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Everything posted by ColecoGamer

  1. You read my mind! I’m sure she’s sitting on it right now as I talk. I’ll grab a snapshot when I see her.
  2. Maybe it’s the fumes or she’s just trying to get my attention, but my calico cat loves to sit on my Jaguar. I am just wondering whether there are good dust cover options for the system, and where I can find them. Any assistance on this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  3. I apologize for being a latecomer. Hopefully, I can get a complete copy of R-Type II for my gaming collection. (Fingers Crossed)
  4. Email sent for a complete Rtype II. Thanks again, Gatzee!
  5. I agree and I do. I play my Jaguar more often than I do my modern console systems. I play Defender of the Crown the most right now, but this will more than likely change once Rocket Ranger releases. I wonder… what else will we see in the future, from Cinemaware’s catalog of hit titles?
  6. If someone that age wanted a classic experience, they could either 1. Buy a 2600 or 2. Buy the original Adventure on the new VCS. Some older gamers like myself want a modern experience with updated graphics. Someone has made this point already, but the original graphics were already considered dated on the 2600. What’s wrong with having a bipedal hero (not a cursor) and more advanced looking castles, landscapes and dragons? If the basic look is so important, Atari should include an option to switch to a more original look for those who want it. Everyone would be happy.
  7. If I decide to buy a game drive, I would mostly be interested in the cd-rom capability. I really want to play Primal Rage and Brain Dead 13.
  8. Zorp looks really nice, Jeff! The graphics are kick-ass. I’ll try the demo when it comes out. Will Zorp see a jaguar release or will it be a VCS exclusive?
  9. I love these releases! I have so many jaguar games because of it, my collection has grown larger than I ever imagined.
  10. I have a question – how did you deal with the fuel system that acted as the protection?
  11. Hot damn! My second favorite Cinemaware game.
  12. I’m in for a copy! Looks fantastic.
  13. What paint program are you using with the light pen?
  14. Will an authentic Atari ST floppy drive work instead? I’m just trying to get my info straightened out.
  15. People keep going back and forth on the type of floppy drive that should be used. Can I use a USB floppy drive with floimg or a HD 1.44meg floppy?
  16. I plan on trying Greaseaweazl. Its not expensive and it will do exactly what I want.
  17. @larrylaffer - I love your username. Thank you for the information. I’ll wait and see what others have to add, before attempting any of this.
  18. I have a USB floppy so I’m good to go. Thank you both very much. I’ll let you know how it turns out!
  19. Basically, as the topic states: is there a way to download an ST program and convert it back to floppy disk? I am looking for deluxe paint ST. I have looked on eBay and Mercari for an original, but have come up empty-handed. So, is there a way to download it from the Internet and convert it back to floppy disk? I am aware of the ST floppy drive SD card adapter and have one on my 520. However, I would rather have the program on floppy disks. I guess you can call me a purist. I do have PCs and Macs with built-in floppy drives, so converting it to disk will be easy if there’s a way to do it. Does anyone know of a certain program that will allow this to happen, maybe something for the PC? Any assistance on this matter is greatly appreciated.
  20. I’ll give the Ultrasatan a try. I like the idea of a real time clock too!
  21. I’m loving my (new to me) virgin (unmodified) 1040STF. Spent last night playing Battle Chest, one of Interplay’s more prolific titles. Next on the agenda is a harddrive. Any suggestions?
  22. I wouldn’t mind seeing a Bomberman game for the Jaguar. The more games, the merrier!
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