cm off where the pen was, so I programmed am offset to compensate. Was fun yet simple Wish I could find the kit again :0)
  11. It occurred to me that the SIO is expected to handle the power to a XC12 cassette player with moving motors (picture fast rewinding mechanisms) - would an efficient arduino with screen really draw more current?
  12. I probably get away with it, as I only ever have one SIO device plugged in normally. Although I use SIOUSB and a 1050 occasionally for copying, the SDmax is always plugged straight in with no other SIO devices attached. My unit is pal with 1.5A classic brick. But I think as it only uses around 0.8A (IIRC) there's still some wiggle room for drawing more current despite having U1MB installed.
  13. I use this device only via SIO from the Atari. Absolutely no issues in running files, touch screen or copying to the flash card any other way. Wouldn't dream of powering up independently of SIO. Perfect device... Thumbs up to the people who devised this!
  14. Sanwa port for Sanwa type joystick input? (Used for mame, mamma and any arcade type joystick)
  15. I thought it was a little far fetched but if it can done then that's good news. Pity Centron3d didn't get released for proper evaluation instead of the way it went sour. it would have paved the way for Shatron :0D
  16. Cmode72.... The Atlantis for the A8. Why don't we email our request for centron3d to be released so that it reaches 100 emails. Shatron next up!
  17. For those who still remember and are still waiting for Shatron to appear ?
  18. If i could code i would do Sid Miers Railroad tycoon like a shot. I guess it could be done. A8 style....
  19. Thanks for that Fred, For the benefit of anyone interested, i found the two here also at Fandal's Zybex - http://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=6271 Draconus - http://a8.fandal.cz/detail.php?files_id=6269 Edit: and everything the site has in stereo - http://a8.fandal.cz/search.php?search=stereo&butt_details_x=
  20. Are these special modded versions or do the original Cas or ATR versions just play out the channels accordingly? Zybex and Draconus are late 80's games, so just wondering....
  21. Possibly wouldn't be too hard to chuck the guts out of a (broken) XM301 and put the Arduino based unit inside. Only thing is how often these are available. I dont think the touch screen is compulsary as its often used from the Atari on-screen (via and ATR startup file) so the neat little box would look great next to XE based architecture.
  22. I agree with DrVenkman, the SDrive Max is a lovely piece of kit and is handy for most things - It loads ATR's, ATX's, XEX and even freaking CAS files - An all-in-one unit. If you have the one with the XL style enclosure it looks awesome next to a 800XL, 1010 and 1050. With touch screen menu, it cant go wrong. :0) Only thing is if you have Side2 for example as a fast loading cart, its less convenient and fast compared to these and the SIO chain being a bit of a pain to contend with if you have your other peripherals attached.
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