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DarQ Massacres

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Everything posted by DarQ Massacres

  1. I have quite a few manuals and that number keeps growing, but I don't have a good way of storing them for easy access as well as keeping them in good shape, I've tried having them in ziploc bags but some are too big, I was thinking comic book sleeves but those seem like they would be too big unless I got back boards as well. so does anyone have a somewhat cheap way of securing and protecting manuals?
  2. hey Vocelli, post #10 I said I got 400 points, was never added to the scoreboard
  3. first try - 350 second try - 1,850 third try - 4,400 will try to go farther as the weeks go on
  4. Dark Cavern 49,000 not very good, but still trying
  5. Bonus Basic Math I chose to use basic math because it is one of the few mathematics related games on the 2600. I am using a math game because I am currently in my first year studying to become an accountant. It uses a lot of math and I really enjoyed playing this for the quick mental math practice. Dark Cavern 21,000
  6. I'm up for anything, I hope for emulatable stuff in case I don't own it as well
  7. this event was almost 4 years ago, lol currently we are in the New High Score Club, Week 7 of Season 7 playing River Raid II http://atariage.com/forums/topic/275910-season-7-week-7-silver-medal-pick/
  8. yea, I'm done for this week, I've gotten 7 game of 400 or less, just can't get the hang of it
  9. so, there are more than 25 people in spacechase, anyone after 25 get 0 points?
  10. got a 400 before I leave for work, will try to put some more time in later, but don't really enjoy this game either
  11. I would use this, but it only shows if the score is the highest, since the rolls are counted as the highest score so I don't know if they max or roll
  12. I'm making a spreadsheet about where games max or roll, but I'm having difficulty finding the information I need, so let's get it going! I decided that the best place to get the information would be from the people with the most atari knowledge. So if you know any games that max/roll if you could post where they max/roll I would appreciate it, once I get enough scores I'll make a mock sheet to add to the post to show how far along it is and if there are scores missing. Any help is greatly appreciated
  13. I'd say photoshop, the odd amount of static would make it easy to hide, also, in Todd's original submission it was a photo was it not? Plus, the whole rundown that omnigamer did which proved it wrong
  14. for one thing, the channel was created by some random twitch streamer (link to his channel is in the description of the channel)
  15. someone posted this video and people are actually believing it is Todd posting it, I wish some people would just let this argument die.
  16. what? people beating my score on space jockey, I don't want to play it again, but I may just have to
  17. well, still no idea what I'm doing but I did something that gave me 100 points, so I guess if I can't figure anything out I at least get participation points
  18. 0? I've played 4 or 5 games of this and can't seem to figure out how to get points?
  19. Space Chase - 9,645 no picture until at least 15K
  20. early today, but here we go I just bought CS:GO, so a lot of time in that, and some smash bros STEAM CS:GO - 1,350 minutes Golf With Friends - 60 minutes XBOX ONE Fortnite - 180 minutes Overwatch - 90 minutes WII U Super Smash Bros. Wii U - 300 minutes
  21. Space Jockey - 120,040 decided to end it at 120K, this game is boring but simple, following pictures are every 20K with 6 lives up to 120K
  22. miner 2049er - 6,505 going to keep trying to get better with this game, not sure how well I can do, but hopefully not last place.
  23. how do you get to the high score screen? EDIT: nevermind, I found it
  24. tried about 5 more games and got to this, starting to understand how the game works frostbite - 29,730
  25. Frostbite - 1,070 Skiing - 28.36 I just don't have time to learn games anymore, hopefully later in the season I can play more, but for now, not enough time
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