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Professor Gull

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Everything posted by Professor Gull

  1. I got a version for Playstation for cheap or trade if that would be of interest.
  2. Well reading again some of the enlightening posts here I do think I will continue my passion for videos as a hobby. I also though think its about time someone talk about how Fidget Spinners are destroying perfectly good time that could be spent gaming though.
  3. Not to mention the dumping of quarters into the machines right? Spend $60 to own the game or $60 in quarters to play it. Owning it tends to have much more appeal at that point.
  4. I was going to put in a bid on this for.
  5. Bought these for $3 total. Did not though buy this but it was worth a picture......its a
  6. Well this weekend alone I had 3 members of my Facebook group dump their collections out for others and move to the "getting out collecting" mode. Anyone else have fellow collectors doing this? And will this change the bubble as it is because the movement might gain momentum?
  7. Weird 3 people in my local facebook group are dumping out of collecting. Is this a change of the times moment?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. LS650


      Maybe they're broke and need some cash?

    3. GoldLeader


      Or maybe it's a buying opportunity for everyone else...

    4. bpatte02


      The end is nigh!

  8. Ah the manuals with that weird paper? I have one of those it felt so cheap and I was always worried about the staples coming out tearing out the middle. So that would mean the game I got was not UK then. Do you know if Central Europe did the same thing? Make sure you give them a good playthrough that Wiley Wars is super fun. And good on you for the pickup.
  9. Must Own Chopper Command - I can never just not stop on this one play it over and over and enjoy it Tunnel Runner - I felt like this one pushed the limits for sure and it is still great fun never the same. Encounter at L5 - When folks see the paddles they think of Kaboom. I felt this had some interesting takes on the use in a space shooting environment. Over Rated H.E.R.O. sorry I know I will get flak for that one but I just don't see the appeal. ALIEN - Uh Pac Man? Really not an improvement nor a degradation but really I felt it was a cheap recast of some bits for a game. River Raid - You know I had a tough time thinking on this one as better than it seemed but really its not. Put it up against Sky Jynx, or Zaxxon and River raid to me seems sadly bland.
  10. I seek to enlighten and entertain. If values increase from something I personally said " Look at the rare and valuable game." Then I will make sure my editor get a good flogging and then take the game away from him as punishment. Make it sit on the shelf gathering dust never to be played again. No really though I do wonder as the collectards like to flash stuff off does it create a frenzy of jealousy and anger more than a desire to go after the same goal? One would think seeing something new and rare might just be a point and reference to something another person might want. Then again when you pose a valuable game with a bikini model that's being a little dickish for sure. Like that guy who sells retro games on ebay that have mamories for your memories.
  11. Look some jerk runing retro gaming made a video with a cell phone.

    1. OldSchoolRetroGamer



    2. MrMaddog


      Great, another used $5 game goes up to $100 cause it was shot on a potato phone...

  12. this is not the exact one but he mentione Sushi Rainbow and stuff like this to be entertaining. Maybe just not my cup of "souls" as it were. Not saying I don't like new games but stuff like this seems like fodder or things to kill brain cells with.
  13. I have concern with both of those sadly. Could you get inside shots of the manuals and cart? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daze_Before_Christmas Only seemingly real one on ebay they are asking $500 and its in spain. Seems odd though since there are reproduction carts out there for this as well thus my concern for value. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_Man:_The_Wily_Wars Now I know I have seen reproductions of this one as well. From what I gather I thought it was only released officially in Japan and then placed on the Sega Channel for everyone else. Seeing the book and back of the case with Japanese text would do well to authenticate this. That is an odd sticker though on the box but as we also all know boxes can be swapped. I don't mean to rain on a parade of any sorts but more pictures speak $1000 more than their probably worth. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Daze-Before-Christmas-Sega-Mega-Drive-1994-BOXED-COMPLETE-PAL-RARE-/122572908920?epid=114846758&hash=item1c89ea2978%3Ag%3AjpoAAOSwpONZVa6F&nma=true&si=4OoEVAWVQ3evRqOSiE9uIbzvKBI%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  14. I would not be afraid of some of the third party 6 button controllers. Ascii made a couple of decent pads and mine has not failed in the 20 plus years of use but its a different 6 button style though more reminiscent of a SNES controller. I would tend to go for the Sega Branded 6 button ones though I have 2 of those and they are definitely superb to the new knock offs. If you have a local retro store they might have some behind the counter or hidden away that could be a good deal to snag up. I know I got my last one for $8 so I thought that was a deal.
  15. I would second this option. Controller ports are NES style and you could get a cheap converter to boot. I just wish this model was not as pricey as the original. Yeah yeah you can't use the microphone but really were you going to take that route?
  16. Ok I have to ask this since I feel like there is a generational gap between definitions of entertainment and information. So are we more upset about dumb videos that have no tangible content or more upset at folks who opt for informational but then stray to make it a comedy on a level of meme's and non-sequitur? If you think of those of us who grew up with TV not YT are are main sources of both I think there is a biased view now towards how some videos are done. So is it more public opinion that is runing You Tube which then in turn hurts retro gaming? Just thoughts I had talking to the younger generation and watching videos they thought were informational and also entertaining. My only response was " Oh is that what that is supposed to be?"
  17. Saving Sega Saturns by the truckload.IF the original owner does not come back for this one it will be up for grabs.

    1. Jess Ragan

      Jess Ragan

      Geez, if you got a truckload, I want one! =)

    2. Professor Gull

      Professor Gull

      I have a truckload of broken ones. Actually I am down to 2 I think that can be fixed just waiting for donor parts. 3 Saturns enter one Saturn leaves ha ha.

  18. Yup fine line between Savvy and Ghoul though. Now if I offended anyones sense of morality here just please note I don't do these types of investments anymore and have also contributed funds for recovery though direct donation methods as well. Not just support of Red Cross or some other fund mongers who take $1 and only give 20 cents to the community. Business is a dirty one at that and so can retro game hoarding and price gouging.
  19. I have just one alternate thing to say on this as thoughts. I am an investor (stock buyer) as a hobby. I gauge what stocks I will buy off of potential market needs and upswings through historical data and world going ons. Even the best folks take gambles at times and sometimes come out better than others. But even when picking viable investment opportunities. Here is a good example. So Hurricane season gets predicted and I wonder about looking for something to buy into. I find a neat little business called Patrick Industries who manufactures interiors for like mobile homes and RV's and the like. Ok I make that choice 1. Another company catches my eye in the meantime as a biopharmaceutical specializing in new ways to fight diseases and the like. To me both look like good potentials. Hurricanes are destructive causing both loos of home and loss or good health so I buy in to both. The biopharmaceutical dumps I bought at $3 a share and they went under I had only bought 50 shares though. Patrick Industry though flies through the roof as I bought 100 shares at $15 and sold them finally at $45. Moral of this brings about what is a good investment and I really still tend to see retro games still more niche as a volatile market. Yes you have history and figures but I would still stray to call it an "investment". I would honestly only picture money mongers for the quick sell to get into this market and even now its too late pretty much or so it seems as prices are capping. Remember the investors biggest market buyers are collectors for the most part and that is not a necessity environment but a luxury so I would tend to feel this is more of a small market to delve into. Now let the game hurricane commence.
  20. So a friend asked me to looks at his Coleco that was not working right. Uh no audio and the carts don't read proper. Thoughts?

    1. masschamber


      Are the graphics currupt? If so could be ram problem also can you try another psu

    2. save2600


      I'd start with cleaning out the cartridge port and carts themselves.

    3. S1500


      It sometimes just delves down to the power switch.

  21. That may be true but even when the Wii stopped production new game became available from software folks. I would be the number and quality of games would decrease. Not not true with all systems but sometimes there are games so far in development that it would not pay to recode them and so off they go to the no longer made system. Crap Brazil is still making Master System games I think.
  22. I would imagine they are done pushing that one with the Switch out and such. They would probably gear towards making that the ultimate console both portable and stationary. Still though the 3DS has amassed a good library and I would wonder if developers might still make games for it even if Nintendo stops making the units.
  23. So at the end of the day maybe we should categorize youtubers for their destruction of Retro Gaming on Youtube. You got the people who have been there long enough and rode the waves of success and then get shafted by new metrics and now struggle to continue to do what they were doing for a career. Then the folks who beat hard and fast on the trend train producing loads of clickbait snarky bits under the 5 minute YouTube rule to get the most views and hits pulling revenue from other quality shows. ( yeah these folks suck in my opinion) Lastly you have new blood trying to infuse the collaborative YouTube toilet swirl with decent stuff but getting lost in the shuffle nearing no chance of ultimate success as to make it a career. ( still go and do it I say though damn the silliness and choose your own path maybe branch to Amazon or create a webpage to locally house your stuff and social media connect it all.) I put ads on my stuff because I am making millions. ( $1.87 to be exact but do you know how much that will be in interest rates over the next 1,000,000 years? hell yeah I will be rich in the future) I just do it because I can but reading these statements it seems to be a huge turnoff so perhaps my monies will have to wait.
  24. Agreed here on both of these. YT is no longer the cash making machine it once was with revenue and the formula has gotten worse with everyone monetizing just about everything. And yeah don't like it don't watch it. Patreon is a nice supplement to the lack of funds through Youtube that some folks need to continue quality videos. Like its been said before more than a cell phone is needed to make decent content unless you like watching videos strictly made on the phone or through PC software. So make this a career? Nope not likely anymore. Not without something to get the clickbait notice and YT traffic beating down your doors. Then once under demand its keeping up with it at the cost and expense of new video equipment and new software and new settings wanting to provide quality and quantity. Then getting bashed for using ads ,which don't cover any ounce of expenses that you are incurring, or Patreon to supplement living expenses. To me that sounds like madness.
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