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mizapf last won the day on August 31 2016

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About mizapf

  • Birthday 09/24/1969

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    MAME, TIImageTool, Ninerpedia
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  1. Some examples created via GIMP (first 256x192, others 256x212). Obviously, the more color contrast, the better. Or you have to back off your monitor by some meters. I tried to convert them with PICT, but when I save them with MSAVE, the program crashes. Below is also the zip file containing the pictures. pictures.zip
  2. I just found out that PICT (Picture Transfer) by Paul Charlton works on the Geneve, and the above picture is indeed correct.
  3. Here is how: Download the 7z file from http://frs.badcoffee.info/files/MSX_Art/MSX_palettes.7z There are palettes for various programs; I used the MSX2_SCR8.gpl file for GIMP. In GIMP, go to "Window -> Dockable dialogs -> Palettes". Right-click on the newly opened selection and choose "Import palette". When you now open some image, scale it to 256x192, then go to "Image->Mode", choose indexed, and select the imported palette. Save the result as a GIF file.
  4. I already got it going with my TIImageTool (disarming the "too many unprintable char" warning). This seems to work with your GIF program; I could not run it on my hardware Geneve yet (for the above mentioned issues). It took me only minutes to create it with GIMP. TESTBILD_G
  5. Since nobody mentioned GIMP, I tried for myself. There is indeed a suitable palette from the MSX people; I now just need a tool to convert the GIF file on the PC file system to a Dis/Fix 128 file. Do we have such a tool? (I did not plan to use the import for such a purpose, so this does not work in TIImageTool. But this could be another enhancement for later.)
  6. Me too, it does not load the picture on the (emulated) Geneve, but it works on the TI-99/4A with EVPC. On the Geneve, there is no indication of a crash, just no floppy operation. The debugger shows that it seems to run in a loop with a key scan (possibly at the end, having skipped the load process).
  7. Some days ago I was suddenly unable to connect to this forum. Whenever I opened the URL, I was redirected to an empty page in the admin subtree, if I remember correctly. I had to clear the browser cache to make it work again (and to re-login in every site I visited). This is somewhat disturbing.
  8. @jedimatt42 I just installed the TIPI system on a new flash card and prepared everything for web service usage. I noticed that I'm getting an error reported in syslog that the TI-99/4A DSR RESET service did not start. The reason seems to be that the directory /sys/devices/platform/tipi_gpio/tipi-reset does not exist. This may not be important for a pure web service usage, and I can actually reset the TIPI from the emulation or by connecting to tipi:9900. I just wondered about that error. I'm not sure whether this occurred after I did an apt update/upgrade.
  9. Concerning the capabilities of ChatGPT 3.5, I recently asked it to solve the equation "(-3)^a = 3" for a. I found this challenge on a Youtube thumbnail and tried it for myself before watching the video. (For those who wonder: This can only be solved in the field C of complex numbers. a=1 is wrong since -3^1 = -3, and a=-1 is wrong either, since -3^(-1) = 1/-3 = -1/3.) It took me roughly 15 minutes; my math diploma is already 30 years old. Actually, ChatGPT solved it correctly in a few seconds. In hindsight, I should have given it other numbers (like -5 instead of -3); I suspect that it learned it from that Youtube video or a transcript of it. Interestingly, one of my colleagues tried a similar prompt and got nonsense back.
  10. From my site? (Edit: ah no, I did not link to my web server here)
  11. Update; you may have downloaded it already from the other thread. (also from here: http://www.mizapf.eu/files/tiimagetool302.zip) Whatsnew.txt: ==== 3.0.2 (May 2024) - Fixed a bug when importing text files into an image (by drag-and-drop or menu function) - Turned off disassembler debug output ==== 3.0.1 (April 2024) - Return to Java 8 for better compatibility - Edited escape character warning (pointing to preferences) - Fixed errors + pasting a list of files (exclude the end-of-list pseudo entry) + serial bridge standalone mode (driver init) + file size display in the CommandShell tiimagetool302.zip
  12. The invention of a CALL DELAY subprogram is in a weird way ... creative. I feel increasingly worried by this thing.
  13. You can actually import text files into images in TIImageTool, but you will always be asked whether you intend to import this as a text file. This may be a bit tedious for larger sets of files. BTW, I just found a bug with that function; the imported file does not show up, and when you press F5, it does, but the file system has not been correctly updated. I need to fix that. Edit: Just fixed the import bug; you'll still be asked for the desired import format, though. I'll see how to enhance that for a later version. tiimagetool302.zip
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