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Everything posted by keebz

  1. You can actually see the path I took to cause the bug. It happened in the third tunnel, and youll notice the path taken to get the queen ant. Granted, I was trying to make this happen, but it's interesting I was able to duplicate the bug in a totally different manner.
  2. Here's the result after the bug occurs. This time it happened when I ate a queen ant and the spider and slug overlapped. The spider was about 3 tunnels down, triggered a slug to the left by pointing my tongue tip to the left, then shooting to the right and eating an on coming ant. Then headed to the queen ant. When the spider and the slug overlapped, I ate the queen ant. This also caused for the spider to never come back. I point pressed for about 5 or 6 nights until I just gave up. I think I racked 20+ slugs and about 20k points on level one then just kamikazed an ant. I I will try and set up a camera and capture it happening next time.
  3. Spider and ant right side of the screen moving left. Ant just a bit ahead of the spider.
  4. I've been trying to replicate it for a day now. It was on the second level and the first spider of the night on the first life of that level. So basically I had survived on the same life until nightfall. Some how the spider and the ant on the top tunnel overlapped, the ant was closer to the tounge than the spider so I ate the ant... And the spider went with it. A second spider did not regenerate after this happened until I died. I was caught so off guard that I didn't notice of the spider gave any points for this action. I have tried but have not replicated a scenario where the ant and the spider overlap in the same way.
  5. found a bug but not sure how to submit it. If an ant and a spider are over lapping each other and you eat the ant... you also eat the spider, not sure if for points or not. Then the spider will not return until you die or pass the level. You can then point press.
  6. Look at these scores! Wow! Hope we get a release before someone rolls it.. ::nudge nudge::
  7. Is it just more or does this "demo" port on the 2600 actually look BETTER than the original arcade?
  8. I just remembered the platform jumping levels and the "bonus keeper" levels... Normally, I wouldn't expect these to make it in, but after playing Mappy, I know better than to question what Champ can do.
  9. The fluidity of the Aardvarks walking animation is (In my opinion) the best I have EVER seen on an Atari game with such a large sprite. I don't think I've ever seen anything that clean and that big. Please... release this soon
  10. This is one of my favorite arcade games. Absolutely in my top 5 personally. I'm so freaking excited for this.
  11. No, my childhood Atari was a yard sale victim many many years ago. I guess no one wanted the clock
  12. Thanks! Would you believe, I have had that G&E digital clock since it came new in the box from sears back in the 80s. It woke me up for school everyday of my childhood I've becoming obsessive over this game, I really hope it's available by Christmas, but I'm pretty sure that won't be the case.
  13. I'm becoming obsessed with this amazing port!
  14. Great timing on this release... I can't wait to get it. I have that "Christmas list" problem that I think a lot of guys have where I would just buy it, but it's better to put it on the list so my family get's me something I want... I'm very thankful for the .bin file, while I wait
  15. WOW 2018/19 is shaping up to be an amazing home brew year! This is absolutely incredible! I can't believe it is only a "demo" 5 polished with a title screen and music is more than I ever expect from anything on the 2600. This is an instant purchase for me when it releases. This is simply amazing work!
  16. I've been hesitant to do this, but there are a few things out there I just can't find or can't justify the price... So I'm posting my "willing to trade" stash and what is currently in my doubles box. Here's what I am looking for... (All things are Atari 2600 era) Double Dragon - Manual Cosmic Commuter - Box and Manual Asteroids - Silver label cart (CIB if possible) Plaque Attack - Activision Patch Robot Tank - Rank 2 & 3 Activision Patch Othello - NIB (no dents or damage) Tele games - Heavy Sixer Dolphin - Secret Society Activision Patch Space Shuttle - Rank 2 Activision Patch Adventure - Telegames CIB Let's make a deal!
  17. Yeah, I just tested it. Plays fine on Stella but I can't get it to work on harmony.
  18. Looking for a cosmic commuter box

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. groundtrooper
    3. save2600


      keebz looking!

    4. DamonicFury


      Best of luck! Got one at a reasonable price 4 years ago after months of Ebay searching. Looks like its value has risen since then, but hope you can find a deal!

  19. keebz

    The Stacks

    I am a big fan of this game. Beat it, mapped it, best timed the routes. I play on a Harmony cart with a 4 switch or a H6. I'd like to help test if that is possible?
  20. Is it just me or is the posted bin files busted? I just tried testing on my Harmony Cart and I just get a loading circle that never stops. Any ideas?
  21. That's absolutely incredible and brilliant. In 40 years, we went from an advanced home video to ink on paper. That's pretty magical.
  22. I want to make sure I understand this correctly. There are not just roms on the Pi that the QR code is pulling up right? It's actually reading the data from the QR and compiling the game into a binary on the fly?!?!?! Just from the image itself?!
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