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Jamcat Reloaded

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Everything posted by Jamcat Reloaded

  1. Here are hacks of RealSports Soccer where I changed the players to Astromech droids, Berzerk robots, Daleks, and Lost In Space robots. AstromechSoccer.bin BerzerkRobotSoccer.bin DalekSoccer.bin LostInSpaceRobotSoccer.bin
  2. Thanks! Used a nice image of the package to get a nice side view of the car to help draw it out on graph paper. Wanted a good iconic Hot Wheels car. The Twin Mill was nice, but too low. Wanted to fill up as much of the space available for the dragster as I could. I didn't animate the back wheel because, to me, it didn't look right that the back wheel turned but the front didn't.
  3. Here I changed the biplane into something really different. A powered glider. PoweredGliderBarnstorming.bin
  4. The biplane is now a helicopter. CopterBarnstorming.bin
  5. Yet another Branstorming hack, the biplane is replaced with a zeppelin. ZeppelinBarnstorming.bin
  6. In this hack of Activision's Barnstorming, I replaced the biplane with a Gee Bee style race plane. GeeBeeBarnstorming.bin
  7. This hack changes the dragster to look like the Hot Wheels Bone Shaker car. BoneShakerDragRacing.bin
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