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Everything posted by GoldLeader

  1. Lemme just say...I'm all about the second half of the sentence above...
  2. Biggest things not to forget IMO: Consumers (as a whole) became LESS INTERESTED; Nobody said they gave up video games entirely. Some of us, RABID Consumers of video games from ages 12-15 were now saving for a car or spending money on music, movies, etc. As well as video games. LESS Money was being spent overall. And...The next generation, having MTV, Music, Masters of the Universe then Transformers, GI Joe, Plus Movies, VCRs etc. Had even more choices...And spent LESS overall, compared to previous years. Had they been as Rabidly obsessed with video games as My Generation, we might not be talking about a Crash. Also why am I responding to this thread? hahaha...I should pay attention to my own thoughts (above).
  3. I'm kind of surprised this is really still going... The OP planted his bomb and ran out the back door a long time ago.
  4. But how would it play Star Raiders without a keyboard for I or II, I mean...waitaminute! WHere am I?
  5. Maybe it's pretty clever the lack of sleep...But this is actually (Oh My GD Laptop just puts text wherever the hell it wants!) Ignore this post
  6. Agreed! I think an LED wristwatch from the 70's will play Doom before it comes to the Amico! Most notably because the Amico doesn't exist. And if they couldn't put one together for Millions of dollars, I'm not sure why those delusional Discord fanatics think they can pull it off using the table scraps from a stone coaster sale...
  7. OMG! 25 Bucks?? Those look like something ya might find in a dollar store (not even a $1.25 store if you take my meaning) or maybe they managed to go back in time to when Etsy had just launched... Careful though, when you first visit the website a popup will try to sell you boxes with no games!
  8. I thought first I'd mention that getting an Everdrive (Flash Cart) is a Fantastic idea, although expensive (Worth it for sure!)...I'm thinking of going nuts and upgrading to the latest one myself (the exact one I want is $246 (OUCH!)). But I can sometimes be a sucker for custom colors etc. (And I like the frosted Green one)...Ridiculous I know. Say, would you be interested in buying my old one? No obligation, I'll think about it and send you a PM. Then as Austin said you can always try before you buy, etc,. It doesn't have to stop you collecting at all, but maybe you'll put some thought into the truly expensive games...Are they worth it? Well now you can judge for yourself! Plus you can then buy homebrews as ROMs which rules! And download games, demos, and hacks for free too, A lot of people give stuff away for you to download... Anyway, there is a thread about "bad" games you like anyway here... And there in that thread, well I say this: ******************************************* My favorite NES games in life are FAXANADU, and DEADLY TOWERS, (also sometimes DR. MARIO...but not as often)... But NOW, Faxanadu is some underrated Classic of near Masterpiece proportions and Deadly Towers is somehow one of the Worst games ever made...WHAAAAAA? For Deadly Towers (One of my very first NES games, so I compared it to Atari and ColecoVision games back then)... I get that people don't like that some enemies take too many hits, or that there can be cheap deaths, ...or that it is disorienting when a game drops you into a dungeon if you weren't expecting it. OTOH, I'm sure everybody would complain that it was too easy otherwise. Being one of my first NES experiences, I might be reading things into it that others don't... Anyway, I still see "beating a game" or even a game having an ending as icing on the cake. If I'm ONLY playing a game to see an ending, that is almost a chore to me. I prefer games that are fun to play. It's kind of like when a movie is good or even great for 3/4 of the time you spend watching it, but then it has something in the ending where people harp on it. Somehow they instantly forget they had fun watching almost the whole thing up until that. For another example, Yes I liked Game of Thrones, where I guess most people forgot about the entire series because they didn't like 2 minutes at the end... Anyhow for Deadly Towers, I watched a little bit of a video on YouTube from someone who beat the game...And they sucked! Haha, better explain this one. They certainly didn't appear to be enjoying the game! They were just racing through the scenery, not exploring it in the least, avoiding all pitfalls, not even checking all of it out; They were zooming through some scenes without ever taking in the music (which blew my mind back in those days!)...The set pieces may as well have been the repeating background in a Scooby Doo cartoon, because they didn't even seem to notice. They missed every atmospheric piece of intrigue the game had to offer...As far as I'm concerned they were so intent on BEATING the game, they didn't even take the time to PLAY the game... ******************************************* I see you've got Faxanadu on the way! Awesome! You are on your way! (Although with all the letters (Upper and Lower case) and numbers available, Faxanadu has the worst Password system I've Ever seen in a game). I personally recommend Dr. Mario as, Well, Damn it is addictive! Then, as I say, I personally Love Deadly Towers but most people just kind of hate it. I have a lot of nostalgia associated with it and it was technologically advanced when I first saw it...Quite the mind blower next to ColecoVision games, but still fun to this day I think. With an Everdrive you can just check it out. Or... One of the perks of everyone hating it, is that it should be cheap! OK looks like about $5-$10 for a loose cart or $30 for CIB (Hallelujah!) So that one's real cheap to try out!
  9. Oh my! I saw the words Work has already started on Jaguar 3, and I 'bout had a heart attack!! LMAO!
  10. I saw a Killer show on TV last night.  Thought it was gonna be about cooking, or baking,  or something as it had this guy Master Chef.  Nope!   Turned out to be about HALO!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Quick note:  From what little I've seen so far,  even as it's a few years old now, the HALO Series is pretty good.  It's on Amazon prime... or was it Paramount?  Well,  it's out there somewhere for other people who didn't jump on it in 2022...

    3. GoldLeader
    4. GoldLeader


      I guess it is Paramount +



  11. Ya know, I was going to ask how you know this...But then I just thought better of it.
  12. As for Laser Blast...Well, it was the first Activision title I bought. And I have fond memories of the experience as a whole, but Not of playing the game. Nice graphics but then I thought, if he'd only given the enemies some random shooting patterns or made little shots that sprayed all over the screen not bigass beams that just appeared and wiped you out! Maybe add a little variety to it...It really could have been neat! Kind of like a reverse Space Invaders... Instead it was just **BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh, **BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,**BOOP BOOP BOOP, Duh ga Duh,... Until you were so bored, you actually went outside to play in the sprinklers or something...
  13. Now for my own beloved "Bad" game... My favorite NES games in life are FAXANADU, and DEADLY TOWERS, (also sometimes DR. MARIO...but not as often)... But NOW, Faxanadu is some underrated Classic of near Masterpiece proportions and Deadly Towers is somehow one of the Worst games ever made...WHAAAAAA? For Deadly Towers (One of my very first NES games, so I compared it to Atari and ColecoVision games back then)... I get that people don't like that some enemies take too many hits, or that there can be cheap deaths, ...or that it is disorienting when a game drops you into a dungeon if you weren't expecting it. OTOH, I'm sure everybody would complain that it was too easy otherwise. Being one of my first NES experiences, I might be reading things into it that others don't... Anyway, I still see "beating a game" or even a game having an ending as icing on the cake. If I'm ONLY playing a game to see an ending, that is almost a chore to me. I prefer games that are fun to play. It's kind of like when a movie is good or even great for 3/4 of the time you spend watching it, but then it has something in the ending where people harp on it. Somehow they instantly forget they had fun watching almost the whole thing up until that. For another example, Yes I liked Game of Thrones, where I guess most people forgot about the entire series because they didn't like 2 minutes at the end... Anyhow for Deadly Towers, I watched a little bit of a video on YouTube from someone who beat the game...And they sucked! Haha, better explain this one. They certainly didn't appear to be enjoying the game! They were just racing through the scenery, not exploring it in the least, avoiding all pitfalls, not even checking all of it out; They were zooming through some scenes without ever taking in the music (which blew my mind back in those days!)...The set pieces may as well have been the repeating background in a Scooby Doo cartoon, because they didn't even seem to notice. They missed every atmospheric piece of intrigue the game had to offer...As far as I'm concerned they were so intent on BEATING the game, they didn't even take the time to PLAY the game...
  14. I think I know what's up with this one, but take my opinion with a grain of salt.... Carmageddon was (for fans of Twisted Metal and Driver type games), supposed to be one of 2 big things that everybody was talking about. Along with Propaganda (another game that never came out) for PlayStation. Propaganda was a dystopian future driving adventure and Carmageddon was according to magazines (because this was pre-internet as far as I'm concerned), just like Twisted Metal but there was also a race going on, and it would have zombies! The hype was palpable. I was Really looking forward to these 2 games! So from what I read you'd be able to play the game by killing everybody else (like in Twisted Metal) or by jumping into the race and winning or something...Now, I never even knew it came out! I mean I figured it did for PC but I don't even count that, Hell I was 10 years or so away from having a computer back then and I still hate the idea of playing games there... So imagine my surprise when I got my N64 a few years back! ...You know where this is going...And amidst all the ROMs, suddenly one stood out! No way! I can finally play this game! So I fired it up and was instantly disappointed. There was no way in hell this thing was anything like Twisted Metal! It was just one of those poorly done race games where everybody instantly passes you and it sucks...Oh and they throw in some zombies almost like an afterthought. But I do understand how you could like it if you didn't expect a big time Twisted Metal type game with an open world to explore, other racers to kill, a race, and a zombie apocalypse to boot...
  15. A large group of people who are happy they finally got their refunds? People who know what they're doing? Games that are actually fun to play? A console?
  16. Yep! I remember The Clearance, not the "Glut"... Exactly what I remember! I don't ever remember a "Too Many Games" situation. I do believe there may have been a big crossover with a time frame where (too) many other interests were competing for my attention,...Cars, concerts, VCRs, movies, Music, MTV (for people with cable haha)...There's a chance I missed the "Too Many Choices, not enough good ones", because I was in the record store instead...Or maybe it happened in bigger cities (but I doubt it because we never found that to be the case before, almost all store shelves were roughly the same...) Truth be known, we used to dream of these Legendary, Mythical stores,...Where (depending on time frame) you could find: All the action figures (Including Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Battlestar, and Black Hole etc.), All the Micronauts (Including the old ones), and Shogun Warriors (Including the Ultra Cool old ones),...All the video games including cartridges you usually can't find anymore...Or all the cassettes, records, and CDs from Every band, even the ones where you've only heard one song on a comp! But these stores never existed...(Though bigger cities did get stock more music in their records and tapes stores)... Perceptions vary, but "The Glut" is probably the one part of the narrative I'd challenge, though I think it was more of a "Hard to put into words" situation...Saying some people got burned on lesser games a few times so (presumably) quit buying cartridges altogether, takes a lot more words and a lot more explaining...
  17. Just a note: NES is on page 529 (1986 Sears book)
  18. Whilst I fully know The Crash happened; Does anybody remember the "Retail Glut?" I ask this because while I still played games, my money was also going to cars, gas, insurance, heavy metal, going out, etc. as now I was in high school. Although it is always mentioned (as part of the cause) I cannot remember one single time when I went into a store and thought there were too many choices. There always seemed to be less and less choices, not too many. This could just be timing...A couple of down periods and retailers thought the craze was over (and it was just a fad) so they quit buying so many... PS I can even remember buying ColecoVision games (at full price) I hadn't planned on buying, because there wasn't enough selection and I didn't want to leave empty handed.
  19. OOPS! There's a Cornhole the size of a Wii Controller in that monitor!
  20. Happy Birthday you son of a gun!


    35 Cat Birthday Memes That Are Way Too Adorable ...

    1. Atarian7


      @bent_pinHow young are you today?

    2. bent_pin


      40something, just tracking the big ones now 

      Guardians Of The Galaxy Wink GIF

  21. In truth, I was torn from the get go as to which color I wanted...Seems silly I know since it's just black or white, but I wasn't sure if I wanted White to match my Japanese DUO-R or Black to match my (multiple) Turbografxs...This is also the only console of late (Excluding things like various different color Game Boys/Analogue Pockets) where I would even consider buying more than one... Although if some months down the road they decided to do a Limited Edition Green one...(No, No, I'm just kidding...probably
  22. I like Bill's idea! When I was first collecting again, after moving into this house (let's say 2002 and beyond), I never minded multiple consoles or having "back ups", should one fail or need repairs, or if I wanted the same console in different rooms etc. So my first thought was not to sell it or anything. (First, I investigated how it happened, (short version above)). In the back of my mind, I thought I might be getting a second one...It's all good.
  23. Analogue DUOs...They play all Turbografx, PCEngine and DUO cards and CDs! https://www.analogue.co/duo Yeah my camera lens was pretty cloudy for that one...(Admittedly hard to see...) PS Surprisingly, they're not sold out yet!
  24. If you buy 2 you can line them up like this for a picture!
  25. DUOs So, I actually accidentally bought 2 of them. Yeah dumb,...(I had a crazy, busy, Summer) I couldn't find a record of my pre-order (this is what alternate email accounts can do to ya if you're not careful)...And thinking my original pre-order had not gone through (I signed into Analogue on the wrong email so saw no record of my order...) I ordered a second one, especially since they were still available... My camera/phone sucks but the cloudiness of this pic does give it an ethereal dream-like quality...(I've since cleaned my lens
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