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Everything posted by doctorclu

  1. I've fired up my TT030 & captured some videos from it that I've put on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=doctorclu I realize that the pictures are blurry (VGA converted to A/V and then captured on a Mac G4 EyeTV) and while I am working on that, you can see a TT030 boot up, see Civilization & Starball, and listen to a medley of mods (about 18 minutes worth) on a ProTracker. Figured I would get the Atari TT030 on YouTube, and display some things I liked most about that computer. Let me know what you think!
  2. I've said this before but if I could go back in time and had the ability to change one thing for the Jag, it would be that once Tempest 2K came out that it become the pack in game for the Jaguar and replace Cybermorph. What would have had? More people running out to get Jags with an awesome pack-in. I know people to this day that want nothing else but a Jaguar & Tempest 2K. I would have also made Bubsy the spokes cat for the Jaguar.
  3. It happened in May. http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=86998 Whoa! That explains why you had so many good choices in those polls.
  4. It's chat time! (right now at 8 pm cst) Check above for details on how to get there.
  5. doctorclu

    why atari

    Handhelds... quite a few (since I rode the bus to school everyday.. about an hour one way.) Lots of Space Invader handheld games, and I remember a game watch. (early 80's.) Lots of Simon, and the long reddish one that reminded me of a alligator with many buttons for all kinds of games. Handheld games, I remember gameboys (HUGE ones) when I was a senior in highschool. Friends had Sega Gamegears, and later on I discovered those that had Atari Lynx systems. Since then, (the mid nineties) I have found other Lynx users by looking, but mainly it has been Gameboy, PSP, N-Gage, and some PDA's. And what was my choice of a portable gaming system in the late 70's and 80's? A magnetic checker/chess board.
  6. You know I have not tried from a emulated Atari (Atari800Win or Atari800Mac) ever really. Not to say that it can't be done, and I believe Atari800Win does emulate serial protocals. What I use to get on Atari BBS's is Bobterm, which is the most flexible of the Atari programs. Ice-T is good if you want to get on 80 column regular BBS's, but then, the whole thing you want to do is get on Atari BBS's. So do you have a copy of Bobterm yet? All this talk is making me want to get my Atari back on the BBS's.
  7. I earn 163,000 and suddenly everyone gives up? Ok, here are some hints and you will EASILY crack 100K. 1) engage the ships when you have to, like when they engage you in battle. Otherwise they are fairly useless. 2) Attack THEIR bases by going to them, and then from the menu, pushing the stick forward and firing. It will take you to a screen that in action reminds me of taking out the enemy bases in Star Raiders II and Last Starfighter. 3) You only have so long to take out the bases before you need to switch back and take out the missles they launched in despiration when you attacked the bases. Get back to the menu screen and pull back on the joystick to select the 3D missle command wanna-be screen. This is really just a glorified target gallery. 4) So now you've taken out the bases, and shot down their missiles and saved you own bases. Now contine to do this till all the bases are taken out. If you get through all this and still have all your bases, you'll get like 60K in bonus's. Thus you will easily end with over 100K when all is said and done. So guys, knowing now how easy this game really is, let's see some high scores and people trying!!
  8. I bought a NES solely to use for a Joystick case for my Atari Jaguar, and I was bummed wth the $2 thing WORKED. So I bought another for $2... and it worked to. Arrgg!!
  9. Awesome! Thanks! Yeh Guitar Slinger is one of my favorites of all time, and plays well on the Newton. So while we are on the topic, what are some of your favorite mods out there? I am always looking for new mods to listen to. Give mods and links to listen to them if you have them, or just upload them here.
  10. Very good. But does anyone know where this mod was featured to start out with? Was it a part of some Amiga game? (like many mods)? To me that and "Tilbury" are some of the best made mods I've heard yet.
  11. Honestly, smashing things has little to do with how you like or dislike something. It has more to do with the fact that you want to smash something, and you have a surplus of things... or sometimes you smash things that happen to be there. I've gone through many controllers for my Atari systems when growing up. Did I hate the Atari? Of course not. Just got really really frustrated. Of course that is destruction out of anger. Now regular destruction, that can be fun too. Just take like a 386 PC... heck, I'm a Mac fan and even I have shot putted a classic mac or two (granted I had gutted it for parts and was throwing the case... which survived a ten foot drop from a horizontal throw. I hate to say it, but in my case, if it is not an Atari, I can be brutal to computers (robbing parts, painting them, adjusting the case, etc). And if it is a PC... I just donated a bunch of 386's to a guy who likes to smash PC's at the end of his videos he creates. So the fact that someone would smash an Atari... honestly, if I wasn't into Atari or realize it's retro value, I might smash that too. I mean, a 286 and 386 PC are MUCH newer than 2600's, and I would just about smash those in a heartbeat. Soo... Suffice to say, I can remember when I was a teen, and I still remember how fun it was to destroy things, and I can see where an Atari would get smashed. Strangely in films like this, smashing something (thinking in the klingon way) is a way to honor something. A better way to put it, before throwing an Atari away (I know, parish the thought), they thought to give the Atari a glorious death on camera. It could have just been thrown away, but now the name of Atari will once again be immortalized in "art", immortalized on film. Another way to look at it. Honestly I have not seen the clip because I don't want to add to their view counter. Just mainly playing devils advocate here for a few minutes.
  12. (Got a good laugh out of the Ron Jeremy commentary) So the mindlink was little more than a few microswitches pressed against the forehead and the way you controlled a character was you furrowed your forehead? Geez! I thought it was actually an alpha wave reader (very basic one) or something cool like that. Ok, I'm really glad this never made it to market.
  13. Hmmmm... kinda neat to have an Atari in a jackass movie. Might give them a Commodore 64 I have for their next movie. Reminds me of when I smashed a Vanilla Ice cassette into small pieces with a foam weapon. Those were the days.
  14. Whoa VERY good! Yeh it is. What was that from?
  15. Recently made a movie about a Newton MessagePad 2000 showing color slides. (Newtons generally have light green and black and various "greyscale" in between. However with a particular card it could display 256 color.) Some of these slides are Atari related so thought you might get a kick of out of some of these. Keep checking under the "doctorclu" name as I will be posting some movies from my favorite movies in Atari gaming and demos.
  16. Recently made a movie about a Newton MessagePad 2000 showing color slides. (Newtons generally have light green and black and various "greyscale" in between. However with a particular card it could display 256 color.) Some of these slides are Atari related so thought you might get a kick of out of some of these. Keep checking under the "doctorclu" name as I will be posting some movies from my favorite movies in Atari gaming and demos. (And for both of you that asked, I will be posting up there movies on how to play Bubsy levels. Maybe we can make those level maps later.)
  17. Seems more time based than ammo based.
  18. Anyone have the foggiest on how to make a minklink? I believe the game that went with it is out there somewhere.
  19. Atari... there was a bit of a frenzy in the opening years of E-bay getting stuff. Now I think for the most part while there is still a lot out there the market has leveled out. However, I do see that there will be a time in a few years when this surplus of Atari parts are used to keep the growing fanbase in operation. And I have noticed that it is a little harder now to find some Atari items than 5 years ago. So give it time, the prices should come back up again. And one thing that people are playing with in selling is making systems that have unique features. Clean systems if possible, upgraded, and with game systems, a option where it has multiple games selectable within it? There are two things that people seem to look for in retro systems: 1) Vintage and clean 2) Upgraded to bragable levels. or... 3) parts. So look at what you have and figure out what you have. Waiting till around Christmas is a excellent idea. And tax return time.
  20. To me... Stun Runner. Now that is a fun game that sold me on the Lynx. However, I strangely play Rampage or Shanghai, or even Chip's Challenge more, but Stun Runner showed to me the power of the Lynx.
  21. Let's see... Last Cart New - Cuttle Cart 2 Last Cart from Atariage related - Dragonsfire Last Cart back in the day (1986)- Dragonstomper
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