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Everything posted by Carey85

  1. Most impressive. Here is my feeble attempt to best your score. Try as I might, can't get thru that third maze.
  2. The collision detection in this game is brutal. Even the first run of the maze is a complete PITA. I do want to have a go with a d-pad or digital joystick to see if it makes life a little easier.
  3. It's only been 10 years, they may still turn up... right after monkeys fly out of my butt. That jerkweed is the reason I don't pledge crowdfunding campaigns anymore.
  4. Hyperchase might be a good one just to infuriate everyone equally :-D.
  5. I suggest Vectrexagon mainly because I dominate at it :-).
  6. No idea why those yellow bodge wires are there. Someone has recapped the board and there is evidence of rework on some of the chips and resistors. Maybe there are a bunch of lifted pads and ripped traces on the bottom of the board and the bodges were put in as repairs.
  7. $400 was the deal of a lifetime and some butthole was trying to lowball you? Any repair tech worth his salt is worth $125 an hour and it probably takes 2 hours for the best of them to recap a Vectrex and that is assuming that no vias or traces have to be repaired. Some people...
  8. I have one lightpen on hand and parts coming for 5 more. This will very likely be the last batch that I make. Thanks to everyone who has purchased one.
  9. I actually posted this on the FB group. Very good deal btw.
  10. Yeah, you should definitely fix it. Certainly at least open it up and check the fuse. If the fuse is not blown and it's still not working, some basic steps can be performed with a multimeter to further diagnose any issues. Reach out if you decide to crack it open.
  11. Damn, that's a bummer. I'm in Cincinnati and could have maybe given it a look for you. Could be as simple as a blown fuse.
  12. I have a box and manual listed for an Atari 400 48K memory expansion. Box also had a set of NOS chips for an 810 disk drive. No idea what it is potentially worth so I started the bid at $5. https://www.ebay.com/itm/186261855823
  13. Nothing but a digital caliper and a metric ruler. The only real guessing game was the retainers that hold the sides of the boards but it really only took one or two prototyping attempts to get right.
  14. Was bored and had cabin fever over the weekend so I decided to model an Intellivision cartridge. It's a pretty exact replica with some omissions to account for the limitations of FDM 3D printing such as the embossed lettering and recessed ridges in the top of the cartridge but otherwise nearly dead nuts. Don't know if there is any real need for it as donor shells are probably dime a dozen but it was something to do. My only concern is that the two ridges inside of the edge connector opening may be just a scosche high but I don't currently have a system to test. The STLs are at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6436693
  15. That battery door shouldn't take more than 2 hours max to print and even that number would be at very fine detail. My local library offers free printing with the only stipulation being that the print cannot take longer than 8 hours. You may have to pay a surcharge for consumables but I'm sure it comes out cheaper than any shipping.
  16. If you're willing to pay the shipping, I can print one of these for you. I have black, translucent, and brown filaments available. The translucent would probably be best for painting.
  17. Have you checked to see if your local library has a 3D printer available for use? If so, they can print it for you for either free or minimal expense. Looks like the print file is available on Thingiverse.
  18. Pretty slick piece of kit. I especially like that it is a completely reversible mod. Couple questions, though. How is a B series controller identified and can it be done so without opening the controller? Also, are you using a 16 or 24 pulse encoder? The reason I'm asking about controller identification is because a large cache of NOS Jaguar controllers has recently hit eBay at a relatively not terrible price ($50). I was asked back in the day to add spinners to Jaguar controllers like 20 years ago and the general means of doing so at the time was to drill a hole in the center rear of the controller and put the encoder there. It broke my heart to do it that way even then and this is leaps and bounds better.
  19. Yes, I am. I have tweaked the design to slim it down a little and now include a nifty little dust cap for it. My sale thread is here: https://forums.atariage.com/topic/355541-3d-printed-vectrex-lightpens-built-with-modern-components/
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