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Humblejack last won the day on May 8 2023

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About Humblejack

  • Birthday 12/03/1953

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  • Interests
    Collecting anything Intellivision, Coin Collecting

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  1. Yes! It also has the sticker on the inside cover.
  2. Unless I am sadly mistaken, that is a Digiplay cartridge. Brown and shiny. I can't see the label as good as I would like but it also indicates Digiplay.
  3. I don't have any reproduction labels but I have bunches of labels removed from original carts. If you want any please PM me and tell me which ones you want and how many of each. If I have them they are yours. This goes for anyone out there, just let me know.
  4. Can I call Mystery Box #3, I'm too slow to catch them when first posted.
  5. As I am reading the Space Battle book by Jamie Lendino I reached page 97, TV Powww. On this page is a screenshot of a Space Battle for the TV Powww play. The aiming sights on this screenshot seem like they would be much more at home on the cartridge based Space Battle or the updated Battlestar Galactica cartridge. It there a variant in our future to add something like this to the already exciting game even if it is just in ROM format? I for one would hope so, I think it would add a new dimension to the playability. Just a thought, HJ
  6. Suggestion: After Omnibro gets it, we just start it over for 2024 or 2025 (which ever year it reaches Omnibro) instead of starting a new loot box. It will have changed contents by then and be new to Rev and those of us at the top of the list. Just a thought. HJ
  7. No Sorry, I sold it many years ago. I just have the keyboard, tape drive (boxed) and about 12 loose games.
  8. Yes, I use the flashback system. I was getting about 2 hours a day when I could stay awake. I am still trying to get at least and hour. Sub Hunt, Backgammon, AD&D. I submitted a request to have Sea Battle made into a 1 person game. That is my favorite game of all. Back in the 80s I had friend who was my equal at the game. That's when the game was the very best there was to play. Sorry for the long answer, Hankster
  9. I would really like to thank Mark for helping through this tough time. He sends me items to read that helped me pass the time. Thanks bunches Mark, Hankster
  10. It must have come in the box because I still have one in the box. I still have an Aquarius and tape drive with several games I need to sell. ebay here I come.
  11. Just for fun, I would love to see the new packaging that they were in. You put your phone down so I missed the unboxing. Please post a pic of how they were packed. HJ
  12. This may seem a bit tacky but I just want to wish each and every member of the Intellivision community a very Merry and Happy New Year. 2023 was a very trying year for me. I just got news last week that my cancer has been halted, not removed or in remission but it is stagnant. I can never be cured. My oncologist told me that the rare cancer that I had was the worst he has ever seen in his career and the most aggressive. On the Gleason scale (the scale that measures how bad and aggressive your cancer is) which goes from 1 to 10, mine was a 12+. When we started this process last July he gave me 3 months to live and last week when he told me about the cancer being stagnant he told me that after I started chemo therapy in July he told me that he only gave me a 30% chance of making it through the chemo. So all being said and done I made it though the toughest thing I've ever had to do. The other toughest things I had to do was to sell off my Intellivision collection. I had one of the most extensive collections for many years but it came in very handy to keep my Honeybun and I afloat during this trying time so I salute it and really appreciate that I had the collection to lean on. Thank each of you for the support and prayers you sent my way, I know they worked and I am here to prove it. I still have a ways to go to get my full strength back but I will. Again thank all of you for all you have done for me. I hope to buy a few of my favorite Intellivision items back that I had to sell but will not be buying all and everything I see. Hankster
  13. Thank you, Merry Christmas and may God Bless you. HJ
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