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Posts posted by bfollowell

  1. 5 hours ago, Atari-Collector said:

    I only seen myAtari selling the nullmodem cable on ebay, and I avoid 'best' since he only uses the most expensive shipping to Canada.


    I guess I could take a shot at making one, my hands hurt like hell today, but by the time I order parts I will hopefuly be doing better

    I've never dealt with them personally, but I see 8bitclassics seems to sell the 850 modem cable.




  2. 35 minutes ago, spacedmonkeys said:

    I put everything back together, decided to try some cartridges I have, with strange results:


    Missile Command - worked a few times, but crashed, and no incoming missiles displayed. No sound. Tried a couple more times and got blue screen with cursor.

    Asteroids - works but the asteroids seem to be incomplete, no sound.

    Basic cart - does not boot (blue screen fixed cursor)

    Star Raiders - black screen


    Kind of unexpected that those first two carts worked. 



    Yeah, that is really weird, especially since Star Raiders didn't boot up. It's a good diagnostic cart because of the way it boots. I wouldn't have expected any signs of life from any others at all from what you've described getting from Star Raiders. You have the right group of fellow users on this thread though. If they can't help you get it going, something really major is up. @Beeblebrox is self-taught, but he's acquired a ton of A8 knowledge through trial and error troubleshooting and he has a very good methodology for troubleshooting these old machines. As far as @flashjazzcat goes, you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone anywhere that knows more about the A8 machines than him. If they can't help you get this machine going, it truly is dead.


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  3. I've used an AtariMax SIO2PC USB adapter with their APE and ProSystem softwares, as well as a homemade SIO2USB cable I made using a DTech FTDI USB to TTL Serial 5V Adapter Cable that I ordered from Amazon, link below, using respeQt. I've used these with everything from Windows 7 through Windows 11, all 64-bit versions, and never had any trouble whatsoever. I'm not a Linux user and have zero experience with it, so I can't even hazard a guess as to what your issues may be, but I can confirm that these devices and softwares work fine with "modern" systems and OSes made within the last fifteen years, at least in general. I know I've heard of others using at least some of these with Linux and Mac systems, either natively, or through a Windows emulator, so I know it can be done, but again, I have no direct experience with it.


    DTech FTDI USB to TTL Serial 5V Adapter Cable 6 Pin 0.1 inch Pitch Female Socket Header UART IC FT232RL Chip Windows 11 10 8 7 Linux MAC OS (6ft, Black)


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  4. Well, for stx files, neither FlashFloppy nor HcX are compatible with stx files directly, unless something has changed recently. There are details somewhere on the HcX website with details on how to convert a disk image to an hcx file or hfe or whatever the native HcX format is. You can convert an stx file to this and it may work. I've done this successfully with some stx files. Your best bet is to find a non-stx version of whatever software you're trying to run and use that.


    I'm not aware of any way to run individual files directly from a Gotek.


    Also, you seem to be mixing some terminology. You mention HcX firmware and then a FlashFloppy drive. There is no such thing as a FlashFloppy. There are Gotek and Goex drives and there is HcX and FlashFloppy firmware available for both. Your drive will have one or the other installed, but not both. I have the registered version of HcX firmware on my Gotek, so that's what I've used. I don't have much experience with FlashFloppy. I also have zero Mac experience, so I can't help you there either, sorry.


    What files/games/software are you attempting to get to run and not having any luck?


  5. 1 hour ago, CommodoreDecker said:

    Thanks for info! I wonder if the 520's composite line is faulty or if it's a bad cable. I've zero problems with monitor out when using a VGA cable (e.g. Best Electronics)...


    I do have a ST to VGA cable that plugs into my HDMI monitor. The monitor definitely support the signal (I recall reading many LCD sets don't)  But the scan doubler/converter would fix that for all... (and work on the Amiga, oh for the days of the A520 adapter LOL, but that's a different story.)







    It depends on what 520ST you're talking about. If it's just an original, standard 520ST, I'm fairly certain there isn't a composite line. That whole part of the circuit doesn't exist. If it's a 520STM, a 520STFM, or a 520STE, then it would have the appropriate composite circuitry.


  6. 4 hours ago, Bee said:

    Happy wife, happy wife. ...  I'm going with it.  Salmon swim upstream but many die.


    my 2 cents!


    You keep your wife happy. Most of those making fun are either in the same boat and trying to pretend they're not, not married, or not happily married. Most wives are extremely wonderful, as long as they're in full control of our balls. My wife gives mine back to me whenever she determines I need them. That arrangement has worked out really well for us for over 15 years and she takes much better care of them than I ever did!


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  7. 14 hours ago, mozzwald said:

    Parts arriving this week to make some more. If you get on the email list you'll get notified when they're available.

    I'm using an 800XL with 512k SRAM upgrade and FujiNet, so nothing excessive here. Of the 50 shipped so far, have not heard from anyone blowing the fuse yet.

    That's cool that you have some awesome 8-bit products and you're so close.


    I guess Peoria and Evansville aren't really all that close, but since my wife grew up in the area and still has family there that we visit occasionally, it feels like it's right next door.


    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Sean_1970 said:

    These might be 5200 images (downloaded so many years ago I honestly cannot remember), so could be I just need to tick the 5200 radio button? Anyway cheers for all the info. I can’t see doing any manual edit, so worst case I’ll just try to source .atr versions 🤷‍♂️


    No idea. The machine is too new. Try it and see what happens.


    If they're actually 5200 titles, there won't be an atr version, or any other version other than some type of rom/bin/car image.


    What titles are you talking about?


  9. 27 minutes ago, pjedavison said:

    This from the manual may be of relevance to those having trouble with cartridges. I'm not sure what the relevant extensions/cartridge types are, but perhaps someone can clarify?


    (Text for those who can't read the image: "Note: In the unexpected case where a cartridge file (specifically .rom or .bin) files is not identified correctly, you can instruct THE400 Mini to use the correct type by giving the file an extension of .c##, where ## gives the correct cartridge type number. For example .c02")


    Yes, this makes it sound like The 400 doesn't support car images or their headers, so, he's going to need to convert his car images to bin or rom without a header and try again. If they still won't work, he'll need to rename using this criteria depending on what cartridge type the image is from.


  10. Yes and no. They are binaries, but they are not straight dumps. A basic 16KB cart dump would be 16,384 bytes. A 16KB car image; a true car image, not one just renamed to car, would be 16,400 bytes. That 16B header tells the emulator/software/hardware that is using the image what type/brand of cartridge the original cartridge was so that it knows what to do with the cartridge. Not all carts were the same and some had banking schemes and they worked completely different. With a basic bin or rom, you lose this data and many cart images won't run properly.


    As far as removing the header, I'm not certain myself. I'm sure you could use a hex editor to take off the 16B header and then save the image back out to bin or rom. I think that you might be able to open a car image in Altirra and then save it back out as a bin or rom without the header, but I'm not 100% certain.


  11. I would think that, if it is a cartridge image, that none of those would work. A true CAR image has a 16B header that tells the software/device what type of cartridge it is and how to use it. A bin or rom image don't have that. Renaming a car to bin or rom leaves a strange file with this extra weird 16B header that it shouldn't have, so I'm assuming the emulator thinks it's part of the code, so then the image fails.


    That's just my opinion of what is happening though, and I could be wrong.


    If I were you, I'd strip the 16B header from your car images then rename them to rom or bin and try them again.


  12. 1 hour ago, Allan said:

    What's really missing more  are utilities with their packaging and public domain software. The Antic and Analog magazine software has been archived and most of the the APX stuff as been as well. A big thing that is needed is organizing this stuff better and having a more easier way to get access to it. For example, a site needs to be created to access and search all the user group disks. Right now they are just partial collections out there in various places.

    Yes and no. Many of the Antic & Analog disks weren't properly archived as many were double-sided, but only one side is available. If the second sides have been archived since the last time I checked, I'm not aware of it.


    Still, it would be great to see everything he has properly archived.


  13. I just looked through the images of those three collections and all I can say is WOW!


    I'd love to stumble onto something like that and to be able to save them. It kills me to think that, if he hadn't saved all of that one collection, it was headed to the dump, and makes me wonder, how many other similar and smaller collections have met the same fate over the decades. It's a tragedy.


    I'd really love to see all of those Antic & Analog cover disks and APX disks get properly flux imaged and archived.


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  14. 12 minutes ago, jeffgamer said:

    I think what you wrote would only apply if you try to come up with one flat fee across the board on your own instead of letting their shipping calculator do the work FOR you.



    You're right. I don't sell very often. It's probably been a couple of years since I sold anything and I can't recall ever using their shipping calculator.


  15. That's why I always list my items to include actual shipping costs. I don't feel it's right to charge someone fifty miles away the same price it costs to ship something across the country. At the same time, a lot of people don't like to bid unless they know what shipping costs are going to be. The only way to list it ahead of time is to check 3-4 locations in the country far from you and get an average what it's going to cost and make that your shipping cost. It's a double-edged sword. The buyer either wants to pay pretty close to actual shipping cost or they want to know what it is before they bid, but they can't have both unless they contact the seller and ask how much it would cost to ship to this or that address.


    Also, it depends on what shipping companies a seller has in their area. In my average size town, it's USPS, UPS, or FedEx, and that's about it. I'm not driving all over town wasting my time and gas looking for some little Mom & Pop shipping establishment to save $1 on shipping. 


    I agree that there are sellers that gouge on shipping to try and make a few extra bucks, but there are just as many unreasonable buyers that have unrealistic expectations. Most ebay sellers aren't Amazon with Prime Two-Day Shipping, and they're never gonna be. Buyers need to adjust their expectations a little as well.


  16. I like unboxing videos too, to a degree. I like to know what to expect when I purchase things, especially something expensive or a tech item. It's nice to have an idea what is included. I just hate glorified unboxing videos that call themselves reviews when they plainly aren't reviewing anything.


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  17. 1 hour ago, _The Doctor__ said:

    LMGTFY is no longer a function I perform.

    but for the truly snippy I provide a way to see plenty of options including the actual installation pdf etc. that you don't need to join in order to download.



    so hard to type atari simple stereo install or other key words Mr. Smarty Pants


    I've never understood why people that obviously don't want to help someone waste their time to even post. Unfortunately, your reply about a web search was useless. If you'd read his original post a little closer, you would see that he has a bare, unassembled board, not a completed, ready-to-install unit, so an install manual doesn't help him in the slightest. He was asking for an assembly manual, not an installation manual. What he needs is a schematic or some technical manual detailing the component listing for his board, none of which is available on Lotharek's site or in the install manual, or anywhere else that I can find, and my Google Fu is strong.


    If you guys want to help, then help. If not, then just keep moving. At the very least, make certain you actually know what a user is asking and what they need before whipping out the less than useless search fu comments.


    @FastRobPlus, I apologize. Users on here are usually a little more helpful that that. I've looked as well and I can't find anything anywhere detailing the information that you need. I don't ever recall Lotharek selling kits, but you may need to contact him for the information that you need.

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  18. And I hate the way that so many of these glorified unboxing videos will call themselves reviews or unboxing and review. I always look at the duration. OK, the video is 3:30. OK, I call BS. It's an unboxing video, period. There's no reviewing being done.


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