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  1. Updated my 5200 to 1.3 fw without any problem. Thank you for the update
  2. Sk8er000


    I'd like to buy one me too!
  3. I hope to be in that list, I've tried to send the request a couple of time because initially there wasn't​ the confirmation message
  4. So there will be a new update soon? I shouldn't have removed the dupont cables from the Sophia yesterday xD
  5. I've soledered some dupont on the bottom of the pcb because I didn't want to wait for the connector to arrive, this update is great, now on my setup the color are correct! with the olt firmware the red was magenta on my 5200! NOW: http://imgur.com/a/tGDno BEFORE: http://imgur.com/a/nMPrl you can see the red also here: http://imgur.com/a/w57Ki thank you very much! P.S. During the first falshing attempts I got an "error 44" in my case is because I was using an usb extender to reach the console. When I removed it all worked! Hope it can help to someone!
  6. Hello, since I need to solder some cables to connect Sophia to my usb blaster is it possible to have a pinout of the JTAG port please?
  7. I'm desperately trying to preorder on the website but it seems that I have not understood how to do it. I've registered myself on the retrohq website clicked on the preorder article inserted name and mail, clicked submit and nothing happened. Is that normal?
  8. I'll take one thank you!! I've just realised that my friend already preordered that for me too with his account, so if it's possible, don't count my preorder for this account please. Thank you
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