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Everything posted by _Fandal_

  1. LOL you must be i am slow but did it first time in 3:13 856884[/snapback] I'm really glad you like my game guys! BTW, there were Cubico and River Raid compos during Atariada and here you can find official results... F.
  2. I can't say I love this game, but... F.
  3. Well, I'm sorry but I forget to mention that load address in $0700... F.
  4. Hi all! I have a problem. I need to pack 41 kB long file (one segment only) but I can't find any packer which is able to manage this task. Any suggestions? Thanx, F.
  5. I don't know if you agree but I think our A8 community needs really strongly new games and that's the reason why I'm trying to prepare one "serious" game each year. My latest piece of work called Cubico was officially released at Atariada on Saturday and I hope you'll enjoy it! I can't forget to send really HUGE thanx a gretz to Emkay and Raster who helped me a lot with creating Cubico. Thank you guys!! And BTW: there were THREE brand-new games presented at Atariada so stay tuned! F.
  6. It sounds like N. Y. C. the Big Apple ... F. It seems I wasn't fast enough...
  7. Try Spider Eater game. It requires koala pad... F.
  8. I think you should try games T-34 by Mirage and Space Harrier (playable demo) by Chris Hutt. F.
  9. Well, I think it isn't so bad game. May be it's crazy but it really isn't so bad. Unfortunately it doesn't work on my real PAL Atari at all - it's crashing when leaving the title screen. And in the emulator I was able to start it just once from more than 20 attempts - the crash comes when "selecting" destination... F.
  10. Well... I really didn't make anything special. At the first moment I was surprised my intro scored the 2nd place because I thought there were seven entries presented. But they were there only I was last but one... F.
  11. Hi all! One friend of mine, going through his old tapes, has found a very rare Czech game called Inferno. It is done in seldom used gr. 8 mode and has interesting idea (the goal is to catch the devil with white balls). I've never seen something like that on A8... F.
  12. Well, I have one low quality scan of quick instruction page for QMEG 4.04 but it's in German. F.
  13. Uaaaa... Blue Max, one of my top favourite games... I think there should not be any problem with landing. You can land safely in any speed and with any damage. Just remember: when airport comes near, green letter "R" appears and you MUST press fire button to confirm you're going to land. "R" changes to blue "L" and your speed goes down then... F.
  14. Well, I'm still using good old MAC/65 under emulator. But what could you expect from lamer? F.
  15. HMC made a few logical games (for example Mircox for Mirage) and some demos as well. If you want to see the complete list, visit my site and search for "Filip Oscadal" (= Fred Brooker & Phil Halloran in real) in details. F.
  16. Hi all! For those who cares: I've just recieved email from Fred Brooker of HMC. I asked him if Lemmings game by HMC (we all know promising demo) was ever finished and he answered just by one word: NO. F.
  17. Well, unfortunately there's something wrong on real Atari. I've tested it on my 130XE and on 320XE as well, just to see the same garbage on the screen. And total crash follows after less than one minute... F.
  18. Cooooool!!! Just a few days ago I cried here why almost nobody is making new games for A8 and then this fantasic surprise! Polish coders rule the world! Hope to see this piece of stuff in final version very soon... F.
  19. I've found it on the disk with stuff from East 2k4. F.
  20. Thank you very much for the link. Koffi successfully downloaded! :wink: F.
  21. Stay tuned! Aha. Next ABBUC Contest participant... F.
  22. I really don't know this game. Where could it be found? OK. But I was talking about finished projects. Space Harrier, Super Mario or Yie Ar Kung Fu look superb but are you sure they will be finished? Jellybeans, Boinxx and Beef Drop seem to be another story because all these project are under continuous development. I'm really happy too. But I still wonder why so many people spend so much time with just talking about "how nice it could be" or "how SHOULD we do it". But enough is enough. Let's stop this conversation. I just wish to see anything new on my lovely A8 machines and not just to hear still the same talks about "possibilities". We all know them. The only one problem is to turn them to something real. F.
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