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Everything posted by matthew954

  1. The ones I ordered came from the seller Childhood at Amazon. It was just barely too tight to fit Impossamole. Although it did fit (rather snugly) my copy of Xenon 2. I ended up using an SNES box protector from Malko to fit impossamole.
  2. Out of curiousity, are the Piko Jag boxes the same size as the original Jag boxes? I bought some Jag box protectors from Amazon, and the boxes don't fit inside the plastic.
  3. Well my copy arrived today. I love the quality of the label, cart and box. As far as the gameplay, I do kind of wish there was a jump button rather than the up arrow. It always seems to trip me up. But I'm slowly learning. I love the chiptunes though. Any chance of a soundtrack download?
  4. I second Rebooteroids as an A+ title. For the longest time since I branched from NES to Atari collecting, I've been eyeing up Tempest 2000, Xenon 2, Rebooteroids, and Astro Storm. Those games were the big sells to me for wanting to get a Jag. If not for the retro indie titles, I'd have chocked the Jag up like the Neo Geo. Always wanted, but would never own one. I'll never own a Neo Geo, even the consolized MVS units are skyrocketing in price. The games I'll get for the Jag are likely going to be the jewels of my collection. I just ordered from plastic box protectors from Amazon to keep them in along with the rest of my retro indie games.
  5. Saturn, you suck lol. Mine according to USPS isn't slated to arrive here in PA till atleast Saturday. They still say its in Texas lol.
  6. I hate scalpers. I want a copy to play, not sell. I see scalpers all the time at work. I have a lady who always comes into the store. Buys all the clearance electronics, and mails it to her relative in Manhattan to resell in the various corner souvenir shops in the city. It bugs me enough that someone who might want or need something are screwed out of a deal, but when she argues with me that she thinks I have more than I'm telling her. Then she boasts as to what shes doing with it. I hate scalpers and flippers.
  7. My shipping confirmation just arrived also! Only another week or so (hopefully less).
  8. People did a little too much math! I did a video game level for a final project in college back in 2004 (coincidentally just found all of my old materials and drawings). Six months of hard work in a computer lab to build a single level for a first person shooter. Six months of some of the most grueling, yet rewarding work I've ever done. I tried like crazy to get a job in the industry, but the closest I've ever come is working at Wal-Mart selling video games. But from what I've seen of the industry these last several years would make me steer far from triple A titles that are recycled crap from one year to the next. Call of Duty I'm looking at you! Like Cyrano put it, those games are really just a paycheck. Lately when it comes to games either on the modern platforms or retro, I look at the indie titles mostly. I somehow doubt I'll buy into the PS5 or Xbox Scarlet. I collect homebrews now mostly because they are passion projects. Most homebrewers have pushed their respective platforms farther than ever imagined. Whether its creative gameplay or uses of under utilized peripherals. I've seen so far games made for both the NES and the 2600 that out shine anything Nintendo or Atari made back in the day. And made by hobbyists no less. They do their work because it's creative and rewarding to do so. That I'll support with my hard earned cash. With being a prospective homebrewer using NESMaker, I only hope even the best game I ever make comes anywhere near what you all have done! I guess my long winded ramble is just this. Graphics aren't everything. The title doesn't need to be triple A quality. But great and engaging gameplay, and a passion for the work you do. Now I just hope I didn't put anyone to sleep lol.
  9. So out of curiosity, how did you do the green carts? I love custom colors for homebrews, but I've never seen any custom colored carts other than the clear here at AA, or the red for Jagzombies.
  10. Well luckily I found a good deal on a copy. Now to patiently wait for it to arrive. but just remembered I also preordered Impossamole, both carts will likely arrive about the same time lol. Now to just keep an eye on Rebooteroids and that new Rebooted cart Cyrano is working on.
  11. To be honest, I have friends who say the same thing. They buy games for PS4 and X1 and I"m more interested in the Jag . I keep telling them, I'd rather spend my money on decent games than the recycled shovel ware that's abundant anymore. But a lot of the homebrews have my eye than some of the Jags licensed games.
  12. Gauntlet had caught my eye, as well as 1943. I didn't have the cash at the time anyway, but never thought they may only be available for a short time.
  13. I bought my Jag at Lukie Games for about $215 plus shipping. Though it looks like they're sold out at the moment.
  14. I second this question. I almost pulled the trigger on one of Gaz's games back at Christmas time, but my bank account didn't agree with me lol.
  15. Any chance Xenon 2 will be back in stock at the AtarAge store? X2 was one of the games I was wanting to get when I got my Jag, but hasn't been in stock for quite some time.
  16. Thats what I was wondering. I'd rather get it from Dr Typo, or atleast someone he is allowing to make carts.
  17. I just got burned pretty bad with my first Jag from eBay. I'm still scratching my head as to what I should do with it. I'd like to see it fixed, but I don't have the technical know how to repair it properly. Plus to be honest, I have been trying to wait till the Saints SD Cart is ready. What I've really been wanting to play recently are alot of the homebrews. I've been eyeing the trio of homebrews from Dr Typo on eBay, but I'm not sure if the seller is the developer or not. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Atari-Jaguar-Fallen-Angels-TubeSE-Gemrace-Homebrew-Dr-Typo-Collection-No-Box/283423516031?hash=item41fd5ba57f:g:sScAAOSw2gxYvRTT&frcectupt=true I'd rather support the developer rather than a reseller. Like with my Endless Snow 2600 cart. Little did I know the version I bought, was just a repro of his carts.
  18. Just preordered Impossamole. I figured it would make a great birthday gift to myself.
  19. Yeah I am covered. Though after dealing with the Jag seller, I'm a bit more cautious. I've been keeping a close eye on Lukie Games, that's where I bought my working Jag from. Though I've seen the few games they have go up in price. But so far Lukie Games is the first place I always stop. Especially since I have the free points to spend from buying my Jag. I just wish I could spend those points on Jag carts.
  20. I must've missed the post with the price thanks. And now I have the website bookmarked! Now to patiently wait.
  21. Well I found B&C already, and I also just saw that the GOAT store where I got my jag power supply even sells some carts. I've been eyeing up Iron Soldier.
  22. Where would I find a skunkboard?
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