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Atari PAC-MAN Fan

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Everything posted by Atari PAC-MAN Fan

  1. I live in a bad area when it comes to thrift stores, but I have found a handfull of goodies. 1. Commodore Vic-20 and Datasette Recorder 2. Some sort of Radio Shack computer? 3. Some old IBM PC Booter games 4. Some Atari 2600 games
  2. If you're not down to mess around with the cartridge board, I would recommend buying another DKC3 cart. I would start with Ebay.
  3. Looks cool! Wonder what juicy details we can find In that book.
  4. I'm only considering buying one if it has a SD card slot. I have been DYING to play all of those Intellivision homebrews.
  5. Wow! This is really cool. I once had no respect for the RCA Studio II, (Not to mention it has that weird switchbox like the Atari 5200.) but now, maybe I'll consider hunting one down.
  6. I love my Atari flashback portable, but if they want more of money, they should make a Colecovision flashback portable and an Intellivision Flashback Portable. But, for know, we can only dream.
  7. I'm with Keetah. Altirra is a great emulator that plays just about all of the games programmed for the 8-bit family. I would also recommend Atari800 if your looking for emulators programmed for DOS.
  8. When it comes to annoying enemies in games, for me, the first things that comes to mind are these jerks from Sonic the Hedgehog 2
  9. One more question does usb only work on a specific version of Windows 95?
  10. It does have a PCMCIA card slot. Some do exist with a gameport like this one: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZRQAAOSwe7BWuCoD/s-l300.jpg It's just that I can never find one for sale no matter where I look. Also, can you give me a link to the driver? What if I got USB PCMCIA card and used a gameport to USB connector? would that work?
  11. Ok. That's what I'll try. It's just that I don't know how to solder.
  12. I guess you enjoy more obscure games. I should have put Beamrider on mine. I just forgot about it.
  13. I never understood Mountain King. I thought it looked cool, but never knew the objective.
  14. Nice work man! The robots remind me of the football players in the original Atari football.
  15. What are your 20 Atari 2600 Classics? (Not counting hacks or homebrews) Here are my Classics: Pac-Man (I don't care that its bad) Donkey Kong Centipede Asteroids Berzerk Mario Bros. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Demon Attack Ms. Pac-Man H.E.R.O. Pitfall! Tapper Donkey Kong Jr. Breakout (had to put at least 1 paddle game in here.) River Raid Space Invaders Maze Craze (Simple, but fun.) Q-bert Frogger (Starpath Super-Charger Version) Jawbreaker
  16. When video games were new, back then, they costed approximately about $30 before the video game crash of '83. That's not very much compared to the prices of Super Nintendo and Genesis games in the 90's which were like $60 or $70 when they were new. I would say that the cost of new games today are approximately $40-$60.
  17. I guess I could try, but it would need to be both male connectors, not male to female or vice versa. Also, I think a serial port has a totally different voltage than Atari joystick ports, so wouldn't I have to do some serious work to convert it?
  18. Are there any other solutions? I've seen them, but I can't find one for sale anywhere.
  19. Hello Everyone! I have just gotten an old Toshiba Satellite w/ Windows 95 installed out of my grandmother's basement. It had not been used for a long time. I would like to use it as a gaming PC for MS-DOS programs. Here is the problem: there is no 15-pin output for a game-pad. (No, the laptop doesn't have USB.) Is there any adapter for lpt ports or serial ports to accept 15-pin game-pads or Atari-style joysticks? You may ask for a picture if you need the facs.
  20. I can't do anything about it. Any Dreamcast made after 2000 won't read backups.
  21. One more question for ya. I've noticed that some of the games I was testing (Berzerk, Q*bert, Missile Command, etc.) did not respond. (I'm using the keyboard {for now} and can't find out which key you use to start the game.) The arrow keys and Ctrl buttons all work.
  22. Thanks! Works great! You know of any good C64 emulators? Also, what is a good PC controller for these emulators?
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