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About Hikkikomori

  • Birthday July 11

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    Vocaloids, anime, manga, art, literature, old computers, video games, and music.

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  1. Somewhat related to this topic, I noticed that the Flashback 4 (76 game version) had two previously unreleased games, "Saboteur" and "Save Mary". It also has the homebrews mentioned in this thread, but I simply thought they were obscure sequels when I saw them on the listing of games.
  2. CX-2600 A NTSC S.N. AT830057038 Manufactured in Taiwan Smooth Front I got it at a store called Vintage Stock. It came with two TAC-2 controllers and power supply.
  3. This is just my opinion, but I think that the monitor might be broken... I had salvaged a vintage Apple monitor from the school I attend, and it had a similar pattern on the screen when I tried to use it, although the computer itself was just fine. So perhaps that's the case.
  4. Holy crap. This game is difficult. EDIT: just noticed that the red ghost isn't visible. Crap.
  5. Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying. If I have a question about the rarity of another game (unrelated to Spectravideo/vision), do i need to make a new topic in this forum?
  6. I found a cartridge of Planet Patrol, and noticed that it said "Spectravideo" on it. I was wondering if this minor detail made any difference, so I checked the rarity guide, but couldn't find any info about the Spectravideo version... So is it the same rarity as a Spectravision cart? More rare? Less rare?
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