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  1. If it's such a discomfort in the rear... Even with shipping the US-prices are incredibly low. Some things are terribly expensive over her like the 32x (not under 120€ - Chaotix für 100€) or the Mega CD (Model I for 200€ and up) because of the low original sales over here... I got my Jag with AvP, Tempest 2000 and Attack of the Mutant Penguins. I think I made quite a catch there. Maybe I should look for a Jaguar-CD in the US
  2. Would those work on a PAL-Jaguar or is there any kind of lock? I just have to see if someone'd ship to Germany. My cheapest options here at the moment are offers like this: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Atari-Jaguar-Controller-NEU-OVP-/381334926449?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item58c9553471 That's about $110 :-/
  3. Is the numpad really that important? I have one standard Jagpad and never actually use those keys, because I don't really know what they do The prices of the controllers are too high for me to get a second one for multiplayer games, especially since I have a lot of systems to cover. That is why I would love to hook up a genesis controller with the D-pad, a, b, c and start used in any way possible. Somehow it must be feasible to replicate the decoder of a Jagpad with an AT-Mega or something and hardwire it to a Sega controller... I see so many people slaughtering those expensive pads to work on other Systems but never the other way 'round and no aftermarket controller like for most of the other systems...
  4. Hi everyone! I just fulfilled my childhood dream of getting an Atari Jaguar and a small handfull of games. The only real Problem is the price of controllers which are terribly expensive around here (60$ - 90$) :-( Is there a way to build an adaptor of modify a Sega Genesis or any other controller to work on a Jaguar? I'm thankful for any useful reply Bjoern
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