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Everything posted by ColecoJoe

  1. Yeah but Spammers don't adhear to those rules. <-- see what I did there
  2. Email him. It's on the website, and he'll send you a list of available games.
  3. I think he burnt himself with the soldering iron while working on a colecovision.
  4. I feel bad for the people that are going to go and the vendors ... even without this drama I always thought this convention was going to be a ghost town.
  5. Haha, catching up on the Facebook posts, this one is gold
  6. Discuss what? It seems he just wants to tell you what you need to do to make this right. It's over, there is no way in hell Coleco can repair this.
  7. I'm just starting to get angry now and I know that Chris is just trolling at this point. =) And call me bias but I really don't want to hear his side of the story anymore and don't care what he has to say about it. Coleco Holdings has nothing to do with my ColecoVision collection or enjoyment. I cringe at the thought of another reply from Chris, as funny as it might be, the last one made me vomit.
  8. Yeah I think this thread should have been locked after Al's post.
  9. Does Chris hit the bottle or the pipe before he posts .... that grammar is atrocious for a business man.
  10. Somebody help me, i'm starting to feel sorry for this guy
  11. He kind of looks like Corey Feldman ... and by that I mean, a douchebag
  12. WOAH!!! Watch out dude, I think Coleco might own that melody
  13. For original games youtube videos aren't enough. If there was a way to demo the games I think that would be a big plus for original content.
  14. Not to mention you need US to buy your products. I'm totally put off by this and would never purchase anything official from Coleco now, and from reading CC's posts here and on Facebook i'm not sure this is a repairable relationship between Coleco and the community.
  15. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/265725-the-colecovision-trademark/?p=3764586
  16. I hope all this work you're doing to expose isn't taking away time from completing Donkey Kong
  17. Ran the ram and vram test and all is fine. I am noticing a little flakiness in the power switch so maybe I need to clean it.
  18. Ahh test roms! Yes, thanks ... I didn't think about that. I'll try this weekend.
  19. Hey Guys, I have 2 Popeye cartridges that load up on my CV but both won't play. The game starts fine and I am able to move around but Bluto never moves from his start spot and Olive's hearts rush out super fast and I die within a few seconds. I also have a AtariMax SD and the same thing happens when I try to play the ROM. The Rom plays fine on emulators. Could there be a problem with my CV?
  20. That's funny, I was just thinking the same but was also interested in if there were any documentaries or books on sound creation for these games? I found Beep but I get the impression from the trailer that it will cover more modern sound creation. Can anybody recommend Beep or know of any other films out there or books on the topic? Sorry didn't mean to hijack your post Joey
  21. Another happy customer. Byte Knight's work is top notch and he is a very friendly guy that always answers your questions. I got mine in 6 days! If you're still on the fence I recommend jumping off right away!
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