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Status Updates posted by GoldLeader

  1. Snow forecast for WED Morning...I guess Fall really is here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ClassicGMR


      Wow. That's hard to wrap my head around. It's going to be 75 here all week.

    3. digdugnate


      yeah, keep that stuff away from here, lol.  Mid 70s and rainy is our forecast.

    4. GoldLeader


      1 weatherman said combining all data, we're due for 1.8 inches...But another said "Probably just a light dusting", which is what I'd predict.  Still it kind of wakes ya up.  I got out pants and a jacket and put my garden hose away so it doesn't freeze...

  2. Fashionably Late,  I ordered my RetroN 77 on 7-9-2018;  Hooked it up last night.  Worked on getting that Community Build Firmware image flashed last night...Got it working just now!  



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GoldLeader


      Someday they'll get these things called "computers" figured out.    *Sigh*

    3. ClassicGMR


      Well it is a nice console once you put the community update on it ... having said that I have owned mine for at least a year. Can't tell you with any certainty how long I have had it. I updated it, played 2-3 games and, well, there it sits. I use my Pi setups, emulation laptop and Playstation Classic consoles to play Atari. It just never occurs to me to boot it up. :(

    4. GoldLeader


      @ClassicGMR yeah as I've noticed;  It's one of those systems you forget that you have (heh).  I ordered it  as soon as they went on sale and there is a 6 (in Sharpie) on the box, so I always wondered if I got the 6th one?

  3. I know it's a global phenomenon and all, but is anyone else watching SQUID GAME?      Pretty Intense huh?   DAMN!!  Haven't felt this way since Stranger Things,  Love, Death & Robots, and Tiger King. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lord Mushroom

      Lord Mushroom

      Yes, I have watched the whole season. I liked it, although I am not happy about everything that happened. I recommended it to my brother, but he only managed to watch 13 minutes before he had to turn off, mainly due to the guy being such a huge idiot/dick. :)

    3. chicgamer


      I finished it last night. I only thought it was okay. I don't think I could suspend my disbelief enough to buy into the premise, plus I was able to guess how certain things were going to happen, so I wasn't caught by surprise when they did. I still think it's worth watching, though.

    4. Lord Mushroom

      Lord Mushroom

      Those of you who liked Squid Game might also like Sisyphus, which is a South-Korean sci-fi series on Netflix. I would say it is equally good.

  4. Flipping through channels, the guy on a CBS show called Ghosts was wearing an Atari PONG shirt.   HMMmmm and Sheldon always wore that Atari Space Invader shirt...And that ever so quick glance at a 7800 on one episode of Young Sheldon,...Plus the 2600 on Goldbergs... I guess...  ATARI is represented.

    1. Cobra Kai

      Cobra Kai

      Sheldon has an Astroblast shirt too. I really liked that one.

  5. Does anyone know where I can buy a USB CD Burner that works with iTunes?   To burn CD-Rs from iTunes (on a PC)...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VectorGamer


      Build a Plex server instead of burning CDs

    3. Rick Dangerous

      Rick Dangerous

      The original silver Apple external USB superdrives are all over craigslist for $20 and work great.  Just takes a few minutes to set them up with bootcamp so they'll work with PC. 

    4. GoldLeader


      THX all!  I think I'll check Target today before driving out of town...

  6. I don't think Ford Motor Co. would have liked my idea for an ad.   Sometimes You Just Want To Pay For An Escort.     (Followed of course, by a picture of a FORD ESCORT)...

  7. Do you have any cool pics on your phone that you took?



    1. GoldLeader


      Apologies if this has been done before...I looked but I don't always find what might already exist.  I could imagine people posting here And in the Random Pic Thread.  The main difference is this will be personal pics,  so feel free to elaborate on what the pic is of or about.

    2. Steven Pendleton

      Steven Pendleton

      lol I have a picture of the codes that are on both revisions of the Japanese Saturn version of Out Run so I can easily identify which ones do and do not work on the later motherboard revisions. Does that count? I hope so since that's the only picture I have.

    3. GoldLeader


      @Steven Pendleton Sure!  Throw it up there!

  8. Chilled this morning, I plugged a space heater into a dark green extension cord and then saw smoke.  The plug from the space heater was melting the extension cord!  I unplugged it, cleaned the molten plastic off of one side of the plug and now it works fine.  It was a faulty extension cord, which I used with no problems all of last Winter.  Be careful out there...This could have started a fire at any time I think...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DragonGrafx-16


      I was told to always plug a space heater directly into the wall.

    3. Hydro Thunder

      Hydro Thunder

      Yes, agree with DragonGrafx-16.  In Iowa City, there was / is a law that in seriousness bans all extension cords indoors that are not surge protected in one way or another.  Absolutely, legally banned.  I think a major fire was started decades ago in the same way that GoldLeader had things hooked up.

      Super glad you're ok!!!

    4. SlidellMan


      Sometimes I'm asked why I am hesitant at best to use a space heater.

  9. Faxanadu (NES), Xanadu (RUSH), Xanadu (Movie Starring Olivia Newton John and Gene Kelly), or Xanadu (Soundtrack to the movie)?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. GoldLeader


      I usually joke that there are only 3 people that like Deadly Towers, but now with additional AtariAgers,  we're up to 6!

    3. x=usr(1536)


      Frankie Goes To Hollywood: "In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a Pleasuredome erect!"


      OK, so it was actually Samuel Coleridge who wrote that in an opium-hazed fit, but FGTH reused it for Welcome to the Pleasuredome.

    4. GoldLeader


      @x=usr(1536) Yeah Rush used the Coleridge poem as inspiration too...

  10. OK,  by a show of Likes;  Who here jumps on the back of the shopping cart and rides for a few when they head to the car after leaving the supermarket?   (As opposed to just walking the cart like a normal person)...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. cvgplus


      I do but not when with the wife or she isn't looking. It drives her crazy.

    3. zylon


      Maybe not at the store, but I do jump on and ride the order carts at work sometimes. Not dead yet here :P

    4. joeatari1


      I still do this once in a while.  Although I am getting older and I don't want to break a hip or something! :lolblue:

  11. New Title Idea for **some** Threads.   "Pointlessly Arguing In Circles"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GoldLeader


      @carlsson  I've seen people on TV who could do that!  If you see him on the stairwell, you could just ask if it's true.   No need to ask for a demonstration :


    3. frankodragon


      There should be a personality disorder version of Jeopardy where every contestant's answer is right even if it's not.

    4. GoldLeader




      ^ Leeroy & Tiger's Happy Funtime OpinionFact Power Hour!   Now with even more Speculation!

  12. Was not releasing Bushnell Atari's biggest CD with Warner Jaguar 3D?

  13. Ever do those surveys at the bottom of receipts?  And say anything funny...Or maybe just honest?  Or any stories about such things?   Just for kicks,  I started a topic on the subject.   



    I don't start too many topics so I thought I'd mention it :)




  14. He's gone to live in Memory's Garden...R.I.P.  Eric Wagner, Trouble...(Incredible vocalist)



  15. Firefox is installing Updates.  Please wait a few minutes and listen to your computer make whirring sounds.  Soon nothing will work as it should.

    1. pacman000


      I'm laughing, but this is true & realllly bad.

    2. Keatah


      Even my SSD is grinding away.

    3. ClassicGMR


      Well hell... if you want it to work then open Internet Explorer 8. What's the problem??? ?

  16. Now that I've noticed, Too Many Pumpkins out there for,  not even Mid-August!  I don't think I'll even do Any Pumpkin (Spice) Coffee this year...I will instead look forward to buying Tom & Jerry Batter at the liquor store in November!  Awesome Fall memories?  (See Below)  This is the bomb right here!!



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoldLeader


      It's an alcoholic hot drink, Great in the Fall and Winter!  See Below (Kind of tastes like brown sugar plus a touch of eggs and vanilla)


    3. GoldLeader


      Tasted by itself,  it also resembles chocolate chip cookie dough...The kind they tell you not to eat,  but you do anyway.

    4. BydoEmpire


      That looks awesome, especially since when I do drink hard liquor, it's rum!

  17. Yeah,   sometimes I tell dad jokes.


    And sometimes he laughs,   thinks they're funny.

    1. Rogerpoco


      Holy Crap, that's good...

  18. I have a fond memory from a while back,  I was drinking a Dos Equis, and playing some Pitfall! on my Coleco ADAM.  I remember it so well because I posted it on my ...Myspace...Christ!  Was that really 14 years ago??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GoldLeader


      For a long time I came up over and over on their New People list, Honestly No Idea why...And I had 6400+ friend requests in a month...And I was going through them slowly, then one day they were all gone!  I didn't realize there was  a time limit...haha...People probably thought I was a jerk hahaa...

    3. x=usr(1536)


      All I can say is that you have the most interesting Adam in the world :-D

    4. Hydro Thunder

      Hydro Thunder

      I also loved MySpace.  It was much nerdier and more customizable than FB, and let you have music etc on there.  It was less about posting local news and people's weddings, and more about people with any creativity or interesting hobbies talking about them and showing them.  FB has gotten a bit better, but MySpace was much, much cooler.

  19. My dog has no nose.


    How does he smell?


    He smells Awful!

  20. So Bydo...Did you complete the Star Wars Marathon?  Slow news day here at AtariAge,  and I think inquiring minds want to know!

    1. BydoEmpire


      We did!  23 straight hours, all 9 'core' movies in a row, 1:30am - 11:30pm. my son (12) was a real trooper, I think he handled it better than I did in some ways.  That said, I strategically timed a walk around the block, coffee, root beer and some intermittent stretches to help, plus lots of vitamins and tried to eat pretty healthy.  It was great to do once... but don't plan on doing it ever again.  Achievement unlocked, I suppose.

    2. Keatah


      You win a trofee !!

    3. GoldLeader


      I answered with thanks...Just to give out the trophies!

  21. I've not been so entertained since the days of Coleco Chameleon and New Atari Console that Tacobox!   Seriously, maybe start around page 10...And think Jag Mini.  (Off Topic is always more fun)



    1. Reaperman


      wow, that thread has so much 'typical jaguar forum' in it that even the Jaguar forum seems to be pushing back ;)

    2. GoldLeader


      And then at post #450,  The Dream dies with a whimper not a scream...Oh well....Fun while it lasted ;)

  22. When I listen to this song,  I think:  Not too many bands use the word Rectilinear in their lyrics, or start a song with the word Lascivious, or sing about Diogenes the Critic...



    1. BydoEmpire
    2. GoldLeader


      ^ Yay!   Now do Rectilinear!!  ?

    3. joeatari1


      Love that @BydoEmpire. Big fan of dUg and Kings X!  Thanks for sharing and thanks to you too GoldLeader!

  23. Sometimes ya just have to read the description on an eBay auction...Tell me this isn't funny!



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sixersfan105


      Ha! Given that description, any buyer would have a hard time using "item not as described" as ammo for the eBay Money Back Guarantee!

    3. Keatah


      Inhaling that model car paint!

    4. Hydro Thunder

      Hydro Thunder

      My favorite part after reading the description is the flowery candle in the background of the photo of the record.  :)

  24. "Bald as Medusa!"  I thought today, as I looked at my front tire.  After work, giving a coworker a ride home, on I-25 going about 70MPH,  we had a blowout!*  I pulled over to the shoulder without issue and called a tow truck.  Now I have 4 new tires and more credit card debt, but everyone's safe thankfully!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. joeatari1


      When I read the first statement I was sure you were going to be talking about your scrotum.  Upon further reading I'm glad you weren't. That would be WAY too much information!

    3. Kiwi


      Well, you can say that the tires were too tired.

    4. GoldLeader


      Bald as Kekkonen,...I'd been listening to Amorphis (gotta add more Finnish references ya know)...But my tires were too tired...And my muffler was ...Exhausted Haaa!   ...

  25. My friend has a large collection of weird stuff...Amidst his modern art sculptures, speakers, weird lights,  a machine with video slides and narration about life after death (A little Funeral Home pickup), I saw an embroidered ATARI Patch...I said, "Hey an Atari Patch!" and he said, "Oh, That's yours.  I was waiting for you to find it"...



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    2. digdugnate


      #9, #9, #9, #9....

    3. GoldLeader


      @digdugnate  I'm not catching the reference Nate...Not in my memory or over my head perhaps...

    4. digdugnate


      I was thinking the first part of your status update with 'modern art sculptures... ...a machine with video slides and narration about life after death'.  First thing I thought of was the avant garde stuff John and Yoko did.

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