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Everything posted by tebe

  1. -define:symbol is equivalent {$define name} https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/prog/progsu11.html {$define name := ......} is macro https://mads.atari8.info/doc/en/macros/#defining-a-macro
  2. example of using the $eval directive var // Generate the 2D array used for the circles. Experiment! sqr : array of byte = [ {$eval DWIDTH,200,"255/(sqrt(power(:1-DWIDTH/2.5,2)*4+power(:2-HEI/2-20,2))+5)*32.0" } ]; data: array of byte = [ {$bin2csv smooth_data.bin} ]; tab40 : array of word = [ {$eval 200, ":1*DWIDTH"} ]; sinx: array of byte = [ {$eval 256, "(sin(:1/256.0*PI*2.0)*48+63)"} ]; grim.obx grim_source.7z
  3. new directive $EVAL functions supported: PI, RND, SQRT(x), SQR(x), ARCTAN2(x,y), COS(x), SIN(x), TAN(x), EXP(x), LN(x), ABS(x), INT(x), POWER(x,y), ARCTAN(x) {$eval par1[,par2],"expression"} uses crt; const width = 40; height = 30; scr = $bc40; var tab: array of word = [ {$eval HEIGHT, "scr + :1 * WIDTH" } ]; v: word; begin for v in tab do writeln(v); end.
  4. mads.exe filename.a65 -x -i:<MadPascalPath>\base switch -x is important
  5. https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/tree/master/samples/a8/graph/polygon https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/blob/master/samples/a8/graph/polygon/polygon.pas polygon.obx
  6. unit PP (Power Packer decompressor) example https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/tree/master/samples/a8/compression/pp PowerPacker (gcc main.c) https://github.com/lab313ru/powerpacker_src
  7. https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/ref/refsu58.html#x168-19200013.2.4 It is not allowed to change (i. e. assign a value to) the value of a loop variable inside the loop.
  8. https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/system/hi.html https://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/system/index-8.html you can always check the operation by compiling using FPC, MP should return the same result
  9. neo6502: PacMad, Tetris https://gitlab.com/bocianu/neo-pacmad https://gitlab.com/bocianu/neo-tetris X16: Old Mansion https://github.com/MADRAFi/OldMansion
  10. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=chunkypixel.atari-dev-studio
  11. https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Assembler/blob/master/examples/input_string.asm without OS
  12. congratulations on correct understanding, and yes, this threads is about Giana Sisters WIP, implicit in WIP-games
  13. New Generation (NG) creates WIP for many years, none completed
  14. MadRafi tries to add target x16, currently such a target does not exist. target: a8, c64, c4p, neo, raw
  15. mp.exe file.pas -t c4p -code:8000 mads file.a65 -xi:<MadsPath>\base
  16. USES has recently been improved so that it works as in FPC uses def_1, def_2; def_2 is primary uses def_2, def_1; def_1 is primary https://wiki.freepascal.org/Uses uses dd,crt; begin writeln('COLOR_GREEN ', dd.COLOR_GREEN); writeln('GREY ', dd.GREY); readkey; end.
  17. fixed, https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal
  18. https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal exe binary for Windows https://github.com/tebe6502/Mad-Pascal/tree/master/bin/windows minimum requirements for a directory with MP, files and subdirectories MadPascalPath\ mp.exe base\ rtl_default.asm rtl6502_a8.asm rtl6502_c4p.asm rtl6502_c64.asm rtl6502_neo.asm rtl6502_raw.asm atari\ c4p\ c64\ common\ neo\ raw\ runtime\ lib\ aplib.pas atari.pas blowfish.pas c64.pas ... src\ targets\ crt.inc graph.inc system.inc MP compile, target c64 mp.exe -t c64 filename.pas mads.exe filename.a65 -x -i:<MadPascalPath>\base
  19. https://olimex.wordpress.com/2024/02/05/did-you-ever-hear-for-mad-pascal-now-you-can-program-neo6502-with-this-32-bit-turbo-pascal-for-atari-xl-xe-compiler/?fbclid=IwAR0v7ydDopAoDN0BBRfwLGsT_EkpEbFLGxHwXudLgnRe8TCq-yqR8zM03tQ
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