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Star Raider

Star Raider (3/9)



  1. Hello Star Raider, I would like to buy your item please IF YOU WEREN'T A SCAMMER

  2. are you stupid? I explained it to you, you bastard. My Paypal account has been closed for selling illegal products. That's why I opened a new account. When I receive G&S payment with my new paypal account, my account is restricted. Paypal bullshit! paypal F&F only
  3. Free shipping in the US. Payment via PayPal. Asking $150 paypal F&F accept. I've got a Saturn Satiator. It's a really neat device if you're into the Saturn because you can still use your disc drive if that's what you want. I bought it to play with but decided ultimately to let it go. No SD card included. The games displayed in the photo are for reference only. You can get the firmware and menu software from here: https://wiki.satiator.net/firmware_and_menu
  4. I have a Rikki&Vikki cart for the 7800 for sale. I don't play it . $150.00 USD. US Shipping only the price includes shipping. I take Paypal F&F.
  5. Yes I have the coax adapters. I always include them when I sell an Atari.
  6. Thanks for the helpful replies, everyone. I have a couple of spare woodgrain TV's laying around, so I think I'll put this together as a "retro package deal" with a fully working system and a TV to play it on and price it at $125. Should go quick, I would think.
  7. Co-worker handed me an Atari 2600 woody with 38 games (4 doubles). Wants me to sell it for him. What's the rule of thumb when calculating how much to ask for when you bundle it all together? I mean, I know what the pieces total to in price charting, but surely it's supposed to be sold at a MUCH lower price than that when sold all as one lot, right? Just shooting from the hip, I'm thinking one third of the PC total. What say you guys?
  8. Subscribed. I cannot believe an SD cart doesn't exist for 7800 yet. Wow.
  9. Not interested in completing someone's project. Doesn't look like there's much out there. Bummer. I'll see if I can get the customer to change their mind about Svideo
  10. Um....because my customer has requested it?
  11. Not seeing much out there. Am I missing something?
  12. Working on buttoning up this project this week. What's the best way to clean the keyboard to restore key functionality? Some of the keys you really need to punch on to get them to register.
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