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Everything posted by thadsilverfox

  1. You can preorder them on gamestop now. https://comicbook-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/comicbook.com/gaming/amp/2018/06/30/nes-classic-available-to-order-from-gamestop/?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAE4AQ%3D%3D#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=http%3A%2F%2Fcomicbook.com%2Fgaming%2F2018%2F06%2F30%2Fnes-classic-available-to-order-from-gamestop%2F
  2. I'm glad your confident the scalping is over but in my local area I'll believe it when I actually see one sitting on a shelf.
  3. No way would I ever buy one from a reseller marked above retail price. Just take that extra disposable income and throw it in a good index mutual fund.
  4. Cracks me up how some people have an entitlement complex. They get all upset because some of the SNES mini pre-orders are being cancelled and start posting YouTube videos. Bwahahahahahaha
  5. I sometimes wonder about all of this money I have spent on this hobby. Imagine if I invested it all in some high quality dividend growth stocks like MCD, PEP, KO, PG, XOM, CL, KMB, T, GPC, MMM, GIS, K, YUM, and so forth just ten years ago. I probably could buy twice as many consoles and games today. Oh well, life goes on as they say. Can't live in the past.
  6. I am thankful for these so called retro gaming youtubers. They allow me to see the games beforehand so I don't waste time and money purchasing games that don't have potential replay value to me. Keeps my collection very small and manageable.
  7. It cracks me up to see switch games on the shelf at my local Wally Worlds but no switch consoles.
  8. You can contact a buddy to come and purchase the thing and then pick it up from his house after work. EDIT: never mind I see someone already mentioned this particular scheme that happens on a daily basis across all retail outlets to include thrift stores such as Goodwill and Savers.
  9. Has your Targets been showing zero in stock up until you posted these totals?
  10. Three more just came in for another Wal-Mart in my area. Not even gonna try since they are slow at stocking shit.
  11. Yeah that is what I thought in the first place. They do have them in stock on a pallet commingled with other products according to the store manager. They do not know exactly when they will get to the pallet to put them out on the shelf. So at least that is cleared up but still a waste of my time. I'm not gonna hang around a Wal-Mart store all night trying to snag one of these.
  12. I see they got you good too. I have over 20 years of supply chain management experience working in a warehouse. Something being scanned into the warehouse just doesn't happen by accident.
  13. Target hasn't gotten any in stock in awhile bud. These freakin Wally World employees are lying. The whole inventory issue sounds way too convenient.
  14. Brickseek just popped up with some showing in stock and the freakin WalMart employee is telling me that the website is wrong and they are having inventory issues at the store. Sounds fishy to me.
  15. This doesn't make sense for a store that is open 24 hours a day to have a specific release time. This must only apply to those stores that actually close.
  16. Dude is retired yet he still has to resort to such low tactics to supplement his income. Sounds to me like you retired to early and should think about going back to work.
  17. WalMart got a few in tonight and I just missed snagging one by 20 minutes.
  18. Although I could be wrong because my other sources are claiming only 7 units per store. But there are posts of some stores getting 20.
  19. Who knows why but in my area it was the exact same thing. They wouldn't divulge that information over the phone but it sounded like it was gonna be more than 15 of them so he probably has a good chance of getting one.
  20. You might get lucky today. My intel tells me that there were less than 10 people in line at 6 am.
  21. My first console in the early 80s was an Atari 2600 but when I got an NES it became a whole new ball game. The Atari didn't keep me from wanting to play outside with my friends but once the NES arrived Christmas morning you couldn't get me outside for those first few months. It grabbed my attention like no other along with my friends. We all would hang out and play games at each other houses. The Atari just never captured that magic in my neighborhood, so I have fond memories of the NES unlike the 2600.
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