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  1. No idea on the iPhone X. I've been too lazy to get one. Hopefully someone else can confirm. I have been meaning to test BT audio with an adapter on the II side to convert the BT to analog. But alas, no time.
  2. The speed comes from a combination of compression and custom 8000/9600 BPS code. The average effective download rate for the diskserver based on ~1500 disks measured is just under 19000 BPS. The native Apple II 1333 BPS code is used to boot strap my faster code and compression. Details here: https://github.com/datajerk/c2t/raw/master/article/article.pdf
  3. Right click on the WAV link to download the .wav file. There's one for each format/speed permutation. Or create your own: https://github.com/datajerk/c2t. I'd use c2t with a cache of .dsks before caching a lot of .wavs. Re: S5 issues. Make sure volume is up, phone is in vibrate mode (system sounds are a killer), try both 8000 (8KFI) and 9600 (HIFI) BPS speed. The overall download/write time is not that much different between 8000 and 9600. 9600 uses asymmetrical waves that some players do not like (I know of a fix, just no time). 8000 (symmetrical) should work on any system that does not alter the .wav or filter the output. The S5 could be doing other types of mods to the output.
  4. Scratch that. Uncased please. I just reread the FAQ. I have Lynx 1. Thanks.
  5. Hi, Just got Lynx as gift, please add me to list (cased multicart). Thanks.
  6. Perhaps this will help: https://bitbucket.org/Cathedrow/potsduino/wiki/Home
  7. It's still possible to get disks copied via the audio ports in a reasonable amount of time. http://asciiexpress.net/diskserver The code (c2t) is open source, so making your audio images is easy too. Average time to create a 140K floppy via c2t 8000 bps + compressed audio is about 2 minutes. Add 30 seconds if you need to format the disk first.
  8. The WAV and AIF formats (if computer generated using c2t or emulators) are very compressible. I just did a quick test and was able to reduce the size of an Apple II WAV file by 38x (1277K to 33K). I've spent too much time trying to squeeze the most out of the Apple II audio jacks. The best I could do was 9600 bps (no compression). However, that speed is not stable on all Apple IIs. 8000 bps has been demonstrated to be stable with all Apple IIs (that have been reported) as well as Virtual ][ emulation. When/if I have the time I may try again to get 9600 bps stable. The c2t source has all the 6502 assembly source as well. Good luck with your project.
  9. No, but the COSMAC VIP did. Here's a quick hack to support the VIP with start/stop (parity really) bits: http://asciiexpress.net/files/VIP/ You could adapt to other formats.
  10. Again done. Look at the c2t source. There is an option to compress. The compression is 6502 simulated by c2t to judge if it would be faster to just transfer vs. transferring the decompress code + binary + decompress time. Examples of a compressed binary and an uncompress binary: Input: Binary game without DOS header that should be loaded at $801 as fast as possible while being compatible with all Apple IIs. Command: c2t -8c moon.patrol,801 moon.patrol.aif Reading moon.patrol, type binary, segment 1, start: 0x0801, length: 18460 Writing moon.patrol.aif as Apple II formatted aiff. start: 0x7226, length: 18393, deflated: 0.36%, data time:18.95, inflate time:6.83 WARNING: compression disabled: no significant gain (18.11) To load up and run on your Apple II, type: LOAD NOTE: Compression was disabled because it didn't help. Input: Binary game without DOS header that should be loaded at $800 as fast as possible while being compatible with all Apple IIs. Command: c2t -8c super_puckman,800 super_puckman.wav Reading super_puckman, type binary, segment 1, start: 0x0800, length: 30719 Writing super_puckman.wav as Apple II formatted wave. start: 0x886C, length: 12691, deflated: 58.69%, data time:13.25, inflate time:5.79 To load up and run on your Apple II, type: LOAD
  11. I started to explore this as well, but ran out of time. I had a number of challenges getting a good recording from the Apple II via iOS (existing apps). Here's a possible workaround, have the Apple II post up a QR code, use the iPhone camera to read it and fetch the audio code. E.g.: http://asciiexpress.net/gameserver/gameserverclient.mp4
  12. Already been done: http://asciiexpress.net/diskserver/ Out of date demo (it's much better now): http://asciiexpress.net/diskserver/video.mp4
  13. If your end goal is an iOS app that streams tapes to the Apple II, then just store the code as compressed binaries and generate the audio as needed. It was my intention to have the Apple Game and Disk Server Online dynamically generate the audio, but I ran out of time and opted for static pre-generated audio files (that and I have 200GB free on that server). Someday I'll update both sites to something more dynamic. The c2t source that the Apple Game and Disk Server Online uses is available from here: http://asciiexpress.net/files/ Tape @ 1333 bps is painfully slow, I'd recommend using c2t @ 8000 bps with compression enabled.
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