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Everything posted by Intellivet

  1. Ready and waiting to receive! It's a bummer that the Halo carts finally ran out but it had to happen sometime...
  2. Blix 2.0? Piggy Bank 2? Any pics or screenshots? Are these going to eventually be made available to the masses?
  3. More games! - Hard Hat (intvrev) - Space Cadet (intvrev) - Blow Out (intvrev) I would also recommend using SoulBuster's post-125 homebrew thread to compare to last year's goty candidate pool list as I'm not certain all games available for purchase in 2015 were voted on last year (Missile Domination, Land Battle, etc.).
  4. Please reserve #44 for me. Thanks for publishing the game and what a great cause!
  5. Is there a limit to how much a gift should cost?
  6. Someone recently posted an auction for some overlays for "Crazy Clones": http://www.ebay.com/itm/Intellivision-CRAZY-CLONES-Video-Game-Overlays-/381796853829?hash=item58e4dda845:g:xf8AAOSwTA9X8blc I don't believe this game has been released as a homebrew but rom is available; have only the overlays been released? These overlays were not listed in what came out of the orphan overlays sets so am curious as to where they came from? Custom from some random individual and not part of a overay set or CIB?
  7. Hmmm... I would like either #4 or #8 if they are still available! If not then #44 will do. Thank you so much for producing the game and can't wait to play it!
  8. Will you all stop playing with your we-we's and stay on topic?
  9. I'm sure most of you are aware but for those of you that cannot get enough of Tron and may not know (I'm a serious fan myself), Disney also made an awesome cartoon series called "Tron: Uprising" in 2012 that is well worth watching every episode. Unfortunately the series was cancelled after 19 episodes if I remember correctly due to low ratings but was amazing and is truly a shame they discontinued it. Write your congressman (or woman, or whatever)!
  10. Sorry for the bad news and all the trouble with your pets lately. Have they made radiographs of her abdomen yet? Sometimes you can figure out if an abdominal tear is likely present or get the diagnosis of the problem with x-rays alone (not 100% of the time, however), which could get help figure out what the problem could be much earlier than Tuesday? Seems a shame to put yourself, the cat, and your bank account through all of this just waiting until Tuesday but if she is not stable enough to move to another hospital to get an earlier ultrasound appointment then you may be stuck. Best wishes and I'll keep her in my prayers!
  11. Your first set was beautiful! Sign me up for two sets of the rarer labels once they are complete!
  12. Not to be a "Debbie Downer" on the Rock Band brainstorm session and I'm not a programmer but my initial thought would be to just focus on creating another really good game for the ECS Music Synthesizer so we can actually use it to play more than just Melody Blaster and not worry about the rest of the instruments? Most of us don't have tons of friends banging down our front doors to play Intellivision with us and can be hard enough to get someone to play most of the sports games with you where two players are required. Would not imagine most of us ever playing with multiple instruments at once even if they could be developed. Would definitely be nice to get more use out of my Music Synthesizer... You could even include "Stairway to Heaven" as one of the tracks for some of the folks on this thread! But, of course, this is just my opinion and any further musical game developed I would definitely want to purchase as I really enjoy that gaming genre. To comment on what this thread this actually for: I'll definitely buy a copy of the multiple game cart for Oscar and wish his family the very best.
  13. Very cool; are they for you or for her? Wear them with pride!!
  14. PM sent! Thanks for making these available for everyone to purchase!
  15. I'm in for a game board copy! Thank you so much for finally releasing and can't wait to play it. Definitely appreciate all of your hard work and efforts to bring us new or better versions of the games we love...
  16. Beautiful! Also sounds like you'll easily be able to tell the difference between this Wing War box and the first version as well. PM sent!
  17. Since you asked... the giraffes in the pic are probably both female as their horns are identical and not bald on top. Both male and female gazelles can have horns, but if they are antelopes instead then only the males have horns. Cannot tell about the elephants as only one set of tusks is showing so is anyone's guess. I don't see a veterinarian examining them before they board the boat and I'm sure Noah was a busy guy at the time so quality assurance was probably abysmal. Wait, what was this thread about again?
  18. Noah doesn't discriminate in the 21st century...
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