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    videogame collecting

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  1. zonic5


  2. I never heard of dampness hurtting systems so you should probly be ok.
  3. Im thinking about selling my atari 400 it is in very good condition it comes with a 5 button controllor with a number pad it has 16K and I modified it to play games with the lid up it and Im also including the basic cartrige power supply and a RF unit. Its a great computer Im only selling it because my dad recently bought to atari 130 XE s and I need room and money for and Atari ST. How much do you think my computer is worth and how much do you think and ST would cost
  4. I really wish I could go but Its like a days worth of driving to get there so I dont think my parents will take me but i a cuple of years once I have a car ill defentaly be there.
  5. at the flea market near me i saw a jaguar in the box with cybermorth and it was in prety good condition the guy offered it to me for $20 but I already have one and dont have enough room to store another and now it s has a 25$ tag on it.
  6. It came with the games ninja gaiden hard drivin california games
  7. I went to the flea market tody and was looking around and I found an original atari lynx with the case 3 games and a link cable and it was only 30 dollars so of course I bought it its awesome but I was wondering what games I should get please help.
  8. I have an atari 130 XE and i am trying to get a atari monitor for it but I was wondering how you hook up speakers to it with a monitor because I dont see a headphone jack on the compute.
  9. one of the buttons on the side turns the 56K ram on and off the other button is a reset button.
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