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Everything posted by mozzwald

  1. Sorry, also need the fujinet boot messages.. Plug in fujinet to computer, run fujinet flasher, hit serial debug output, hit button C on fujinet (reset) and paste those here. Fujinet tries mounting the sd card when it powers up and it may show an error message/number there
  2. Can you use the fujinet flasher to capture serial debug output of fujinet booting and paste it here inside a spoiler box?
  3. I restock when I have time to build them. you can sign up to get an email when they are available on the product page after selecting which style you want https://fujinet.online/shop/hardware/fujinet-1-6/ You can also check the other vendors like brewing academy or vintage computer center
  4. You shouldn't need to. Part of the circuit is supposed to do that automatically. Yep
  5. Yep. Flashing wipes the config from internal flash storage. If you have an SD card, the config there is left as is. Holding the B button during powerup wipes the internal config also.
  6. @-^CrossBow^- Make sure you have installed the drivers from https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers then try this procedure: Make sure fujinet flasher is not running. Press and hold button A on the Fujinet (far left). While holding button A, plug in the microusb cable to the computer. The 3 leds on Fujinet should dimly light up. Run Fujinet flasher with administrator privileges, select COM port and press the flash firmware button.
  7. fujinet.online is is running on a Digital Ocean droplet. If you come up with a solution we can host it there.
  8. The high speed loader just boots the config disk faster. The only difference with this config vs the config currently in firmware is the new option to follow tnfs host links. You can browse the fujinet.online tnfs 'links' dir to test out the new feature.
  9. It does not support user authentication
  10. I tried several times to boot the autorun.atr from that ip and it would just timeout so I used the python tnfs client to grab the atr and it's now hosted on fujinet.online tnfs as autotnfs.atr where I got it to boot successfully. I've also added a links dir to fujinet.online with some more tnfs servers. Very cool! Now we need that atr with the fast loader
  11. Notice that user and group are 'tnfs'. The dir /home/stupe/atari is your user. You need to make that dir and file contents accessible to the tnfs user / group. Do a search for changing owner and permissions in linux or see the manpages for chown & chmod commands.
  12. The line should be modified like so: ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/tnfsd /path/to/where/your/atari/disk/files/are and in linux, files permissions are important. I think the instructions have you setup a 'tnfs' user and group. The service runs as 'tnfs' user so the files need to be readable/writeable by the 'tnfs' user.
  13. In the systemd service file you created per the instructions: ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/tnfsd /tnfs That line configures which dir it uses and in the example above it is looking in /tnfs for files. You can set that to whatever dir you prefer to use
  14. you need to change 'fujinet.online' to the ip address of your windows computer, like so: sudo nmap -sU YOUR.WINDOWS.COMPUTER.IP.ADDRESS.GOES.HERE -p 16384
  15. while tnfs can technically run over tcp, it is not implemented so you only need udp open
  16. nmap does not scan UDP ports by default. Here is an example of testing fujinet.online and specifying the port we want to check (16384 / tnfs): $ sudo nmap -sU fujinet.online -p 16384 Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2022-01-26 18:16 CST Nmap scan report for fujinet.online ( Host is up (0.030s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 16384/udp open|filtered connected Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.81 seconds
  17. https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/wiki/Setting-up-TNFS-on-a-Raspberry-Pi Those are instructions for raspi but they should be similar for any linux. But, this wont help the issue with your windows tnfs server not being accessible. What are the results of nmap scanning your windows machine?
  18. That is referring to the fujinet-flasher which has an option to display serial debug output from the fujinet over microusb. Lets forget the python tool for now Ping just tells you the computer is there. +1 for trying nmap. This will tell you what ports are open on the target machine. If 16384 is not open on the tnfsd server machine, you have a firewall issue.
  19. @stushug If you can successfully connect to an outside tnfs server like fujinet.online, then the FujiNet is working and the problem is likely with your local network and firewall. You could try verifying by running the command line python tnfs client found here. Run that on your linux machine and try connecting to your windows tnfs server. If it times out or can't connect, then you probably have a firewall issue on the windows machine. In your windows firewall you might be able to just open UDP port 16384 which is used by tnfsd.
  20. Thanks. The keyboard is original, soaked in hydrogen peroxide to get them white again. The function keys were painted white, then tiny letter stickers applied, painted black, then stickers removed and finally clear coated. When I get time and money, I'd like to have mechanical key switches and black keys with white lettering. Here's a twitter thread with some pictures:
  21. I have this one which is made of black plastic with a thin metal layer on top that was probably laser etched off. It's really nice. Got it from someone in Poland a couple years ago.
  22. Maybe because you don't ever shut up about Windows XP. In case you haven't realized, we are NOT going to make the fujinet flasher work with it. You are welcome to try yourself, good luck. And while you are at it, try to read the topic of a forum thread before you post to it. Half the time your posts don't relate to the topic at hand. You continually ask about cp/m or some other bullshit in completely unrelated thread. Back on topic... I'm confident that someone who understands CP/M and NZ-COM internals would be able to make something work. The first thing you could do is at least take a look at the source code for FujiNet runcpm. You claim to know a little coding so maybe it will make sense. Runcpm is in this dir and it gets started in here when you call 'ATCPM'. You just have to follow the functions (that's what I do and I'm not a programmer). If you can get over your fear of a modern operating system, there are instructions to setting up the build system for FujiNet on the wiki. Don't even think about asking for help to get it running on windows xp. If I understand correctly, you are hinting that new functions can be added to support whatever it is that NZCOM is trying to do. Sounds like @Kyle22 should read that ZCPR3 manual and attempt to add some new functionality to runcpm. I will not be reading any CP/M or ZCPR3 or NZCOM manuals. I am done with this NZCOM project unless someone who cares provides something useful to go on.
  23. I have asked the RunCPM developer and unfortunately NZCOM won't work with it. Case closed. This is his response:
  24. Without the failed file it's hard to say what happened. If it does happen again, please upload the file here so we can try to figure it out. Until it happens again, I'll consider it a fluke I *think* CTRL+1 does that. If not, try searching the forum
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