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Shaggy the Atarian

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    At The Arcade
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    Video Games(arcades), music, movies, astronomy, writing
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    EDF 5, Atari 50th

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  1. FYI, the 3-player Asteroids has left the building. It will be replaced with a 2-player model that will have a different software build, here in the next 2-3 weeks. Also, since this was brought up in threads on this in the past, I've been told that the pricing for the 3-player will change and be lower than what it had been at $13k, but not sure when they will be announcing that new price.
  2. Not sure yet, they probably would have liked to do it today but it's been raining non-stop. I'll post here with pics once in place
  3. Test update: Alan-1 has decided to swap out the 3-player with a 2-player - but at the same time will bring a 2-player for Avian Knights. So in this sense, the test is shifting to both Asteroids and Avian Knights. That will create a slightly different dynamic but still should allow both games to get a feel for the casual crowds. Main issue on the 3 (since I'm sure it will be asked) is the credit problem. While it was partially fixed, it was still present, so the cabinet needs some work back at the Alan-1 HQ. The new cabinets should not have that problem, so it can be a proper test.
  4. Sure, and you'll never make everyone happy. I mentioned in the debate the last page, one other little thing that bugs me is how it seems to use some of the usual tropes of another evil corporation story. Perhaps with the hacker angle and Yar being the avatar it'll be interesting and entertaining. But, just seems like a missed opportunity to build on something that isn't a trope, since I can't think of any other pre-made stories like YR where its about mutant flies capable of interstellar travel dealing with a mortal enemy
  5. I am interested in playing Lunar Lander Beyond, and don't mind that they've expanded on that. It looks like it's a creative, interesting way to take something, although it's not like LL had much "lore" to begin with In the case of YR, like I said, I'm not big on retconning stuff as that more often sucks than ends up as better or more compelling, but maybe it'll be great and there's no reason for me to care. We'll see.
  6. They are still working on it, but not sure when it might be ready. Crossing fingers for the next day or two. Mario Kart and Cruis'n have basically the same demographic (Cruisn just gives gas whether you push it or not, which is great for kids) although I see everything from kids to adults from both sexes giving it a play. That's anecdotal, but informed by what I've seen over the years. Maximum Tune definitely appeals more to the guys, in part thanks to the shifter and the more serious tone and style of play.
  7. Yeah, I haven't had much luck in finding out their recent history either. I talked with one of their guys to find out if they had a US strategy in place, but it doesn't sound like it for the time being. One of their guys does seem to fundamentally understand what an arcade game is though - he's of the type that thinks anything simple is "arcade." No big deal though. I only played Jungle Hunt on the Atari systems (more on the 800 than the 2600 version), but always enjoyed that one too. Space Dungeon is also a fantastic game, but never went anywhere in arcades and only got that port to the 5200.
  8. Admonish me if this is the wrong place to put this...not sure, but I guess its technically modern. But Taito's The Newzealand Story is coming back from an unlikely developer...Commodore
  9. I already explained my pushback; you can have that opinion, I'm not saying that you can't, so I think you're reading way too much into my posts. Neither of us can know how this will end up, but I'll say for the Xth time, I hope it's a great game. Yes, we do agree there for the most part. I don't care for when companies retcon things, as that's usually a red flag that it isn't good. That's the only thing I'm really concerned about when it comes to this game. No need to blow it up from there. Apologies for being a bit abrasive on my language, but you should realize that being pretty new and coming in with your own attack at the start on some little thing I said isn't going to start things off on the right foot. Since you're new and there's little history on your side, I can only react to what I see here and it just came off as a bit odd and shilly. Forums are always full of some pushback, so if you post something that someone else doesn't agree with, there's usually going to be some discussion about that.
  10. I'm sorry that your mind can't even conceive of anything other than what was shown in a 1 minutish trailer, but when all you've posted are "everything Atari does is gold!!!" posts, then make absolute statements like you did in this thread, you shouldn't be so shocked that someone might gently push back and see you as a shill. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
  11. You're close but per the comic book, the Yars/Razakians came from a crashed ship and space radiation, they weren't sent up into space as some kind of experiment. They were an accident. Not that this is a huge deal or anything as we're arguing over a 40+ year old game's lore. Again, so far this feels like WayForward is interjecting the YR story into something else they had been working on. Perhaps not and I'm wrong. That's just the impression so far. No need to bend over backwards to defend a game none of us have played yet. Regardless Rising's genesis, it's silly to claim that what WayForward is doing is the ONLY "logical and fitting gameplay idea" as 1) Rising appears to be a prequel, not a sequel. 2) Just the comic book & game itself provides plenty of lore for in-universe sequels - what happens after Yars exacts his revenge and saves Razak III? Shouldn't there be other Qotile aliens in the galaxy? Might they attack again? Are they attacking other planets/solar systems? Is there a reason behind all that, if so, what is it? Do the Yars go on the warpath to ensure that another Razak IV event never happens again or do they sit around in fear waiting for another attack to happen? There are many "logical and fitting" ways you could go with that that don't somehow involve a human hacker on Earth fighting against an evil human corporation. I'd say that's less intuitive and "fitting" to the story, just on its face. In fact, yet another evil corporation doing evil things is just as tired a cliche as an evil alien race invading planets at this point. Perhaps you work for WayForward or you're a WF shill, but sounds to me like you're projecting. They just as easily could have already had a concept for their MV-style game where you played a mini-game as a part of the hacking component (most hacking elements of video games are just mini-games anyways, so is that really "genius?"), so when the Yar license came along, it became "well, scrap the one we had, put in the OG Yar instead." Maybe it is a sequel in that case although that doesn't really explain how any of the lore ties together or how the Yar/Razaks ended up back on Earth to imbue random humans with super powers. None of that comes from the comic. Again, I'll give the game a chance and perhaps I'll really enjoy it. But you popping into the forums out of nowhere and making these absolutist statements about how they can only make the sequel in this way is a bit absurd.
  12. I was 4 or 5, I might have read it in the manual, but I also might have not...t'was so long ago now 🧙‍♂️
  13. It's a stretch, but it kind of was in arcades. YR started off as a port of Cinematronics' Star Castle, but when HSW couldn't get that concept to work right on the 2600, he retooled it and gave us YR.
  14. To be fair, they mentioned that this was one of the two ways to get the Zorlon cannon in the original game's manual. I know most games have no manual anymore, but back in the day, you couldn't have a tutorial to explain things, so relied on the manual. I would say it's not a design flaw for two reasons: 1) What happens if a player just sprays and prays the shield away with their normal shot? How are they supposed to get the ZC? The shield doesn't regenerate, so some way was needed to accomplish this. 2) This becomes a high risk, high reward feature that builds the tension I grew up playing games like YR, and I think I just discovered this trick on accident. I didn't think "that's stupid!," it taught me to use strategy. If the shields were gone and I'd used, but missed, with the ZC, then I learned to wait for the Qotile to fire, hope it missed me, then immediately go and touch it to get the ZC. Otherwise, it's a tension building risk...will it kill me when I'm right there, or will it not. Still, it never fires immediately after it already has fired, so that's always your chance. As for this new take in the form of Yars' Rising, I'll wait to play it and see. I am glad they are looking to bring it back, but when I first watched the trailer, it seemed to me like they just had some other Metroidvania in development, Atari asked if they wanted to do a Yars game, then slapped that license on to it. I could be wrong. Still, from the trailer, I am disappointed that it doesn't appear to follow the original game's lore (from the manual and comic book) at all, but we'll see if their surprise somehow ties it all together.
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