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Everything posted by raster/c.p.u.

  1. Can I ask why there is used A7 ($d500/$d580) to select first or second pokey? Why you don't use A4 so that there was first pokey at $d500 and second at $d510. It would be more similar to standard ($d200 for standard built-in pokey and 16 addresses below at $d210 is established location for second built-in pokey).
  2. BTW - I found the very nice music in SillyVenture Atari 8-bit invitro (http://www.ateko.pl/sv2k4/sv2k4inv.zip) was made in RMT! That's great!
  3. Changes of AUDCTL during the envelope is supported in RMT routine partially only. There is possible to set/unset bit for filter and if distortion 6 is used, join of two channels is activated. And you can combine it with manual setting of AUDCTL. That's all. I'm sorry, but I don't care to change internal routine and RMT format so that it would be incompatible with current version (so much the more I'm not sure if benefit would be sufficient). no more, no less. Emkay, you're the only one repeatedly calling for this feature. I heard some few examples you demonstrate advantages of this techniques, but I don't like them... I'm sorry. I will not spend time with working on features I don't like... Please, understand me. Thanks. :wink:
  4. You can deduce it according to the key on PC keyboard you pressed. Lower octave: Z... note C, X... note D, .... Higher octave: Q... note C, W... note D, ... Or you can easy scroll down below the end of song, there active one new empty temporary track (Control+N) and test notes there. After it you have to clear this track and remove it from song, of course. Or, I recommend ModPlug tracker: http://www.modplug.com Yes! You're right! I remember my Atari beginnings in 1987-1993 ... all my musics was done in BASIC or later in MAC/65 assembler. Manually writing of tracks TRACK1 .BYTE 121,6,243,8,60,2 (notes, lengths) , song data .WORD TRACK1,TRACK20,TRACK11,TRACK , ... etc.. You don't guess what making music by this way is toilsome. So, it's logic, you can't judge RMT's colossal comfort enough. Good requests I was building-in to RMT always.
  5. Do you mean "why Pokey emulation..." ? (I'm not able to correct Pokey emulation, unfortunately.) Ok. :wink:
  6. I'm very sorry, it seems to me be pretty detuned. But, maybe I am earless... Sounds, sounds, sounds... interesting sounds, ok... exotic sounds, ok... but I can't help myself, where is a music? Oh, excuse me, IMHO it would be nicer, if a musicians would use ears. Please, don't be angry at me, It's my opinion only.
  7. You have to define some START address in your ASM source code: 10 START 20 ... your code... ... your code... 1000;-------- 1010 *=$02E0 1020 .WORD START That's all. BTW - you can use ASM,,#D:FILENAME.COM directly (without renaming OBJ to COM)
  8. Hot news 4.10.2004 ... New RMT 1.17 tracker. http://www.infos.cz/raster/atari/rmt/rmt.htm Changes in RMT 1.17 ------------------- - Menu Track: * Load and paste to actual track. * Save actual track as... * Clear all duplicated tracks, adjust song. (Note: This function is also included in Song - All size optimizations.) - New block effect/tool (menu Block - Effect/tools or Ctrl+F or toolbar button "FX") function: "Modify notes, instruments and volumes". - Function "Song - Prepare song line with unused empty tracks (Ctrl+P)" was changed to "Song - Insert new line with unused empty tracks (Ctrl+P)" and now it insert this new songline into actual song line positions, not to line below. - Function "Song - Prepare duplicated song line (Ctrl+O)" was changed to "Song - Insert copy or clone of song line(s) (Ctrl+O)". and now it shows new copy/clone dialog for setting of parameters for this very helpful function. - Menu Song: * Put new empty unused track to actual song position (Ctrl+N). - "File - Export as XEX Atari executable msx" there is possible to: * define 4+1 lines now. 5th line is showed instead of 4th line if Atari SHIFT key is pressed. * define color of rasterline meter. - "File - Export as SAP file" there is possible to define hexadecimal song line numbers for more SAP module subsongs. Initial values are prepared by automatic subsong-detection algorithm, but you can change it at pleasure. - Added "*.tm8" extension in Import TMC open file dialog. - New option in Config dialog (menu View - Configuration): * F1-F8 keyboard layout: - RMT original keyboard layout. - Layout 2: F1=track edit,F2=instrument edit,F3=info edit,F4=song edit F5=Play,F6=Play from start,Ctrl+F7=Play tracks,F7=Replay tracks,F8=Stop (This layout is for F5-F8 keys identical with some other renowned module tracker programs.) Accessories - Atari RMT player RMTPL104.XEX (new version 1.04) is in "player" directory. (There is short description in RMTPL104.TXT file.) New songs - Song "hexxagon.rmt" (Hexxagon music & sfx, raster/c.p.u., 2003) Song "basix.rmt" (Basix, by raster/c.p.u. 2004) Song "gemx.rmt" (Gem'x song, Atari version by raster/c.p.u. 2004) in "songs" directory. (SAP file "hexxagon.sap" with 6 subsongs is in "exports/sap" directory.) (SAP file "basix.sap" with 9 subsongs is in "exports/sap" directory.) Bug fixes - Revision of keyboard control. NumLock mode is turned off all the time when tracker main window is active, so that key combinations Shift+NumBlockKeys are working as well as state of right Shift key can be correctly detected now. - Internal improvement of TMC import algorithm (better recognition of identical tracks arised from other tracks by song shift parameter). - If tracker window isn't active, MIDI events on channel 0 are ignored. - Other small corrections and bugfixes. Enjoy it! Greetings, raster/c.p.u.
  9. RMT module file is standard Atari binary file with from-to head data, because it contains many tables of pointers (with absolute memory values, no relative values from begin of module!). If you will save the music with function "Save as.." "RMT file", module will dedicated for default address - from $4000. If you want use RMT music in your program, you should use "Export as.." "RMT stripped file". Then you can specify your own needed location for your RMT module data and this data will be stripped (i.e. without any redundant bytes, names of instruments, unused song parts e.t.c.). So, please, use File - Export as - RMT stripped file. If you will use "RMT stripped file", you can also use "RMT FEATure definitions" for speed/size optimization of RMT player routine for this one concrete module.
  10. In RMT package there is x-asm source of player routine (rmtplayr.a65 + rmt_feat.a65) also with example of its using (music.a65). Please, see the directory "/rmt116/asm_src/".
  11. There is more possibilities: For example - You can do "jsr RASTERMUSICTRACKER+3 ;1 play", and then overwrite RMT's private AUDF/AUDC registers which are prepared now for store to POKEY during the next "jsr RASTERMUSICTRACKER+3 ;1 play". See the declaration of these registers (asm_src/rmtplayr.a65): trackn_audf org *+TRACKS trackn_audc org *+TRACKS So, lda #value, sta trackn_audf+3 <-for audf of generator 3, and lda #value, sta trackn_audc+3 <-for audc of generator 3. Values you store to trackn_audf/audc will be moved to POKEY and then RMT routine will overwrite them with new own prepared values... but if you will replace this values after RASTERMUSICTRACKER+3 routine every time, your values will be victorious. Of course, the other way is - you can trim some parts (in SetPokey function) of rmtplayr.a65 with "lda trackn_audf/c+..., sta $d200+...".
  12. Hi, Tezz. I recommend you to create one RMT modul with all this parts one by one. For example - In song it can look like this: 00: 01 02 03 04 01: 05 06 07 08 02: GOTO 00 03: 09 0A 0B 0C 04: GOTO 03 05: 0D 0E 0F 10 06: GOTO 05 All this parts can use the same set of instruments of course. Then you can play this song parts by "init" parameter - see the asm_src/music.a65 example - there is: ldx #<MODUL;low byte of RMT module to X reg ldy #>MODUL;hi byte of RMT module to Y reg lda #0 ;starting song line 0-255 to A reg jsr RASTERMUSICTRACKER ;Init So, instead of "lda #0" there can be lda #3 for playing from songline 3 (your music part 2) or lda #5 for playing from songline 5 (your music part 3). It's easy, I think. Ok?
  13. There is showed "Instrument active help" when you are selecting command number ... so, if command 7 is selected, there is note at the bottom: Set BASE_NOTE = $XY, play BASE_NOTE. / If $XY==$80, then VOLUME ONLY mode. Also when DISTORTION parameter is changed, notices are showed at the bottom: A ... Distortion 10, pure tones. (AUDC $Av) E ... Distortion 12, bass tones - bass table 2. (AUDC $Cv) etc.
  14. I assumed that there is used intensive sprites' multiplexing. Oh, I wasn't noticed there are character-based objects (bullets). But yes, I have seen it now, aha. So, now I think I understand how it is possible to manage it with standard C64. (I assumed this game does too much bitmap changes, but it was clever illusion only. ) But it's still great game, I think!
  15. Yes, It's great. Please, TMR, give me know - is it running on pure C64, or it needs some C64 "Super CPU" extension ?
  16. This your "teen spirit" cover sounds very very good!
  17. I'm glad of people's Basix popularity. More programs of this genre? ... Do you know our SelfDemo published at Forever3 (2002)? (I hope people wasn't reseting Atari when Self Test screen appear... it isn't the end of this demo... it's just the begin...) BTW - I treasured ideas used in Basix approximately for one year (from Forever4 to Forever5). Thanks.
  18. Yes, It's nice picture, but interlaced picture... oh my eyes... interlaced blinking is terrible... G2F "stable-view" techniques rules!!!
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