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Everything posted by rpiguy9907

  1. No problem. Lords of Conquest and Empire also come to mind, though they are a little more complex.
  2. Real time strategy? Warlords is turn-based. Sorcerer Lord was a fun turn-based strategy game for the ST.
  3. The Parhfinder books were recycled by taking them to the local used book store to hopefully be passed on to someone who has more time to play.
  4. In New Jersey many thrift stores will no longer take CRT TVs and most places require you to pay money to take them. I've seen them dumped on the side of the road or in the woods because people do not know what to do with them. Best CRT I ever owned was a hulking 100lb Samsung HD (1080i) CRT that I gave to a friend when I first got a flat screen. I believe the CRT was rated at 36 inches. I could carry it back then, don't know if I could now. I put thirty+ hardcover Pathfinder sourcebooks into a container to be recycled the other day and I couldn't carry it for more than ten feet a time without putting it down to rest. Middle age is the pits!
  5. That looks great. Be sure to drill some holes in the power supply for heat dissipation. Do not refill it with epoxy, those little USB chargers will get quite hot running a C64.
  6. If your power supply is weak that can also cause flakiness. The power drawn by a ROM is minimal, but you have to remember what crap those C64 power supplies were...
  7. 1.5 Amps will just be enough, don't add any expansions to the C64 or you will quickly exceed it.
  8. Oh and here is my GOTO troubleshooting sites: https://archive.org/stream/Commodore_64_Troubleshooting_and_Repair_Guide#page/n65/mode/2up http://retro64.altervista.org/blog/commodore-64-repair-a-quick-guide-on-the-steps-required-to-fix-it/ http://derbian.webs.com/c64diag/
  9. Im very nervous that there are no screenshots or videos of this thing running. Ive seen lots of forum threads where the creator discusses testing and the results, but never any pictures. Anyone have any proof this works before I shell out 300 USD?
  10. Depending on what kind of black screen you have the culprit could also be the clock generator 8701. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132897746584 There are tons of repair black screen videos on YouTube, so that should help. There is a difference between a totally dead black screen (toggling power does nothing) and a live black screen (the monitor raster does something, even just audibly, when you toggle power, but stays black).
  11. If this is the case then its highly unlikely to keyboard servicing caused the fault. Depending on what kind of black screen you get it could be the PLA or the clock chip. There is a fuse on the motherboard, check to see if its blown. It is not uncommon for these machines to run once then die if they havent been used in awhile. There are a lot of potential things to check and fix.
  12. ZoomFloppy or an XU1541n will allow you to hook a Commodore disk drive directly to your PC and write floppy images. As far as I know you cannot hook an SD card device to a C64 and make floppies from it.
  13. C64 required a Commodore datasette they are digital and do not use standard audio connectors. You can get by with tapes for gaming if you are running a PAL system but few NTSC games were ever released on tape. Ive never used one.
  14. Doesnt require a special cord. Uses a standard cord like a desktop PC would use. The power supply is internal.
  15. I had mistyped. The forums are the VCF Forums. If you aren't already a member it can take awhile to join the mods get busy and are sometimes slow. http://www.vcfed.org/forum/forum.php Here is a direct link to Sellam's inventory and instructions for ordering. I have ordered from him before and was very happy with what he sent. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1I53wxarLHlNmlPVf_HJ5oMKuab4zrApI_hiX0pNmy48/htmlview#
  16. Sellam over at the VFC forums has an Atari 800 for sale for $50 and he is West Coast so shipping shouldn't be terrible for you.
  17. Fred Bowen just confirmed on Facebook that the concept was more like having all the classroom models network into one "teacher's computer." There was a new 15 pin port on the back for that purpose that the C65 did not have. So sort of like how a classroom full of PETs would share a floppy drive unit, but I would imagine more advanced. I can't imagine Commodore would have had any bandwidth to develop software for this even if they got the network working (I would presume via a serial network maybe like AppleTalk, maybe even simpler). Very ambitious if a little too ahead of its time.
  18. When I got a computer with more cache than my C64 had RAM I was pretty stunned. Also, the first time I saw a 3D game on my brother's OG PlayStation I was pretty stunned. Today of course it looks blocky, over textured, and under-filtered, but back then it was incredible what a 33mhz PS1 could do compared to my 75mhz P75 desktop. Within a couple of years the PC got decent 3D graphics cards and have reigned pretty much supreme ever since, if you have the money, but there was a couple years with the PS1 and N64 where consoles could do things PCs generally could not.
  19. I mostly agree with this, unless Commodore had a vision for a computer at every desk. In the late 80s and early 90s most school computers were in labs or special classrooms. This thing might have been cheap enough to push for one per student. The CSG4502 was essentially a system on a chip except it needed video, which is why there are two large PLCC sockets. But without the cost of the disk drive, drive controller, and SID this could have been dirt cheap, as cheap or cheaper than the z80 Laser learning computers. Even so, I think I still agree with you, this ultimately would have failed. The market was not ready for a computer at every desk, most teachers were still terrified of technology back then.
  20. Have you contacted these guys out in Utah? https://www.oldsoftware.com/VIS.html I have ordered several Commodore items from them with the last year and they have a ton of VIS titles in storage. They might be able to help you. They also are fully stocked with titles for other platforms: https://www.oldsoftware.com
  21. It actually came with the cradle. I see what you mean about the exposed floppy screw holes on the lip of the case. What a cheap design I cant believe it made it to the factory like that. Thanks all!
  22. No love for the ZX Uno board? https://amigastore.eu/en/650-zx-uno-v41-zx-spectrum-based-on-fpga.html You can occasionally find it cheaper on eBay.
  23. Creating and ProDOS partition on the LC hard drive actually requires a reformat and re-install anyway. http://www.apple-collection.com/CarPos/AppleIIeCrd2.1.pdf Check out page 3 for instructions on using your LC HD with the AIIE card.
  24. I recently picked up an A1200 on eBay for $250. Given the lowish price I was expecting some bodge jobs and I was right. Not only is the hard drive duct taped to underside of the top case, the floppy drive is also floating unsecured in the case. I understand it should screw into a bracket that has two screws outside the case to secure it. Is there a source for these parts somewhere so I can secure the floppy?
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