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Everything posted by Hwlngmad

  1. Unfortunately, I love handhelds. However, I believe I have enough of them and really shouldn't add another. But, then again, it does offer games that other platforms don't, so there is that. Maybe I will get one, maybe not. But, either way, the Playdate has been a success and I am glad to see it. There is something to be said for having niche gaming platforms and that you can stay on terra firma if you have realistic goals and ideas.
  2. Kudos to Playdate. I might just have to pick one up. I also saw where they are up to 70k units sold. Granted, it is a niche item, but the device has seemingly exceeded their expectations. Makes on wonder if they will do a follow up device.
  3. Here are my totals from yesterday, 2/13. They were: Android 1) Snood - 5 minutes
  4. I think a mini ST would be cool. But, unfortunately, THEA500 mini and soon to be THEA500 maxi pretty much puts the kibosh on this. Stinks, but that is just way it is. But, then again, how thought THE400 would come out. We will just have to see.
  5. Here are my totals from yesterday, 2/12. They were: Android 1) Retro Bowl College - 20 minutes 2) Snood - 10 minutes N64 1) Duck Dodgers Starting Daffy Duck - 35 minutes 2) Mace: The Dark Age - 25 minutes 3) MRC: Multi-Racing Championship - 15 minutes
  6. Will try and give these a go soon. I did try to play Daemon Claw on my Steam Deck OLED, but to no avail. Will try it again as well as Octarace.
  7. Here were my totals from 2/9 to 2/11. They were: Android 1) Monopoly Go! - 30 minutes 2) Ouroboros King Chess Roguelike - 20 minutes 3) Retro Bowl College - 15 minutes 4) Snood - 15 minutes N64 1) Automobili Lamborghini - 20 minutes 2) Bomberman 64 - 15 minutes 3) Dr. Mario 64 - 36 minutes 4) Iggy's Reckin' Balls - 25 minutes
  8. Yesterday's (2/8) totals: Android 1) Chessplode - 15 minutes 2) Pawnbarian - 45 minutes
  9. Yesterday's (2/6) totals: GBA 1) Mario vs. Donkey Kong - 40 minutes PC 1) Super Blood Hockey - 10 minutes
  10. Cool. Will check out the demo on Steam for sure. Appreciate it what you do as always.
  11. My times yesterday (2/5) were: PC 1) Pac-Man Museum + - 27 minutes 2) Super Woden GP II - 12 minutes
  12. Yeah, the unis are horrible in RBC. Really a bit of a shocker considering how they did an exceptional job in original game. Though, to be fair, RBC has a crap ton more teams. Still, you think they could have done a better job.
  13. I, also, took over Hawai'i in one of my saves and have built them up to be a powerhouse.
  14. My times from 2/2 to 2/4 were: Android 1) Retro Bowl - 45 minutes Game Boy 1) Bomberman GB 3 - 15 minutes Genesis / Mega Drive 1) Side Pocket - 20 minutes
  15. Yesterday's (2/1) totals: Gameboy Color 1) Bomberman Quest - 15 minutes Gameboy 1) The Real Ghostbusters - 25 minutes Android 1) Retro Bowl - 25 minutes
  16. Yesterday's (1/30, since I already listed 1/31 by accident) totals: Genesis / Mega Drive 1) Mega Bomberman - 50 minutes 2) Megapanel - 5 minutes Neo Geo 1) Metal Slug - 5 minutes Android 1) Retro Bowl - 25 minutes
  17. Yesterday's (1/31) totals: NES / Famicom 1) Addams Family - 10 minutes Game Boy 1) Monster Max - 30 minutes Sega Master System 1) Secret Commando - 5 minutes
  18. 100% agreed. I recognize how it changed things and the wake that came after its introduction. But, the original game, just doesn't work for me. And that is all good. I am glad that people are still playing it and enjoying it to this day through collections like this.
  19. As much as I love Pac-Musuem + and playing the various titles in it, I still don't like the original Pac-Man. Granted, there are lots of other "Pac-Man" games that I like. But, the original, I don't have any need and/or desire to play it.
  20. Same. I pretty much play games from 1977 (i.e., Atari 2600) onward.
  21. Per Wikipedia, "While sharing a name with Taito's earlier NES cartridge Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements, the two games are otherwise unrelated".
  22. Yesterday's (1/29) totals: PC 1) Bang Bang Racing - 30 minutes 2) Pac-Man Museum + - 70 minutes 3) Super Blood Hockey - 30 minutes Arcade 1) Night Slashers - 40 minutes
  23. Here are my times from 1/26 to 1/28. They were: Android 1) Retro Bowl - 70 minutes 2600 1) Cosmic Swarm - 10 minutes 2) Real Sports Soccer - 15 minutes 3) Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator - 15 minutes Arcade 1) Dungeon Magic - 15 minutes 2) Dynasty Wars - 15 minutes
  24. Yesterday's (1/25) totals: Android 1) Retro Bowl - 35 minutes Sega Master System 1) Kung Fu Kid - 20 minutes Arcade - CP System 1 1) Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy - 15 minutes
  25. That's a solid list. If this thing can be loaded up with additional games then, while the initial buy-in ($130) might be a little high, it would be more than worth it for fans of the platform and/or those wanting to take a deep dive into it without a lot of hassle.
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