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  1. Hello, does anyone make replacement overlay stickers for the light sixer? Mine is looking old and faded. I'm talking about the part that has the difficulty decals on it etc. Would be great to replace it with a bright/fresh one! Also, paddle stickers? Thanks in advance! I had to sell my whole 2600 collection last year, it was a big collection with a mint condition system and box, and I was really sad to see it go but really needed the money. I managed to get a new system, it was quite cheap and with no games but it's in a real state so wanted to spruce it up! Also, does anyone know the pantone or a paint type that matches the rim around the control panel area, too?
  2. hello everyone i have fallen on harder times than usual and had to sell my atari, games and controllers however i am enjoying playing in Stella especially with the option to make the display poorer quality which is what i remember from my own system 😛 BUT i don't have a paddle. i bought a "usb volume controller knob" from aliexpress but it's notched, not smooth, so doesn't work. i am looking for a usb version of a paddle or one i can build myself has anyone got any experience with this ?
  3. thanks for this mate i will try to do a review on my website www.funkyspectrum.com as soon as possible it looks like a great title ! thanks for being one of the people who keeps the torch burning for this great system ! i had to sell my console because of money problems but i still play atari using roms so thank you very much for releasing these to the public !
  4. I think this game is actually quite good and it's a shame they didn't release it without the "pulling to the left" nonsense ! did anyone ever do a hack to remove that silliness ? https://www.funkyspectrum.com/?p=11224
  5. hello i am wondering if anyone has a clean/no duplicate/homebrews included version of the complete romset for PAL that they could upload/link for me for the harmony cartridge ? i found some links here from 2010 but they were dead as far as i could tell. thanks in advance to anyone who can help !
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3MSiESdgb0 i did a review of the great bentley bear's crystal quest here it is ! also i should warn people it contains bad language !
  7. i do find it staggering that there has to be a ringleader in all of this. in reality there is only one ringleader and he is in a circus with no customers and it is kieren hawken. everyone else is just defending themselves from his batshit allegations and attempts to destroy their reputations. the thing is that thanks to this thread he can no longer continue with this behaviour and this will remain forever as a testament to the awful things he has said and done to turn good people against one another for no discernible reason other than to bring people down to the level he inhabits wherein no-one is to be trusted and everyone is trying to stab everyone else in the back. genuine reasonable people do not behave like this and by placing all his eggs in the basket that suggests they do he has effectively taken a hammer to them. there is no "out" at this stage and from what i have seen regarding what he's said above recently about octavius it just shows that he will stoop to the lowest of levels in order to try to get people to do his bidding with a cavalier disregard for them or the outcome just as long as they sow discord. the email he sent to octavius is just absolute fantasy and as i have said contains several things that are legally actionable and he has made them so by sending them to someone and claiming that the garbled nonsense he presents are facts. in particular i take great offense at his insinuation that i have no right to sell the titles on my site when in actuality a great many of them are licensed from the very person who graciously permits him to release his toilet paper publications. kieren knows this and i have spoken with the person involved about this and he is far from happy either. as i have said before when people do underhand things and think in a bad way about their life and others then they tend to presume that everyone else does the same when in reality most people are just trying to get on with things and dont revel in causing discord. many have said here about kieren repurposing their items for sale on ebay and i can only presume that as he has taken others content and sold it without permission that he thinks everyone must be doing the same thing. he is a sad little man. there is such a thing as quitting while you are behind and i think it is in his best interests to do just that now as if he becomes yet more erratic his wild flailing will become even more ridiculous and far fetched if that is even possible and yes eventually he will have to answer for a lot of the stuff that he has said and the more he continues to make such outrageous claims and statements the more he will potentially have to pay for these crimes because make no mistake they are crimes.
  8. most people don't act like conniving arseholes and have no interest in being better than others most of us just want to get on with what we do and represent ourselves with our own words and deeds instead of inspiring others to hate other people so we can step into the vacuum that hopefully results from some idiotic war that we're trying to cause. madness. the way he sees the world is disgusting and so is he !
  9. this presumption that everyone thinks they are clever too lol i will admit i am a bit of a dunce and went to a special school and if i was able to orchestrate half of what this twit accuses me of then i would not have enough hours in the day with how slow i am at doing things currently ! it also belies a mindset that shows that all he cares about is who is smarter or on top of others and will not rest until he is in the top position and getting the appropriate respect from everyone for being so all seeing and all knowing ! grow up you stupid little boy and wipe the chocolate off your face ! (if that is chocolate of course !)
  10. "Kieren would never stand up to a cross examination in a court of law" well as soon as coronavirus is in the rear view mirror he can find out ?
  11. and now we are at the stage where he is just making up easily disprovable stuff because he is scrambling to remain on his perceived "platform" when in reality he sank into the shit months if not years ago in most people's eyes. he is trying to latch onto anything he can which is i presume why he now perceives everything mr fogarty has said to be absolute gospel when a short while ago he was in agreement with EVERYONE ELSE ON THE ENTIRE INTERNET that everything the man says is bitter, fantastical garbage. as i said, lee accused me of being someone else and not existing then in the same sentence said that he had electoral roll information about me (creep). even a dull mind would be able to see the inherent flaw in this. when the desire to exonerate yourself is so strong that you are asking others to suspend disbelief and ignore the fabric of reality then you know that you are onto a bit of a loser, imo. it is the same with these twitter accounts "definitely not related to kieren hawken" i mean who in their right fucking mind would write that as their tagline ? it is like a child coming into the room with chocolate on its face then denying its been in the cookie jar. fucking idiocy.
  12. Quite right mate he just goes round the houses. he will knock on one door and when they tell him to fuck off he will go to their neighbour and tell them that the person he just spoke to said something bad about them and he can "help" them with it if they want because of course he is a good friend and just wants to see the truth come out etc etc and he hasn't been forcing shit through their letterboxes for months/years no definitely not. then when they tell him to fuck off he goes to the next neighbour and tells them that the two previous people he's spoken to have nothing good to say about them and so on and so on it just goes on. it is obvious, tiresome and absolutely pathetic.
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