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About Mi1ez

  • Birthday 04/29/1972

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    Ludlow, MA (sometimes Palm Coast, FL)

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  1. Bonus image of the older big brother Atari 1200XL sitting the THE400 Mini on its shoulder. 😉
  2. For anybody who is considering this, I bought one and it is an outstanding replacement. It feels so much better than the original keyboard and looks like a perfect match. It was a breeze to install in minutes. Comparing the OEM keyboard and the Decent 1200... The finished installation looks splendid and feels infinitely better on my fingers!
  3. Hello! 


    I saw your post for the "Drop-in replacement mechanical keyboard for the Atari 1200XL: the Decent1200" and I desperately need this to replace a bad keyboard (and replace it with a perfect new one).  I've had to wait on getting the replacement DecentXE keyboard as an upgrade but this one I can't wait on.  This is great!


    Please let me know if you need anything from me so I can get in line to get one built for me.

    "$299 plus $15 shipping to the US"


    Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    1. ScreamingAtTheRadio


      Happy to help save a 1200XL 😁

      You can send me a private message with your address and I’ll get the ball rolling…

  4. Yeah, Linux-only over here. So far, it seems like they're only catering to the Windows crowd. Not happy about that.
  5. That's how I update my Flashback Atari50 version of the Atari 2600, yup!
  6. For a firmware update? What kind of complexity? What would make serial communications over USB any more complex across platforms? Windows being the weirdest one of the bunch with its need for a special driver for that chipset is something most other platforms like Linux and Macintosh don't need. Automated builds targeting a couple of other architectures isn't hard (that's actually my primary job). I've worked with firmware updates for projects I've worked on myself so I find that that's a really bizarre statement. It would have been even better if they'd supported a flash drive update so that you didn't even need a host to flash it but now THAT is understandably adding complexity (but would make life universally so much better for 100% of the customers).
  7. That does work (that's how I ended up getting my Cricut to work on my Linux laptop) but it requires installing a whole copy of windows in a VM and everything that implies. Bleh. I almost never use my Cricut because of that. I just don't understand why the flash app couldn't just be provided for Linux and Mac to cover almost everyone who got the 2600+ when it's just a flasher tool and it's extremely easy to just support all three target architectures.
  8. Happy to see it's getting out there but disappointed that I can't test out a bunch of controllers and games myself (joysticks, paddles, Atari trakball, lightgun, etc.). This seems wayyyyy too risky for me to try running through WINE with all the multiple parts involved. I still don't understand why a Windows based client could be written but couldn't compile one to Linux x86/64. (I work with CICD and it boggles me when people compile something so simple as a flasher to ONLY one target, doubly boggling when it's Windows given its convoluted architecture and drivers.) I say all this just to hope that the final release won't require Windows. I wish I could just simply update it with a power+USB A split cable (the way I updated the Atgames Atari 50 version of the 2600) instead of having a dependency on any particular architecture. Anyway, LET THE BUG HUNT BEGIN! ...Also, yesssss... I have Bug Hunt for the XE.
  9. I'd be interested! Thanks for checking, if you can. I'd still be interested to see your results with the new firmware too, since that'll ultimately be where we end up. Thanks!
  10. Strangely, Asteroids for 7800 was marked as working but my copy keeps experiencing all sorts of weird problems, including sometimes not reading correctly, sometimes coming up with an error, sometimes rebooting in the middle of playing it, etc. I didn't see any of that with the other stuff but I thought it was weird to see that with a cartridge that their spec sheet said should work. Are you seeing that too?
  11. Maybe? It sometimes works but not always (for example, I can't use it with my Cricut cutter machine--end up using VirtualBox with a copy of Windows and, even then, I haven't used mine in almost a year because it means using a vm instead of WINE. I haven't tried under Bottles lately (which seems to have a MUCH better luck getting WINE to work with all sorts of things). If I'm included in the beta test, I could try that out, but I'd really much rather have a native Linux client to run instead of going through all these hoops just to get a Windows ROM flasher to work.
  12. Holy moly! This is great and addresses a few things I've been pointing out. Thanks so much for addressing these things and letting the public beta test to shake things out before release! Sadly, I won't be able to participate as I haven't had a computer running Windows (nor MacOS) in my household since 2003 and I don't intend to ever invite that monstrosity into my home. That being said, I hope that the firmware upgrade won't require Windows too. I'll be intensely upset if that turns out to be the case. I'm puzzled as so why it would require Windows in the first place. In any case, if you ever release a Linux based firmware flasher for the beta, I've got a few oddity games and a plurality of first and third party joystick/paddle/lightgun/etc controllers I could test out in the 2600 and 7800 catalog. Thanks! OH right! ...And, like @remowilliams, I'm VERY interested to know if the firmware can be rolled back too.
  13. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!! I love it!!
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